Saturday, April 21, 2012

Message from Yeshua ~ Be in the Light

 ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.20.12

Hello dear friends, there is much talk of Ascension these days, as should be. The concept is a little abstract for some and it takes a bit of a stretch of the imagination still for some to understand and absorb. But as you know, it is not really a concept. It is your Reality staring you in the face, gripping you in the heart, and laying out a worldview that is so enticing, yet a little intimidating for some.

As time marches on, you are being prepared and inundated with such intense Light and Love that it is becoming the milieu in which you swim. And this is good, because you are getting your feet wet, so to speak. The ante is being raised, dear ones, and you are up for it, equal to the task, as they say. You were built for this endeavor, and you have all the tools at your disposal; you always have. They are being uncovered as we speak.

All around you there are Shifts. It is becoming more palpable, more apparent to many. It is becoming more common for you to be aware you are in several dimensions at once while maintaining your focus on your physical needs of the moment, of paying attention to your Now moment, which is a plethora of possibilities.

Take a moment now to ponder some questions which are presented to you with so much Love and consideration: What are you feeling in your heart at this very moment, dear ones? What is in your heart, deep within it? Do you feel the glow of Love? Is it building as we speak? Is it encompassing your consciousness?

Good, we are on the same page; we are all becoming more of what Oneness entails. For we are cut from the same cloth, so to speak, all of you and all of us residing in the Spiritual Realm along with your Galactic sisters and brothers; we are all in this together as we assist you in lifting together with Mother Earth, with your beloved Gaia, as She prepares for her ascent, which is right on schedule.

By all means, pour your Love and Light daily, minute by minute, into Her Heart as you take the Love and Light presented to you into yours. Be as grounded in the Now moment as you can be, with deep appreciation for the life you have been given, and for all the gifts you have been given in the form of opportunities for growth each day.

Whether they be unpleasant or uncomfortable, they are gifts for your transformation. Please take them in stride and transmute them with the Love and Light of your Soul, which is becoming so much brighter as you lift off the encumbrances that have been holding you down and holding you back.

We salute you for your courage and your perseverance, dear ones. Only you who have been chosen to be here during this grand time have what it takes to get the job done. And get the job done you will, as you gather more and more around you to help them awaken, to stand along beside you in this endeavor you have undertaken, this glorious endeavor of upliftment and transformation.

Your loving brother, Yeshua.

Copyright © 2012 by Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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