Monday, April 16, 2012

New Jose Escamilla Film… “UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied”… A Next Step in Disclosure?

[UPDATE 2110 HST: Highlights added (below video)] [UPDATE 1739 HST: As I watch more and more of this, this film details much of what has been done to cover up the presence of UFOs, starting back as far as WWII.]

[1720 HST] As I watch this, I am viewer number 17. I’ve just received a notification about this video release from Jose. I believe one point of this video is in part to present evidence for UFOs from cameras that record frequencies beyond that visible to the human eye, namely UV, or infrared. I am posting this without having seen the complete video, to “get it out there”. Enjoy.

Selected Highlights [hr:min]

  • 1:08 Levels of “need to know”

  • 1:09 Prescott/GHW Bush

  • 1:10 Eisenhower and Military Industrial Complex; National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

  • 1:11 Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO)

  • 1:15 Use of threat teams to coerce/eliminate; James Forrestal (Sec’y of Defense)

  • 1:21 Origin of various “Terrorist Groups” plan, 1977

  • 1:24 Aliens are not an enemy.

  • 1:29 Story of Stan Meyer (water-powered car)

  • 1:33 Comments from Tom Bearden (I met Tom in 2003; book, Energy from the Vacuum)

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