This is the love of Lord Michael. Like many others, he is a Prisoner of Love to the life he serves.
As we mention in the article titled, The Michael-Mary Connection, the Spirit of Ma'at requested answers from Ronna Herman to a comprehensive list of questions about AA Michael and the Archangels.
What follows includes answers that Ronna Herman has given us from her vast storehouse of information and experience over the years as a channel for Archangel Michael.
In other cases, what you will read is directly from Archangel Michael, in his words.
The source of all of the answers that follows is clear in the text.
Q: What are Archangels? How are they different from regular angels? What is their purpose.
Ronna: Three distinct types of Intelligent Life — Angels, Humanity, and Elementals — were brought forth to unfold their God Natures on this special Planet Earth. Their combined energies were ordained to weave the spiritual bridge to tie the Earth to the Heart of God.
The Angelic Host of this universe came forth under the direction of the twelve great Archangels who came from the Great Central Sun. They are the link between Humanity and our Father/Mother God, the Supreme Creator.
The Elohim, builders of form, project the mental aspect of the Creator, and are the cocreators of manifested worlds using universal Light substance. They are projectors of primal life.
The great Archangels represent the individualized aspects, attributes, and qualities of the Supreme Creator. They bring forth the fuel that is used to build worlds. They project the "love nature" of the Creator. They are the messengers who bear the Divine Decrees of God. And they come forth on Earth to interact with Humanity in greater force and number during times of great change and evolution.
The Archangels and all of the Great Beings of Light carry a greater amount of "God Essence" than we do. We are, in a sense, refracted facets of these wondrous Beings.
Q: AA Michael seems to be the "leader" among the Archangels. What is his exact role? How are the other Archangels distinguished from one another?
Ronna: Each of the seven major Archangels of our Solar System, including Michael, embodies and radiates particular aspects, qualities, and virtues of the Creator. These qualities are referred to as the Rays (see also The Mystery of the Seven Rays). They are the attributes of the One God.
Archangel Michael is Guardian Overlord of the Angelic Host, Defender of the Word of God, Lord Protector of the programs and creations of the Lords of Light, and Guardian Protector of the Priesthood of Melchizedek and of this Universe.
He is the Lord of Light who works with Archangel Gabriel for the restoration of spiritual and galactic realms. He is sometimes called the Prince of Angels, and sits at the right hand of God.
Michael is the Archangel of the First Ray — the Ray of Power, Protection, Faith, and Will. Archangel Faith is his feminine counterpart.
Each Archangel and Ray overlights Humanity and the Earth in 2,000-year cycles. The predominant Ray at this time is the Seventh Ray, whose Archangel is Zadkiel (feminine Amethyst). It is the Ray of the Violet Transmuting Flame and supplies the energies of ceremonial order, freedom, redemption, and purification.
The First Ray, radiated by AA Michael – the Divine Will to Create – is the secondary influence in these times. (Note: The other Archangels, and their feminine aspects, associated with the Seven Rays are: Second Ray of Service – Jophiel/Christine; Third Ray of Manifestation – Chamuel/Charity; Fourth Ray of Harmony – Gabriel/Hope; Fifth Ray of Science – Raphael/Mary; Sixth Ray of Devotion – Uriel/Aurora Grace. —Ed.)
Through many succeeding cycles of time, as Ray after Ray provided the pathway for the descent of new Spirits, Lord Michael has remained as the Guardian Overlord of the Angelic Host, the Elemental Kingdom, and Humanity. He shall not fold his Cosmic Wings about him to return home until the final Angelic Being is freed, the last Human is redeemed, and the last Elemental is returned to its perfect state.
This is the love of Lord Michael. Like many others, he is a Prisoner of Love to the life he serves.
Q: Why do we seem to be "inundated" with angels today?
Ronna: Now, as the New Age is dawning on the Earth, with it comes a fiat from the Eternal to unite the Kingdoms of Angels, Humanity, and the Elementals in conscious cooperation in an endeavor to fulfill the Divine Plan.
