Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mylightwarrior: The Simplicity of Ascension

Right now within all this happening and thought of ascension everyone is trying to figure out how to ascend and when it will happen. Lightworkers and alike are bantering and trying to get the word out about world changes and how to navigate them. In all of the hustle, tussle and bustle there is some confusion, stress and doubt. Let me see if I can shed a little light on this great transition we are in.

As a species we have developed a tendency to dramatize and over act in our play. We like to take things and make something out of them don't we? Well, lightworkers and others are tending to make a drama and attach a belief system to the transition we are in. Within this drama we are becoming attached and defensive about our thinking and knowledge toward ascension and other spiritual aspects of our journey. Through this attachment, disagreements and mistrust can be developed that leads to fear.

The creator and celestials are pointing toward all of us moving into unity. The path to unity is love, forgiveness and compassion. These virtues are key in moving through the transition we are in. How do we get to the core of these virtues?

** Drop the need to be right.

** Stop being offended.

** Let go of your need to win.

** Let go of your need to be superior.

** Let go of your need to have more.

** Let go of identifying yourself through your achievements.

** Let go of your reputation.

Does it not take all three virtues, love, forgiveness and compassion to drop these attachments. If you disagree with something and it irritates you do you feel the need to contest what you are disagreeing with. If you do its time to take a deeper look at yourself and discover why you are irritated.

The way to simple ascension is to stand peacefully in your power of love, forgiveness and compassion. To be a peaceful warrior is to look at all situations with love and compassion for yourself and others. The way to step into this power is through breaking the cords of our attachment to the list of ego needs above.

If you are a lightworker don't deceive yourself into thinking you are beyond the ego traps. If we have a contention with anyone or anything we need to stand in our power of peace and be an example for all others. Be peaceful, be divine and pure in this moment and each and every moment forward. If we fail, we forgive and have love and compassion for ourselves and others!

Yes, ascension is actually simple and we are trying to make it a complex transition. Don't worry about the process or when it will happen. Stand in your power of peace, love, forgiveness and compassion for all and one day you will look up and a new world will be here!

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