Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sananda: Open to Truth

As channeled through Fran Zepeda

April 13, 2012

I come before you today to speak of the Truth that is in your hearts, dear ones. No one can deny that you are waking up to it. The depths to which you are reaching are astounding and unequalled.

The expansion of your energy has contributed to this and you are just beginning to see the ramifications of it. Your bravery in opening up to consciousness that you have not perceived for eons is applauded and cherished by all of the Company of Heaven. We thank you for this.

Be prepared for even more widening of your energy fields. This may cause a discomfort in your physical bodies, a kind of opening that you may be unfamiliar with. All openings seem unfamiliar at first, dear ones, as you attempt to understand it from a point of reference from your third dimensional experience.

We ask you to let go of that urge or tendency to define it based on what you have experienced in your un-awakened state and be open to just being with it, without engaging your mind. With this, you will begin to activate the memories you all carry within you. Be aggressive with this to the degree of abandoning your tendency to control your frame of reference in attempting to understand.

Waking up your memories has begun with the new influx of golden energy from the Central Sun. Your DNA are becoming fully activated and you are making the rapid changeover from carbon-based structure of your physical bodies to crystalline substance.

To experience this in complete safety and confidence, it is necessary that you frequently ground yourselves into Mother Earth, with your beloved Gaia. She will hold you in Love as you share your Love with her. Becoming fully committed to ascending with Her will insure your development to a greater degree and increase your abilities to keep raising your vibration in your Ascension with Gaia to the 5th Dimension.

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