We come to you to speak of the great
gift of connection with our brothers and sisters of the light. We can
call on them with the intent to create our ascension and the ascension
of Gaia, mother earth. Several times throughout the day we can call on them for
their love and support. They are our brothers and sisters and they will share the
great strength of their love within and through the heart of ONE.
We have been within the lower
vibrations for so long we have forgotten our connection to the heart
ONE , our creator. We have forgotten our connection to each other and
all the rest of creation around us. The Angels, Archangels and
Ascended Master are supporting us in our transition into the heart of
ONE. In this "Now" time in our journey we are moving from 3rd
dimensional lower energies into the 5th dimensional energies
of love and connection. With the grace of the new transitional energies we are once again co-creating and working together with these great Beings of Light. This unified grand awakening flows toward the creation of unconditional love for all.
This transition requires us to release
the old energies and move into the higher vibrations BEING
of Divine
Through the love and forgiveness we give ourself and through the
light and love of the Angels and Master we can cut the cords of the
older ways and move into the new. By yourself this can seem to be an
impossible task. By
calling on the a Angles, Ascended Masters and the heart ONE you form
a council of light that works as a team with you toward the
co-creation of your ascension.
great Beings of love are here to assist us with our transition. They
have been given direction through the heart of ONE, our creator to
insure that we are being helped into the next level of awareness. How
to get their guidance and love is through understanding of free will
and choice. Free will and choice is the universal law of our
movement through the heart of ONE. All light Beings respect and
observe this law and operate in connection with you and all others in
respect to choice. In
other words, you have to ask them for help and guidance in the
co-creation of your ascension. How much energy you put behind your
request also plays an active role in the movement and success of your
request. Let go and let your co-created manifestations be brought
into your reality. Ask your council of light for guidance as you need
should state our intent to ascend and request for help and
co-creation of ascension daily. We should meditate and receive
channeled information from our council of light throughout the day. In opening our heart we will see the manifestations and gifts
that are being brought into our lives through our connection with the
higher realms. We have let go of the need to force anything into our
life and know the universe will brings all that we need into our
reality. Then we are awake, aware and fully conscious of how the
creation system works in letting go and letting God run the show.
is the Mastery that you want with the heart of ONE.
council of light, the Archangels, Angels of the realm of truth and
the Ascended Masters send you gifts unconditional love, peace, joy and abundance though the heart of ONE!
Copyright ©2011–2013 mylightwarrior. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.http://mylightwarrior.blogspot.com/
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