Monday, April 9, 2012

Benjamin Fulford 4-10-12…”Bernanke and Geithner are still trying to cash bad checks”…”Message to David Rockefeller et al: ‘you are gangsters not celestial beings.’”

“These people… thought they could buy off Japan, their largest creditor, with $10 trillion, a mere 1/60th of the money they were planning to spend. Even that tiny share of the money could only be spent pending approval from a secret committee that reports directly to “celestial beings.” Message to David Rockefeller et al: “you are gangsters not celestial beings.” 

“…the fact that the Federal Reserve Board finally sent somebody directly to the White Dragon Society in Japan is a clear sign they want to negotiate peace.”

So that quote was a highlight for me. I do not know who was this ” secret committee that reports directly to ‘celestial beings’”, or if that was a sarcastic comment about the ones making a claim to have $600 trillion ready to go to “help humanity”. Since so much is going on out there in the world (celestial) soap opera right now, who knows.

But the second part of that quote would indicate that “the Fed” people are feeling such heat that they have to negotiate. However, I would have MAJOR qualms (doubts) about any system that involved ANYONE from “the Fed”, as Ben discusses at the end of this article (namely, “As this is being written the White Dragon Society is awaiting a counter-proposal from the Feds”).

But, then there are dark hats turning to White Hats. What a circus. Be sure to buy some peanuts here and see the bearded lady and the sword swallower before you leave. Only $600 trillion a ticket.

  • It appears that both the so-called “dragon family,” and the “harmonious world banking system,” are just the same criminal godfathers that Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner have always worked for.

  • The problem is that the same crooks who have been spreading biological mass murder weapons and carrying out countless other unfathomably evil acts are now saying they will be doing good.

  • Here is what the world has to say to you murdering crooks: “you are fired.”

  • …two individuals… claiming to represent the “dragon family royal society”… said they had $600 trillion waiting to be distributed to the world…

  • The problem is that the representatives from the “dragon family royal society” claimed to represent Asian royal families.

  • We asked that they get a formal letter… to prove they were speaking the truth… [then] their representatives dropped out of sight.

  • Message to David Rockefeller et al: “you are gangsters not celestial beings.”

  • The “dragon family royal society,” that has been putting its name out there refers mainly to the Merovingian European Royal bloodlines, not Asian royal families.

  • The CIA’s own research and historical treaties indicate the rights [to global collateral accounts] were originally given to Indonesian President Sukarno and are now held by his nephew Eddy Sukarno.

  • …a counter-proposal… Japan could legally offer $80 trillion or over $100,000 to every man, woman and child on the planet.

  • The White Dragon Society is proposing doing this by setting up a transparent new agency, manned by an international staff of some of the most intelligent people on earth.

  • In any case, the fact that the Federal Reserve Board finally sent somebody directly to the White Dragon Society in Japan is a clear sign they want to negotiate peace.

  • As this is being written the White Dragon Society is awaiting a counter-proposal from the Feds.

  • Hopefully there will be further progress in negotiations this week.


Bernanke and Geithner are still trying to cash bad checks

It appears that both the so-called “dragon family,” and the “harmonious world banking system,” are just the same criminal godfathers that Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner have always worked for. They are running around now claiming they have 600 trillion dollars inside the Federal Reserve Board computers ready to be used for “humanitarian projects worldwide.” Indeed both Eijiro Katsu, top bureaucrat at the Japanese Ministry of Finance and Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa have confirmed the money is sitting there inside the Federal Reserve Board computers. The problem is that the same crooks who have been spreading biological mass murder weapons and carrying out countless other unfathomably evil acts are now saying they will be doing good. The fact of the matter is that the owners of the Fed are a bunch of gangsters who murdered, bribed and lied their way to the top of the planetary power system only to preside over the a largest mass extinction event (including both humans and nature) since the dinosaurs were wiped out. Here is what the world has to say to you murdering crooks: “you are fired.”

