Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Greece: Dump the EU Now For An Economic Recovery!

From The Daily Bell
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 – by Ron Holland

"Attempts to form a government in Greece collapsed on Tuesday, jolting financial markets at the prospect leftists opposed to the terms of an EU bailout could sweep to victory in a June election and nudge the euro zone crisis into a dangerous new phase." – CNBC

Why should the Greek people be financially destroyed and rendered destitute by forced German and Brussels EU austerity measures and more loans designed only to pay the interest on the debt to the big banks? What if the banking and media establishment are dead wrong about nations withdrawing from the Euro like they have from the beginning of the crisis? I suggest a strong economic recovery is the likely result rather than depression as forecast by experts working for the banks that have enslaved Greece.

What Would You Do?

Let's assume you were very unsophisticated regarding real estate and you lived off a $30,000 annual income. Then assume you purchased a home in the US during the Federal Reserve-created housing bubble for $500,000 with 2% down. Your real estate agent and mortgage broker said, "Don't worry. We will take care of the details." Later, you discover your signature was forged and they showed your annual income as $300,000 annually.

Now you find out the real value is only $50,000 and there are numerous liens and defects and you don't even have clear title to the asset. The bank and credit providers are threatening to take everything you have saved in your lifetime because you are behind on your loan payments.

What would you do? Given this situation most rational people would stop making payments, withdraw from the fraudulent contract and sue those who misrepresented the entire deal for fraud. This is a very simplistic version of what has happened to most nations inside the EU. The citizens never voted on or understand the contract giving away national sovereignty. The entire deal, including the sovereign debt, was fraudulent and sold so banks and politicians could benefit.

Recovery is Only Possible Outside the Euro and After Sovereign Debt Repudiation

Many EU member states should simply withdraw from and repudiate the failed monetary and political experiment that the European Union has become. In addition, Greece should repudiate the excessive sovereign debts owed primarily to German banks and restore an independent Greek currency, the Drachma, at a lower and more favorable exchange rate to stimulate tourism and foreign investment. Yes, there will be a short-term drop in the Greek economy but this would quickly be over in contrast to the EU-created death spiral Greece has been forced to endure over the last few years and that will continue into the future.

Despite all the warnings by the establishment, I urge the Greek people, as well as the suffering populations of Spain, Italy, Ireland and other nations, to dump their politicians chained to the EU and march to a different tune on the right and left.

The world knows Greek politicians are corrupt and owned by major financial interests.

Like most politicians in the West, they will tend to choose the near-term course of action that provides them the most graft and payoffs. You can't sue politicians but nations can stop paying fraudulent sovereign debts if the people press hard enough. History shows us that politicians can actually on occasion even become patriots if their political future is at risk and their financial gravy train is about to leave the station.

I believe the EU siren call for Greek austerity and bailout is just a political disguise for more fleecing of the populace through fears of government bankruptcy in order to steal more wealth and cut more benefits, while the real solution for most nations is to tax and steal less and reduce bloated programs and benefits. The way out for Greece and most other European nations is to withdraw from both the Euro and EU and do the above after repudiating the sovereign debt and becoming debt-free nations.

Even Germany Will Leave the Euro

In the final analysis I agree with my friend John Browne's forecast Friday on CNBC. He currently serves as Senior Market Strategist for Euro Pacific Capital, Inc. and also as our Chairman of the Board for Biologix Hair Inc. in Toronto.

He warned that not only would Greece and other nations withdraw from the Euro but in the end Germany is also likely to pull out and restore the D-Mark before the EU crisis has run its course.

The ultimate solution for all government debt is always pay off, repudiate or hyperinflation hence the impasse in EU Land. No nation has ever paid off their national debt, the citizens generally benefit from repudiation over hyperinflation but central banks always use inflation as the solution. Due to rather recent German history the German people will never allow any government to sanction high rates of inflation.

The EU was a vehicle designed to control all of Europe but the German people will not stand for the massive money creation and ultimate inflation necessary to preserve the failed European Union and inflate away the massive sovereign debts of nations in the EU.

Maybe History Will Repeat Itself in Reverse

Almost 100 years ago, the victorious allies and their banking elites used the Treaty of Versailles to plunder the wealth of Germany and its citizens, who were no more guilty of this terrible war than were the allies. It has not been long enough for them to have forgotten the drift towards extremism, anger at those who plundered their nation and finally, the rise of Hitler and National Socialism. The German people will surely demand withdrawal from the Euro and a return to the currency credibility of a restored D-Mark (Deutsche Mark) backed in some way by gold. The alternative is to risk a return to the 1930's and the Germans have not forgotten that mistake.

I would suggest that at the next federal election in Germany in the fall of 2013 Chancellor Merkel will likely be repudiated at the polls because of the EU problems. She and her party alliance will be forced from power as her dream for a German-led Europe through the European Union crumbles like so many grandiose plans of earlier empires. Remember, 70 years earlier in 1933 another chancellor was swept into power because of government debts, hyperinflation and outside meddling. It did not end well for Germany.

Get Out of the EU Now While You Still Can Peacefully

I know many citizens across the European Union are wondering, "How did we get here?"

They think it can't get any worse so maybe they should remain in the EU because the establishment experts warn of bankruptcy, currency crisis and the usual doom and gloom should the Euro be dumped.

As an American, I know from our history that the determination of a power elite to maintain control over taxpayer territory at any cost in terms of lives, economic destruction and violence is always far stronger than the public realizes. We are now celebrating the 150th anniversary of our Civil War that destroyed the Southern economy for a century and killed 600,000 Americans, North and South.

No, it wasn't really a civil war and the media establishment never mentions the death toll of the war. Also, the major causes of the war that had more to do with the establishment of a central bank, railroad profits and government revenue have been hidden from view.

But the winners always write the history and unless individual European nations get out of the European Union modeled on the American Union quickly, your nations may never leave without a war you are likely to lose. So get out of the Euro and EU now while you still can.

Ron Holland is CEO of Biologix Hair Inc.

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