Friday, April 20, 2012

The Great Attraction


Friday, 20 April, 2012
Feel yourself being quietly drawn by the deeper pull of what you truly love - Rumi

Are you restless or anxious, aware that something big is about to happen but unsure what it is? You’re not alone. Uncertainty seems to be the new normal. I’ve been studying the astrology of 2012 for a long time now, and I understand one thing. Much will be revealed over the course of the next 10 weeks.

The passages of May and June are a feast for the senses:

Beltane (Samhain in southern hemisphere) cross-quarter gateway – May 1-5

Beltane/Wesak full moon – May 5

Annular solar eclipse – May 20

Partial lunar eclipse – June 4 (mutable grand cross, conjunct the Great Attractor)

Transit of Venus – June 5/6

Venus’ heliacal rise from the underworld – June 12/13

Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the great star Aldebaran in the pre-dawn sky – mid-June

Cancer Solstice – June 20/21

Uranus square Pluto – June 23/24 (first of seven exact squares through 2015)

The visual transits will be spell-binding, especially the annular solar eclipse and the historic Transit of Venus. On May 20, the sun will set in eclipse over parts of the western United States. The Venus transit is like an eclipse with the shadowy figure of our sister planet crossing the face of the Sun. This transit will be visible in many parts of the world. It won’t happen again until 2117.

Away We Go

The magic begins this Saturday as the Sun and Moon meet in Taurus. The new moon initiates a 28-day lunar cycle that culminates in the May 20 eclipse.

The solar and lunar cycles dovetail in early May as the Beltane cross-quarter gateway leads into the Scorpio/Taurus full moon, which is the festival of the Buddha (Wesak) in esoteric traditions. Beltane – the mid-point between the March Equinox and the Solstice in June – is the ancient celebration of rebirth and renewal, planting, fertility and community.

In Hinduism and Buddhism, the holy day of Wesak celebrates the birth, death and enlightenment of the Buddha. This Scorpio/Taurus full moon is considered the most spiritual lunation of the year. And, this year, the full moons of April, May and June are all extra-potent supermoons.

People keep asking where and when they can view the astro alignments. That depends. I’ve put together some resources to help plan viewing and ceremonial observance of these extraordinary events (links below). Some will travel to be sure they can watch. You can even download a Venus transit app for your phone!

The Eclipses

Eclipses are special alignments of Sun, Earth and Moon that happen in pairs or triads every six months. For eons, people have gazed toward the heavens to watch eclipses from public squares or sacred sites, quietly at home or in nature, away from others. These events are often accompanied by fear and anxiety as well as excitement because eclipses signal changes on the horizon. Our ancestral memory is activated when the sky darkens during the day (or night, in a lunar eclipse) as a shadow creeps slowly over the face of the Sun (or Moon). The Transit of Venus is like an eclipse, although Venus is much smaller than the Moon and appears as a small, dark circle crossing the face of the Sun.

The shadow crossings are long, slow passages, as the planets move into and out of exact alignment. The May 20 annular solar eclipse has a wide path and long durations, with the entire event taking nearly six hours. On June 4, the Earth’s shadow will cross the face of the Moon over a period of more than five hours. The next day, the Transit of Venus will take more than six hours. Check the links below for areas of visibility and timing.

Whether you can see the alignments or not, you won’t miss the energetic impact of any of these events. The frequencies have been building all year like waves in the distance. Wave after wave will reach the shore throughout May, June and beyond.

This sequence signals:

Opportunity for accelerated change (as in sudden, complete turnaround)
Illumination and integration of the shadow – the parts of ourselves we’ve sublimated. Eclipses (Venus included) are about the interplay of shadow and light.
Revelation of great mysteries, at the personal and societal levels

These are times to be in ceremony, prayer, meditation and celebration, welcoming and creating the new paradigm. The old is giving way, and the new is yet to be born.

Sudden Bursts

Eclipses break up energy patterns. They happen in six-month and 19-year cycles and signal major endings and beginnings. Areas that are often affected include jobs, relationships, housing, finances and location. The current cycle began in 1993, so issues that were up then are likely to resurface.

Eclipses affect electromagnetics associated with seismic shifts, especially with Uranus and Pluto coming to exact square in June. Expect increased seismic and volcanic activity during this period as well as another dangerous wildfire season and continued flooding.

Add to this a mutable grand cross (Sun-Moon-Mars-Chiron) conjunct the mysterious deep-space anomaly known as the Great Attractor, and specific outcomes are anyone’s guess. A region in space that lies beyond the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy (and hidden by it), the Great Attractor inexplicably draws in matter like entire galaxies at an alarming rate, yet scientists say it’s not a black hole. Its secrets are dark and alluring, and associated with the ancient mysteries like the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.

With this power-packed line-up, a series of sudden shifts are likely in our lives and our world. Where the eclipses fall in your natal chart indicate the areas of your life that will see the greatest changes. Although everyone feels the impact, people with significant placements in mutable and cardinal signs are most affected.

The Wobble

Starting when the new lunar cycle begins this Saturday, we’re in the wobble – a period of shifting electromagnetics that can feel unsettling, exciting and frightening at the same time. This effect is most intense during the two weeks between eclipses, but this year it’s likely to extend throughout June and into July because of the tense Uranus-Pluto square after the Solstice.

Ultimately, the current transition promises renewed vitality as the old crumbles away. It’s important to be grounded and practice nurturing self-care during periods of extreme volatility. Practices that may help include meditation and yoga, drumming, journaling, purifying the body with heat and steam, eating root vegetables and dark, leafy greens, and (my favorite) disconnecting from electronics and media part of every day.

Throughout this period:

Be vigilant about your thoughts and intent
Stay positive and focused
Open to new opportunities and adventures
Allow changes to flow naturally
Connect with your core being, your essence
Open to deeper and deeper love
Hold self, loved ones, the Earth and all beings in prayer

This weekend, linger in the new moon twilight of becoming. Awaken the dream. Follow your heart.

Allison Rae explores eco-spiritual dimensions of consciousness evolution through 2012 and beyond. A passionate teacher and author of several books, Allison offers individual consultations by phone, and leads workshops, retreats and sacred sites journeys with groups. Please visit her website for more information:

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/
All rights reserved.

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