Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mylightwarrior: Ascending into peace through your god-self

A lot of the people I speak with now days are seeking peace and joy in their lives. They want to know how to achieve it and live it in their life. We say peace is found in the moment and is achieved by forgiveness and love for all others. We say this type of peace is unconditional and has no boundaries as a gift for all. And this is where I loose most people in the conversation.

Most folks only want to give when the giving meets a set of criteria in there mind. A lot of folks struggle with giving peace unconditionally to all others. Love and forgiveness for most folks is attached to a set of things a person believes should be in place before they offer the gift of peace to another. The stillness of unconditional peace and love has no boundaries.

How many time a day to you label something or someone? How many time a day do you seek to be right over others? How do you approach other people before you contact or speak with them? What is in your mind and how do you see the world in the moment “Now”.

We have to understand that peace is found in the moment of stillness in our hearts. Peace is obtained in letting go and letting our god selves out of the slavery that we have been in. This slavery is within your minds as ego wants and needs of illusion. These ego needs have driven us into a false sense of self preservation with almost every contact we have human or non-human alike. Our ego wants us to distrust and seek power over everyone and everything to preserve it's self worth.

The first step to peace is knowing that you are not your ego. Your ego is a programed mechanism for preservation in the material realm. Realize that the real you should be in control through your heart which is the true gateway and power of your essence. More deeply realize that you can choose to be peaceful and tell your ego to go set in the corner and behave.

A great epiphany is to understand that the 3d material system has been constructed by others to get your ego's attention. Further these controllers have designed a media and financial system to lock in your ego's self preservation system to control you.

The reversal of this system is through understanding that you should be awake and monitoring yourself through your heart instead of your ego. Know that your ego does not know the truth however, your heart discernment sees and knows the truth. Get in touch with your feelings and monitor your thoughts. If they are not in alignment with your god-self go into the moment and say. “I am the embodiment of peace”.

You can live in peace and harmony right now! You can approach all others if you open your heart and see them in peace without judgment. Having and giving peace is all about seeing, having and giving it in every moment and situation. It takes being consciously aware of wanting peace and moving your ego into a place of love.

Letting go of your 3d material world attachments is key to flying into a higher way of living and being. Letting go has been the toughest part of ascension for me. Let go and let God take care of you. I have heard this so many times and so have you. Peace is the essence of trust and divine love that carries you through the bumps of letting go and loving others.

Love is my greatest power, forgiveness is my strength, my heart tells all truth and peace flows for all!

Copyright © 2011–2013 mylightwarrior. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. 

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