Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Celestial Miracles, Energetic Bleed-Throughs and the ‘Three Days’ Period of Light

Thanks to Lisa (wolfke74) for the Image

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

The pure Logos energy being sent through the sky of Gaia at this time is beginning to become too pure to go unnoticed by you all. We ‘caution’ you to expect so very many things that you will not expect upon the initial disclosures and revelations that will be surfacing. The most noticeable and unique aspects of Gaia’s ascension into ever-purer realms of consciousness must be preceded by events of a celestial nature that show that all that is happening on your world is reflecting the ongoing ascension in progress currently.

You have not seen very many anomalies in your skies as of yet, but trust us dear souls the energetic bleed-throughs are soon to pick up as the higher dimensional etheric Logos energy being sent to your world and through your bodies is accelerating the transmutation of all that has been based in your hologram of illusion, in favor of a widespread exposure of the energies and purity of the higher realms, to manifest on your world very noticeably before you all.

There are certain aspects of the Earth changes that are and will be crucial in the developments of the energetic and etheric bleed-throughs that we speak of, and we can say that many natural disasters that have occurred as of late have cleared so very much negative energy from the grid of darkness established in such areas.

Yes, lately there have been areas of Gaia’s surface targeted by the technologies of those who would keep you all in ignorance and despair forever, and the collective Logos energy manifested by every awakening soul on Earth has once again shown to transmute the worst of the negativity that was meant and intended to occur with the use of the occult low frequency-manifesting devices that you have not yet heard fully about for the most part.

Gaia started the storms and rumblings as usual so that She could shake off so much collective density by performing such clearing actions, and it was anticipated as always that the dark souls on your world would see this potential for destruction and milk it for all that they perceived it was worth.

There has been something unique about the last few times your dark have tried to create widespread chaos through weather manipulation, and that is that in the past the technology of your extraterrestrial brethren mitigated many planned catastrophic events that did not fit in with the karmic template of the souls Living in the areas they [Illuminati heads] planned these disasters out for.

Now, it is the collective Logos energy manifested by you all that has been stopping these catastrophic events from manifesting [and mitigating the scope of damage when such things do occur.] We here in the higher realms have had to ‘interfere’ little in mitigating many of the dastardly planned chaotic events that your dark intended to use to create further widespread panic and fear, to feed the grid of darkness that is itself being transmuted at an accelerated pace.

The darkness in you all is being transmuted as this grid of darkness is transmuted, because this grid and various ‘energy spots’ that feed this grid have been the primary cause of humanities continued willing feeding of the lower dimensions and the voids of fourth density-negative.

The grid of darkness that is being transmuted has been fed and pumped-up for longer than you can imagine through the lower actions of humanity, and there are certain areas and spaces on your surface that carry the energetic imprint of events of a chaotic nature that have manifested in any given area of your time. This is what we mean when we say ‘energy spots’ because such spots hold the energies of a catastrophic or violent event in and draw events and souls of a similar vibration to such areas. This is by definition a void, but it is not a void that you can quite sense or notice.

Many will notice however, that there are certain places they go or experiences they feel in certain places that seem to get to them or agitate them more than other places. This is likely because an energy spot that has seen much brutality manifested around it is likely still holding onto those energies and attempting to draw your energies into them and mix with them, feeding the voids of fourth density-negative that such energy would be sent to.

If one can recognize these areas around them, much transmutation and healing work is recommended. Remember dear souls, much of the continued frustration and stress that you feed and that feeds you are coming from many of these voids and for the most part you have not even realized this is so. By healing and transmuting a specific area that you feel might be holding, radiating and trying to get you to feel negative energy, you will in turn make your own experiences much easier and you will find yourselves less prone to stress and frustration, and anger of any kind.

The dark souls on your world have taken to purposefully manifesting such energy spots and voids in many areas of Gaia’s surface and even below Her surface, and much of the violence that is fed in humanity is a result of the establishment of many of these energy spots and voids that we speak of. These voids were deliberately established so that the lowest and most dense energies could at any time, be influencing the majority of the collective consciousness of Earth in any given area, as they have put these voids in many areas through occult technology [and rituals] that is almost the polar opposite of the advanced and Lighted technologies you will be shown and given.

Upon the initial disclosures, such voids that have been purposefully established will be pointed out, and we will have many teams stationed at these areas bringing through the pure Logos energy that is constantly coming through the energy gates in Gaia’s sky and through your bodies.

