Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ascension and Revealing Soul Family /12SacredTribes.html raisingmaldek/sacredagreements.html

We are each part of a soul group of approximately 12 souls, and part of a soul family of approximately 144.

There is a very defined ‘soul structure’.

144,000 souls to an I AM

144 I AM’s to an Oversoul

12 Oversouls to a Source

The 12 Over souling governing bodies are from 144 very distinct others.

The 12 faces of souls are 12 physical incarnations.

For ascending purposes, all will be brought together.

For ascension work – Planetary Templar and World Service roles and responsibilities.

When you were ready to incarnate on Earth, after greatly stepping down your vibrations, you were in a Monad/I AM Presence grouping of only 144 souls, consisting of twelve facets/Sparks that divided into twelve. You have interacted with those 144 Sparks down through the ages, dancing to the beat of duality, and playing different roles for each other as you sought to return to harmony and balance.

This is not to say that you do not interact with other groupings, but you seek out your intimate soul family, not only to support you, but to interact with in a multitude of ways. In the past, you have not often come into contact with those in your immediate family of sparks or your unit of twelve. Relationship within this group are usually too intense, and you support each other in other ways, often from the higher realms of existence. In other words, you are not all incarnated on Earth at the same time.

We will give you a simplistic overview of each of these twelve great Monadic Beings, and hopefully, through your greater understanding, you will be able to determine which group or tribe, as we have chosen to call them for this teaching, you are functioning within during this important lifetime.

In the highest realms of this universe, you experienced Creation as a Monadic Group which was composed of either First, Second, or Third Ray energies before you descended into this galaxy (Rays Four through Seven are sub-rays of the Third Ray). Then you experienced the galaxy as a group Monad in which there was a mix of First, Second and Third Ray.

Here, you joined together in individual groups or soul families that were composed of a certain number of each of these first three Rays (not in equal proportion, however), which also brought to the group a great variety of universal experience. Many have called these groupings “Task Companions” and that is what you were. You mixed and melded your energies and attributes so that when the proper time came, you would recognize your “Tribe” through your intuition and vibratory resonance there would be a certain soul signature that would drawn you together.

You were then gathered into the auric circle of Light of your Galactic Monad, and from there through your solar system I AM Presence, you fragmented into lesser and lesser sparks of consciousness as you devolved into the fifth-, fourth-, and third-dimensional experience.

You were destined to come together again in the physical or in your astral travels, and you would join together to create a vortex of energy that is greater than the sum of its parts. This melding would reinforce, support, and assist each of you on your chosen path, whatever that may be. It is the beginning of returning to Unity Consciousness. This phenomena is happening all over the world at this time.

What we wish for you to understand is that you have spent much more time in unity consciousness than you have in the greatly diminished, individualized consciousness which you now identify as yourself. The past lives that you have had in this solar system and on planet Earth are just a minuscule portion of what is in your memory banks and who you really are. It was only when you and the Earth sank into the density of the third/fourth dimension that you lost the memory of your connection to each other and Source.

Yes, you have gained much knowledge as you journeyed forth on your own grand adventure, and now it is time for you to come together as members of your tribe or soul family to share the wisdom you have all garnered down through the aeons.

In the Soul Family structure are many Divine Agreements of what we are to be or do for Ascension and for each others personal ascension. One may also find their Ascending Partner and / or Beloved in the Soul Family, or in the immediate Soul Family of one who is in yours. As you have a specific group of 12, so has all the other 11 members in your family. Their Soul Family, will have themselves, you, and another 10 of entirely different members.

One can reveal all 11 with a pendulum, or muscle-testing.

As you reveal the other 11, you may already know them. You may have been friends or associates, for many years, you may even be married to one of them. Or they maybe relative strangers sitting in your email address/contacts list, waiting to be noticed. Somehow, somewhere – soul WILL bring us together.

The ascension work may be as an individual, or a small group, or the whole group. Sometimes much of the work done as a sole individual is only done because others in the group haven’t awakened enough to be brought to their agreements and so forth.

Many are missing these sorts of opportunities to be in Divine Service to Terra and All That Is, simply through a lack of tools. Tools to authenticate, interpret, clarify. It will be through the use of tools that will define your 11 Soul Family members. Who they are today. What you maybe doing together as a couple, or in small groups. This is the purpose of revealing your Soul Family, to further your knowledge of your Sacred Agreements and many World Service ascension responsibilities.

You may have to inform another of some of these responsibilties – as this is what they have asked you do before incarnating. And this is what we have agreed to do and be for each other. But we have forgotten.

You may find it just as difficult as I did. Many will not know about ascension, and may even find ascension difficult / impossible to read. Some will think they know ascension, but do not. Some are not ascending, even though they may think they are. A few will attest their guidance is enough – but their guidance is somehow not healing them, nor guiding them to fully understand the healing / crystalline conversion dynamic and authentic ascension. And some may even start their ascension, and find it too difficult – so lay it aside. Not really understanding the ramifications of their potential ‘key’ position in Earths Ascension.

Some will just not be interested, assume it is not for them.

Ascension is the only reason for the existence of Soul. To descend into a species, have the experience, and evolve / ascend the specie. Ascension is pure Evolution. The final, supreme evolutionary journey from the 3rd dimension. All those who are ensouled – Ascension IS for them. However humanity is now bound by so many etheric devices and implants which prevent them from reading and understanding, or even seeing the correct path. This causes them to turn away from the very thing they have been seeking every incarnation.

And the worst is yet to come… For as we move fully into our ascension, we have what is called an ‘Ascending Jurisdiction’. And this jurisdiction is to awaken those to ascension. This is our Soul Jurisdiction, this is what YOUR Soul would expect of another, and it is what ANOTHER Soul would expect of you.

But unfortunately we are not talking ‘soul’ now – we are talking mental / ego mind, that the physical self is bound by.

This is why in this ‘ascending jurisdiction’ one is mentored, guided by Terra, Nature and Source to wake another. Mainly because of the unconscious harmfulness perpetrated by those who do not know the difference between a harmful / polarity thought and a harmless / Unity thought.

Be guided by your pendulum or muscle-test who are in your Soul Family, and you will have a greater realization, and purpose, of why you were to meet.

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