Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bill Wood and Eva Moore on the Lisa Harrison Show 5-9-12… Video and MP3s

Lisa Harrison interviewed Bill and Eva on 5-9-12. Okay, I’ve already posted the 5-14-12 show of Bill and Eva, so why post this one?

First, Lisa asks some excellent questions from her perspective. And her perspective is that she has NOT been an Obama supporter, for one thing, and for her, “the ship is still out” on him. So I felt her questions and viewpoint may help many who are also NOT Obama supporters. So, sorry, O-lovers, don’t expect her to say anything like “Obama is sweetness and Light and everything nice.”

Second, this repetition of what is occurring around the US country and around the world coming from Bill Wood-Brockbrader, I feel is extremely important. Repetition. Again and again. Into the world consciousness. Positive changes are happening. Here’s the data. Sort it for yourself. But here’s the data.

One statement stood out, from 24:30 of Part 2, where Bill says,
“I cannot BS people on the momentum shift that everybody is sensing right now. There has been a very palpable shift in world wide consciousness.”

That is exactly what I felt after listening to the first few minutes of his video of 5-5-12. It felt like (to me), “That’s it. That’s it!!! We’re there. It’s happening.”

So see what you get from this one.

As always, the MP3s have been volume leveled, amped up a bit, and times match the timing on the video. 3 parts, 30 minutes (5 MB) each.


MP3s (each part, 30 min., 5 MB)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Complete show (132 min., 16 MB)

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