These energy gates that have been spoken of continuously can be looked to as the perceived polar opposite of the voids and energy spots that we have just informed you of, because the energy gates are feeling and radiating very pure Logos energy that is increasing in purity every moment, while the voids established in many areas on Gaia’s surface continue to feed the low, dense emotions that have become the norm for many on your world.

With this, we come back to the discussion of the many etheric wonders that are to appear in your skies when the right ‘time’ comes. We are not going to claim that these celestial events that we speak of which will be getting the attention of many on your world, will precede the initial disclosures and of course we do not give out physical dates as to when such miraculous occurrences will be happening, for the plan for such energy to bleed-through Gaia’s skies in marvelous and miraculous ways is not a plan that is binded to your linear concept  of time and could happen at any time if humanity is proven ready to be able to absorb such wonderful energy being clearly demonstrated and shown in its full glory and beauty in your skies.

That which many have become familiar with as the Norway Spiral was not an extraterrestrial starship, it was not a hologram manifested by any souls on Earth through occult technologies, that beautiful swirling vortex of Light which manifested in your skies was a sign from the heavens and a message: to expect more miracles and figures of Light being displayed in your skies as humanity begins to collectively ascend out of the lower vibrations and begins to remember such higher dimensional, etheric wonders such as the Norway Spiral and the ’Pillars of Light’ that you have so heard about, that will be manifesting when the ‘time’ comes.

Gaia truly cannot ‘hold it in’ much longer, as She is extremely eager to express these energies and bring them through the energy gates in Her skies in not the transparent, invisible manner that such energies have been coming through, but in an full, colorful and Lighted manner so that these energies can be exposed in their full bounty, in their full glory.

Of course, every area of Gaia’s sky is occupied by these energy gates, but as has been mentioned before there are more active and pure sections of these energy gates, bringing through Logos energy that is so very pure, and such places are usually home to many UFO sightings and sightings of a similar nature as many different types of beings are routinely flying in and out of the higher dimensions established by ‘entering’ such gates, as these gates form and sustain a direct link to the higher realms where they are receiving this energy from as well as to the beings who are sending such energy to your world at this time.

These areas of Gaia’s skies that are the most potent and active in terms of the energies brought through them, are to be the hotbeds of activity for the bleed-through of the Pillars of Light and all of the other wonderful and beautiful anomalies that are to be brought through for you to witness.

Earth, and you all subsequently, are existing in a very pure area of the Cosmos at this point, and you are not only being given energy from various areas throughout this beautiful Creation, you are continually feeding off of the higher dimensional matter established in this very pure area of the Cosmos in which you are currently inhabiting in accordance with the end of your cycle of duality and the lower dimensional experience.

As such, these energies truly cannot hold and Gaia alike truly cannot wait much longer, as we are all quite eager and we perform our moment-by-moment duties with an unbounded anticipation for all that you are to be let know and for all that you are to witness and feel alike, for the most startling things you are to witness as a collective will not be in your watching the disclosure announcements.

Indeed, you are to be startled and shocked as a collective and as individuals when hearing about all that has been done to your world and about the true history of your world but eventually you will soak in such things and be ready for truths of an even greater and grander nature. You are to be exposed to and experience energies and events on your world and in your own Lives that at present would seem nothing more than an extremely pleasant dream to you.

This is all real, and it is all happening now. By this point we can all tell here in the higher realms that you on Earth do know and accept this, and we can feel that the majority of you are also ready for such changes to be brought about and at present we are all poised to wade through a very eventful waiting period. If only you could know dear souls, of just all that awaits you on your beautiful and glorious ascension paths; we cannot communicate effectively how happy you would be and how little fear you would have concerning your future, for it is every bit as wonderful and miraculous as you have been dreaming and hoping it is going to be.

The ‘Norway Spiral’ event was just a prelude to what you are to be experiencing and witnessing. Those dark souls still in their perception of ‘power’ on your world were given a clear sign by the Galactics and by us celestials alike with the appearance of that anomaly, and we can say that it certainly was not a failed rocket as was claimed. This was a beautiful, manifested celestial event, the likes of which do not compare to that which you will be experiencing with the many higher dimensional bleed-throughs that are to lay the foundation for the manifestation of the beautiful Pillars of Light, which will in turn lay more foundation for the appearance of the many ascended cities currently existing peacefully in your skies.