In obedience to this fiat, the Archangels are coming closer to us, bringing not only their Love, their Radiance, and their Service, but also a description of their world and their works and activities, helping us to remember our heritage, the lineage from whence we came. The Archangels and Angelic Kingdom have broken their Cosmic Silence for the first time in many thousand years and opened the door to their realms of consciousness and radiation to all those of Humanity who choose to accept their presence and their gifts.
Q: How are Archangels different from us in consciousness?
AA Michael: Beloved masters, we are all that you are, and we are also much more. We are in constant attunement with the God Mind and our Will is in perfect harmony with the Creator's Will. This is one of the major differences between the Angelic Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. We exemplify Unconditional Love and we bask in the sweet loving energy you send to us.
Our greatest desire is to serve Humanity and to assist each of you on your path toward enlightenment.
Q: What is like to be an Archangel?
AA Michael: We have the ability to create a multitude of wondrous things instantaneously. However, we know that being cocreators with the Creator means using our gifts and abilities for the greatest good of all and in harmony with the Divine blueprint.
We have great compassion for Humanity and the trials and tribulation you are experiencing on Earth, but we can only intercede within the framework of universal law and when you align your will with the Creator's Will.
We have distinct personalities, and we also have our personal preferences and ways of doing things. Although we are androgynous, we often portray the attributes and qualities of one gender or the other. We can focus our consciousness on thousands of you at once, and we hear all your prayers and petitions.
We see all things from a higher vantage point and know that ultimately ALL will be lifted and returned to their perfect estate. As it was in the beginning, it will be again.
Q: How do angels see us as human beings?
AA Michael: We see your radiance — or lack thereof — and we are aware of the vibrational patterns you emit, both positive and negative. Our connection to you and interactions with you become stronger as your auric field becomes more harmonious and you return to balance or are no longer projecting discordant energies.
Our love for you is unconditional and eternal.
Q: What is Humanity's relationship with the angelic kingdom?
AA Michael: We of the angelic realms are functioning in the capacity of a transition team, you might say. We are the messengers of the Creator, and in times of great transition we are sent out as the advance guard to relay and transmit the thoughts of the God Mind to all of you in a way you can understand — a way that is acceptable to every race, religion, and culture.
We have always had an intimate relationship with Humanity, but you have been in a slumber and could not easily tap into our refined frequencies. We have always assisted you and protected you in whatever way was available to us or permissible within the laws of free will. However, because of the density of your Earth and your own auric fields, you were hardly ever aware of our presence.
And so, Beloved Ones, call on us, and we will answer and assist you, but also maintain or strengthen your relationship with whatever Avatar, Christed Being, or Ascended Master you relate to and resonate with.
We know we all have an integral part to play in this grand scheme, and we always work in harmony and synchronicity with each other, just as we are endeavoring to teach you to do.
Q: I feel called upon to work with AA Michael. Can you advise me about doing this most effectively?
Ronna: A true master of the First Ray walks softly, speaks his or her truth, is assertive but not aggressive, and carries Archangel Michael's symbolic flaming sword of power and strength, tempered by love and compassion.
Accepting the gift of Lord Michael's sword of Diving Will, Truth, and Valor means always using God's Word and Law to eliminate error and overcome adversity. It will guide and protect you as you move through the shadows of illusion into the eternal Light of Truth.
After you have earned the right to once again use the energies of the First Ray, you can activate and enhance its powers by visualizing a ray of brilliant blue light, tinged with flames of deep red. Bath yourself in this beautiful energy by standing in a beam of this Divine Light. Use with moderation, however, as this Ray can be very intense.
AA Michael: My Brave Warriors, it is time for you to reclaim your birthright. Remember, you agreed to be a part of the great experiment on Planet Earth, and you promised to be our representative on the physical plane so that we could radiate our love and energy to Humanity.
Before you embodied the first time, we gave you a symbolic sword — the sword of Divine Will, Truth, and Valor. Use that sword to sever any discordant energies that are keeping you shackled to the illusion of the third dimension. Claim your symbolic wings, Beloved, and come, soar with us.
Accept the gift of Divine Will and Power we offer you as you strive to reclaim your mastery. Allow the love we feel for you to radiate forth from your heart center to those just awakening.
Together, we will spread the Light into the darkest corners of the Earth and into the deepest recesses of the hearts of Humanity.
Archangel Michael
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