Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sentinels Message

Through Karen Doonan | May 14, 2012


We come to guide and support as the energies now shift and change and the veils once more are dissolved for those who wish them to BE. We are here to guide and never to lead and we guide that free will is for ALL.

Those who do not wish to see the NEW will not see the new for the wishes of SELF are paramount. We guide most strongly that that you wish to experience, that which you send out to ALL that IS is what is returned manifold.

The mirrors are in use across planet earth and we guide many are using these mirrors to redirect the energies of those who are around them. To move in circles is not to expand and to grow for to move in circles is to stay within the boundaries created by the BEings who sought to contain and suppress the human race. Do you resonate with our words? Do you understand the meaning and the use of mirrors within your human life experience?

Mirrors are used frequently to distract, akin to BEing in fair ground and playing with images those who seek to contain and suppress YOUr BEing use the tricks of the mirrors to confuse and to suppress SELF. Do you understand our guidance?

We ask for ALL to look to the mirrors and to what is shown in those mirrors, for that which is reflected is not YOU, it may be an aspect of human behaviour but KNOW it is not SOUL, it is not YOU in the purest form.

Many are able to understand our words and our guidance but detach from the work involved in challenging the view that is seen within these mirrors. Many accept the reflections without question. Question and re question dear ones, for TRUTH is hidden in full view of ALL. 

As the new is born a fresh on planet earth then the energies of that which contained and suppressed the human race will reach out, they will reach out and attempt to use the mirrors as a way of confusing and containing SELF, we guide for YOU to see this and to detach from this.

When you are presented with a mirror then question the mirror, go within and ask to be shown that which is BEing reflected, ask it to be shown so that YOU may take steps to dissolve that which is shown. It is not possible to clear the deep teachings of distortion unless they are seen, use the mirrors in a new way, a new energy, do not allow the mirrors to lessen YOUr energy, use them to energise YOU further. Note the view in the mirror and then dissolve it. Then look back into the mirror and dissolve. Using this technique will draw new experiences into your human life experience, it will draw new BEings and new energies for each dissolving of the teachings will elevate YOUr vibration.

As the vibration increases then TRUTH is revealed on new levels, this is the way to work with the new energies dear ones and we guide we walk each step of this journey with you. We are the gatekeepers of the new, we are the ones who wish to BE known as the SENTINELS.

Our purpose is to clear the energies of those who seek to enter the new world. The new world is as the words describe it, it is NEW, it is not founded on the energies of the old world, that which is BEing dissolved is of the old world. We ask for YOU to enter the transition stage and clear the deeply held beliefs that will put in boundaries and stop the elevation of YOUr vibration. SOUL is limitless and the merging of YOUr human self and the SOUL creates a BEing of vast light. That BEing is able to create at will and to have almost instant creative potential.

It would serve no one if those who walked on the new earth were to hold the energies and belief systems of the old for the creation of the teachings of illusion once more would mean that the planet earth would be in a circular ascension. This is a contradiction for energy is always moving and expanding, it serves NO ONE to go around in circles. Do you understand our guidance? Do YOU see clearly the way into the new dear ones?

There are those who are now moving into and through this process, they are the golden rainbows and it is their SOUL path to hold this light and this way of BEing, we ask for ALL to move beyond the words that are used on planet earth and to work with the energetic imprint of all they come in contact with. The new ways of working with the new energies are not based on words they are based on feelings and the energy signature of those who are around them. The use of telepathy, the use of the intuition is strengthening, there are those who walk amongst you who do not need to use words for their very vibration speaks volumes. Do you see how the human race is now expanding beyond where it was before? Do you see the way forward in the new dear ones?

Words can and have BEen manipulated and this has caused mass confusion and lowering of vibration across the planet, the new earth is not based on words, it is based on the energy signature of ALL. That is how all other realms and races work within the universe, they do not need words, they use words to communicate with the humans who are able to hear them on planet earth and communicate to other humans but they have transcended speech. Many channels across planet earth are now moving into star language and the ancient master symbols. This allows communication at a rapid and advanced rate and is something that is remembered.

We ask for ALL to walk in TRUST and FAITH of SELF for the new is now born and is now BEing populated, the architects, the magicians and the builders of all races and realms are now working to create this heaven on earth.

To enter this new earth we ask YOU to BE. To allow SELF to align with SOUL and to remember.

All that is hidden is in plain view, we ask YOU to clear YOUr vision and to honour that which sings in YOUr heart. YOU in human form do not need to know how to move forward so much as how to align with SOUL and to remember. ALL incarnated in this timeline and dimension for a reason, we ask for YOU to go into the heart and ask to be shown that reason.

Reflections are just that dear ones, we ask that YOU begin to remember who YOU ARE so that YOU may BE. We are the SENTINELS and we will guide as required.

We send the LOVE that IS from our hearts to YOUr heart for the heart is the vessel of TRUTH, may the glory of the divine be ever present in YOUr BEing.


Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated.

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