Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Archangel Michael: Step up, Step out and venture to be happy in each moment

We applaud you, we encourage you and we are inspired by you. Such great feats of love and aspiration abound within you. We wish for you to see this in each other and to take part in sharing joy and gratitude between each other. It is a time for you to join together and build a life together in truth and light. Step out of the old ways and jump off into the new. Live your lives with an approach to happiness now.

We are urging you to take each others hand and speak to each other about the wonderful creation you are about to make. Look to each other and give gratitude to each other for you are all the co-creators on a new joyful experience. Forget about not having and have a vision of plenty and when someone lacks something, help them if you can. We are speaking of the new way to approach life with joy and exuberance for living.

It is time to break the old ways and habits of the past and step into a new world of love and happiness. How we do this is seeing ourselves in joy each day. With this vision of joy we let go of all the old things that are holding us back. We are learning to be happy in each moment and let go of the fears of the past. Do you not see the beauty of the new world coming to pass. Even those who are dwelling in the lower vibrations know there is a great change afoot. For those of you reading these words it is know that a profound change in occurring.

Step up, Step out and venture to be happy in each moment. Worry not for the changes that are happening and live life in each and every moment. As your world speeds by and chaos abounds see yourself as peaceful and loving in each moment. Open your hearts and believe that the father in heaven will provide. Let go and let God into your life and be a light of joy for all others. In doing this action you will ascend into the heart of ONE. 

The love and light you are stepping into does not require some complex happening. It only needs you peace, love and compassion for each other. The light grows in you as you let go of all the old lower energies and move into the energies of joy and bliss. When you love and forgive yourself and others you move into a higher awareness. An act of unconditional love takes place when you make a bridge of peace for others to walk on. As the other walks the bridge and you stretch you hands any forgiveness needed will come through. As you grasp their hand unconditional love will conquers all other needs.

We are encouraging you not to worry so much about how things will happen. We are asking you to live your life in peace from moment to moment. We are asking you to be a bridge for other to cross into the new world. All of these things you should do in peace, joy and harmony with each other.

I AM Archangel Michael and I pronounce that joy and happiness will abound throughout your world!

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