Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Each Advanced Builds Upon the Last – Archangel Michael via Ron Head

We offer our sincere congratulations for your magnificent success in your meditations and visionings during yesterday’s event.  We urge you to make special efforts to remain grounded now as this wonderful energy continues to make itself felt.

Allow your new consciousness to bring concepts of yourselves to your awareness that you have not allowed to surface for many lifetimes.  Allow also the energy and light to penetrate deeply into your dear mother Gaia and to spill out into the space around you, reaching out to unite with each other everywhere on this planet.  Allow your minds to understand that there is truly no limit to the extent of your energetic fields.  Understand the instantaneous connections you have with all whom you resonate with.

Draw in this light and use it to build a strong and unbreakable link between yourselves.  We offer you an image.  You and ourselves, you and Gaia, you and each other, we are one.  We are one.  Each of you contribute all you are and ever have been to the expanding consciousness we are.  The power of the light, peace, and love of this oneness cannot and will not be stopped until it manifests the world you have imagined.

Live in this new world as often as you desire each day.  Breathe it, walk in it, play in it, love it into being.  Speak about it to each other.  Focus upon it with feeling.  As things around you begin to happen now, you will be distracted at times, for they are what you have desired for so long.  Take the time often to return to your centers and ground yourselves.  Return also to your image of the new world you desire.  Allow the events around you to transpire in the most peaceful, safest, and smoothest way possible.  Bring as much light to bear on these events as you can muster.  This is the function now of the light warrior.

Find within you the reality of unconditional love.  You may be challenged to maintain this as the truth of the past is exposed.  We urge you to keep your focus on your new world as much as you are able, and to allow the old to pass away in peace.  Your old world television, radio, and print media will offer up a great deal of noise at first.  They are not yet free to do otherwise.  Many of you have completely unplugged from that influence.  More of you may want to do the same, for now.  For the time being, they are completely under control and are being used to control you.  Soon enough they will be free to return to the reporting of truth.  Some small efforts are already being seen.  In the meantime, you are all finding information that you resonate with, and interpreting it for yourselves.  This is by design, dear friends.

Watch closely now for small changes that will explode into huge long-term benefits to your world.  It took decades for the benefit of the airplane to affect your world.  It will take far, far less time for the new technologies to reach all of you.  Communication and travel are many times faster now.  Each advance builds upon the last.  So has it ever been.  And, as we have pointed out to you, your inner world operates in exactly the same manner as your outer.  Each change builds upon the last.  You are beginning to amaze yourselves.

We in our multitudes stand on all sides of you and ensure your success now.  We will speak again tomorrow.  Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/

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