Saturday, May 19, 2012

Precrime Raid Uncovers Enemy Combatant Homebrewed Beer Plot

Reposted from
May 19th, 2012
Via: CBS:
Annusek was released Friday morning along with four others reportedly suspected of preparing molotov cocktails. At least one other detainee was released several hours later Friday.

Kris Hermes, of the National Lawyers Guild said: “There is absolutely no evidence of molotov cocktails or any other criminal activity going on at this building.”

A tenant who agreed to host the out-of-town protesters says the police did seize his home-brew making equipment, including buckets, beer bottles and caps.

“If anybody would like some, I would like to offer them a sip of my beer,” said William Vassilakis.

The National Lawyers Guild says the warrantless raid violated their clients’ civil rights.

“It is outrageous behavior on the part of the City of Chicago,” said Sarah Gelsomino.

I guess the reason nobody from MF Global got arrested for the billions they stole is investigators are too worried about whether we get our beer and milk from small producers instead of multi-national corporations? Aren't you glad to see our police forces keeping us safe from home brewers and raw milk dairies?  -AK

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