This latest twist in the ongoing financial war came as two individuals (whose names we promised to keep off the record) came to Japan claiming to represent the “dragon family royal society.” They said they had $600 trillion waiting to be distributed to the world and that this could be confirmed by punching a certain access code into the Fed “Black Screens” or “Euroclear screens.” We used considerable political capital to get Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa and top MOF honcho Eijiro Katsu to confirm the money was indeed sitting inside the Fed computers.

The problem is that the representatives from the “dragon family royal society” claimed to represent Asian royal families. They said a man by the name of Hiroshi Nakano was the real power behind the Japanese throne and that he could confirm this. We asked that they get a formal letter from one of the public members of the royal family such as the Emperor or the Crown Prince to prove they were speaking the truth. They apparently could not because their representatives dropped out of sight.

After that, these people changed tactics and approached Shirakawa and Katsu via some individual by the name of Akihiko Deguchi and Asahi Shinbun newspaper slave propagandist Yoichi Funabashi. They managed to get a whole bunch of ex-bureaucrats to sign on to their band-wagon. Their claim to Asian royal family pedigree was reduced to saying their royal family representative was princess Masako, daughter of Trilateral Commission gangster and Rothschild controlled international court judge Hisashi Owada.

These people were so arrogant they thought they could buy off Japan, their largest creditor, with $10 trillion, a mere 1/60th of the money they were planning to spend. Even that tiny share of the money could only be spent pending approval from a secret committee that reports directly to “celestial beings.” Message to David Rockefeller et al: “you are gangsters not celestial beings.”

The “dragon family royal society,” that has been putting its name out there refers mainly to the Merovingian European Royal bloodlines, not Asian royal families.

Then of course there is the ongoing fight over who really has the rights to the global collateral accounts. The Vatican and the P2 Freemason lodge together with their allies claim it is a Cambodian by the name of R.C. Dam who has the rights. The CIA’s own research and historical treaties indicate the rights were originally given to Indonesian President Sukarno and are now held by his nephew Eddy Sukarno. We also have various Chinese and Japanese and Philippine royal dynasties making plausible claims to historical ownership of much of the gold. Most people would agree that the gold of the world ultimately belongs to the people of the world and that the true historical owners were entitled to a share.

Here is a counter-proposal based on BIS international banking guidelines. The Japanese have earned $8 trillion cash (they have paper receipts for all of this) based on selling cars, TVs, appliances etc. to the rest of the world for the past 60 years or so. According to the BIS rules, any cash deposit can be leveraged 10 times. That means Japan could legally offer $80 trillion or over $100,000 to every man, woman and child on the planet. Obviously just handing out that much cash would simply result in a bubble but the money could be delivered in the form of schools, scholarships, nature preserves, infrastructure, consumer goods and other tangible things that exist in the real world.

The White Dragon Society is proposing doing this by setting up a transparent new agency, manned by an international staff of some of the most intelligent people on earth.

This plan would in no way contradict other plans by other groups to carry out similar endeavors using other organizations. The advantage of this plan is that Japan’s legal claim to the money is water-proof and does not require extensive litigation to prove. It can be acted on right away.

The government of Japan has already signaled its willingness to set up such an agency. A lot of the money released would go towards rebuilding the gutted industrial bases of Europe and the US. Much more would go towards ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and financing an exponential expansion into the universe.

In any case, the fact that the Federal Reserve Board finally sent somebody directly to the White Dragon Society in Japan is a clear sign they want to negotiate peace.

As this is being written the White Dragon Society is awaiting a counter-proposal from the Feds. The initial response was that they would offer more money but they were still reluctant to hand over any independent control of how the money was spent.

Hopefully there will be further progress in negotiations this week. However, if not, the Feds had best remember that Friday, April 13th is coming up this week. In Asia the month April is pronounced “shi,” which means death. That means it may turn out to be an especially inauspicious day for the Western banking cabal.

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