Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Archangel Metatron: Solar Flares the Sources Code for Ascension

It is I Archangel Metatron, Lord of light and unconditional love. We have discussed many times that in this period of linear time you are transitioning into a higher dimension. Your energy and the body you are residing in has been operating at a lower vibrational energy than the dimension you are headed for. The mechanics, RNA/DNA have been geared to accommodate 3rd dimension lower vibratory life. You are currently transitioning through the higher octaves of the 3rd into the 4th dimension and are headed for the 5th dimension and beyond.

Let us remember that a dimension is a range of vibration and awareness that your light energy is expressing itself in. You and all other things within the universe are light energy vibrating at general frequency. The physical reality you are co-creating and expressing yourself in is base in a range of perception for the conscious light energy you are. The physical means of perception in your reality are based within your genetic code. So for your physical body to transition into a higher level of vibrational awareness the DNA/RNA codes of your spiritual and physical body must be modified for the new level.

We tell you that you and your earth, Gaia are ascending into a higher vibrational awareness. You who make the choice to move with Gaia are having your genetic codes modified by the source, All That Is. The central sun of your solar system is directly connected to the central sun of your universe. Within this connection signals and codes are emitted into your system. The great solar flares you are experiencing contain the signals for the modification of your DNA/RNA upgrades.

In order for you to ascend into the next level of awareness you have to make the choice to ascend. In making this conscious choice you send a signal to your body that you want your genetic codes to upgrade for ascension. This is the only way that your body can accompany your true spiritual light energy that is you into the next vibrational dimension of awareness.

There is a host of ascension symptoms that are associated with the transformation of your body. Each individual will react differently based on their makeup and where they are in the ascension path. Some of the symptoms are as follows:

1. Loss of energy and a need for more rest than normal.
2. Sinus headaches and pressure in the forehead.
3. Pain or pressure in the crown or back of your head.
4. Hair loss in the crown area of your head.
5. Soreness and pressure on your shoulders and back.
6. Joints aching especially in the shoulders.
7. Loss of time and focus, spaced out feeling.

These symptoms and others will be heightened during solar flare activity. Once again your symptoms will vary and change with the progression of ascension.

We the Angels and Ascended Masters call for you to ask us for help. We can not act without you asking due to free will.

I am Archangel Metatron and I send you the unconditional love of the infinite creator!

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