Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Awakening to Genius: Magenta Pixie Interviews Zingdad

Two of my favorite channels get together on an interview: Magenta Pixie and Zingdad. Magenta Pixie channels the White-Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine and Zingdad, Adamu of the Pleiadian Monad.  I would imagine “collective consciousness” and “monadic consciousness” probably mean about the same thing, what Grener called yesterday the “unified field.”  While I think that the particular level of consciousness of the Nine and Adamu is probably much higher than the Fifth, those who ascend to the Fifth probably receive a taste of it.

Zingdad posts extensively about Ascension at http://zingdad.com and Magenta Pixie at http://magentapixie.weebly.com/

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