We ask you to make your attempts to ready yourselves for the possibility of such occurrences, because by the time this all begins to pick up and manifest, you will find that it is too late for any types of preparation, for any types of disbelief, worry, or concern that what will be happening will be of a dark nature.

The very surprise and excitement which will be garnered in the beginning of these changes will ensure that many are excited right into fear and disbelief. There will be many who will not think that what is happening is the birthing of a New Earth, and will think it is rather the destruction of the old world.

In more ways than you can currently comprehend, your world as you have known it is coming to an end. All of the lower vibrations manifested on your surface for so long – the violence, the anger, the hate, the general fed belief in separation, this is all to come to a fit and just end when humanity as a whole experiences the abundance, both of prosperity and of higher dimensional Logos energy, that you have all truly deserved to gain.

Think upon what you know as the Aurora Lights, and imagine such energies being radiated and expressed in nearly every area of Gaia’s sky. There is to be a wonderful energetic event that is to grace your world far after the initial disclosures and announcements, and this event is what many have referred to as the ‘three days of darkness’.

We should first say that this is not a set period as your concept of time would call for it to be, as by the ‘time’ this event is set to manifest on your Cosmic Calendar, your concept of time will have sped up into a near non-perception of such a concept on the part of humanity. Your own perspective will have increased and expanded vastly by such times, and the manifestation of this celestial event that we speak of will be the result of humanities readiness for such an event to transpire after you all begin to come together as the beautiful collective consciousness of Gaia that you all know you are and exist as.

The bleed-throughs and establishment of the Pillars of Light spoken of by other sources are to lay the foundation for this event occurring, and there will be what can be seen as a ‘time period’ wherein your sun will seem to be blocked out by the energies being brought through that will be shown to you in such beautiful ways that you cannot currently comprehend, but this admission does not mean that your world is going to be dark.

Yes, the energies being brought through are going to seem to block out your perception of your sun, but the very energies that will be brought through will be coming directly from the astral realms of your sun, and these energies will be so bright that they will Light up your world and expose echelons of Light that have existed right along with you in your experiences, but that you have not noticed as a collective because the very nature of the Light was too advanced for you to fathom and understand.

This event that we speak of will be one of the biggest starting-points for your collective perception of the higher realms of consciousness, as the energies that will be brought through and that will seem to block out your sun will again, expose newer and purer realms of Love and Light that have existed with you during your experience on Earth, waiting for you to gain a familiar remembrance of them and waiting for you to perceive of them fully.

With the many celestial events that we speak of including the three days of perceived darkness [again, all will be Lighted and wonderful during this time] your exposure to higher and purer realms of consciousness will be aided greatly.

Indeed, this work is and has been yours to do all along and now that you have put in so much collective and individual effort, you are to see the easiest parts of your ascension come to you in the immediate period ahead. You are to see and feel openings in yourselves along with the aforementioned opening of such pure areas of the energy gates in Gaia’s skies, and this opening up will see you gain a higher perception and awareness of so very much around you that you have been, for lack of a better term, oblivious to.

Imagine the possibility of the many celestial events which are to occur, overlapping with the scenario of the landings of craft of your extraterrestrial brethren in the Galactic Federation, along with the arrival of many Ascended Masters. Your dear Ascended Masters may choose to come to your world before the ‘three days’ period and even before the beginning bleed-throughs and Light Pillar-manifestations, and this will factor in with how much progress has been made in the informing of humanity by the time such celestial events are ready to come through to your perception and [by the time they] cannot wait any longer.

We should say that such a time is fast approaching, and we implore you to continue to make your own efforts to expand the many chakras in yourselves that see you bringing through Logos energies that you are in turn receiving from the various energy gates all throughout Gaia’s skies, where such bleed-throughs are to be occurring.

You may also see the arrival of many of your extraterrestrial brethren through these energy gates, and many displays will be made wherein starships and motherships will go through these energy gates to the higher realms that such gates are connected with and take one to, so that you can be shown many things about the nature of travel in our Cosmos that you have not known or that has seemed as mere science fiction.

Know dear souls, that you are Loved infinitely beyond measure by each and every being in the higher realms and in Earths higher astral realms who are working toward the ascension of Earth at this time. By the time the manifestation of so many wonderful things begins to pick up, the realms and voids that have fed density and unhappiness while promoting separation and hate, will have been long dissolved away and this is work that you are all doing, even right now.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes.



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