May 30, 2012
Dear Ones,
The next few days will be foggy, maybe even uncomfortable for many.
Do not fear.
You are not being overtaken by aliens or becoming someone even YOU do not like.
You are taking part in a shift that has never been attempted in large numbers. Almost everyone on earth is feeling the erratic impulses. As if the entire earth is in puberty or menopause. These energy bursts are uncomfortable – but not fatal to your physical or emotional being. They are merely your shift to creative maturity.
Because of these eclipse energy bursts, you have a greater understanding and acceptance of concepts you have hidden from yourself.
You have always had a Universal body of information – you just opted not to access that information in the human form before. The recent solar eclipse opened that vast body of knowledge and the lunar eclipse will close it as you will have accessed the information you wish to by the June eclipse.
Does this mean that you will understand all Universal knowledge? No. You are merely expanding your knowledge base.
Why is there a stopping point? Just as is true in your current academic world, you have decided how much information you need to know at this time. Let us say you have moved from an 8th grade knowledge base to that of a high school junior. You expect someone in the eleventh grade to have more knowledge than is true of an 8th grader, but not as much as a college graduate. And so it is for you.
Will you expand your new knowledge base? Perhaps. Depending on your physical strength and inner needs. This energy jump was directed by your inner-being to increase your activities and creations – not to ”burn-out” your physical circuits.
What transpired in the past few days was enough for your physical being. There will likely be future energy bursts that will increase your knowledge base – but you have enough for now.
Let us address the after-effects of these eclipse energy bursts – shifts in your physical being including your cells and DNA structures.
Your Old Age physical being reached the apex of its learning curve. Some could reach beyond the curve and others could never achieve it – their choice we must add. But most remained at the point you were before these energy shifts.
Perhaps it would help you understand the new you if you pictured a higher Bell Curve or a bar graph with higher bars. Those of you who follow the Dow Jones Industrial Average remember a time when the Dow was at a lower number. You have accepted and expected the higher number that is now common. And so it will be for your new Bell Curve.
There will still be some – again, their choice – who have difficulties grasping common elements of your new skills. But others of you will create, invent, discover and plan in ways you now cannot envision.
Perhaps you remember President John Kennedy’s early 1960′s promise that the United States would land on the moon within a decade – and so it was. Does not the thought of you creating a craft to fly to the moon seem impossible? Yet, you fully accept that others know how to do so. Such thoughts were not possible in the 1800′s. And so it will be for your new learning curve. That which now seems impossible will be created by you or someone interested in a particular area.
New music, art, books, computers, technology, science, math, physics and whatever other area you care to address – some of which have not yet been thought of. You are beginning the golden age of joyous creation.
Your new knowledge will allow you to see, sense and move through various dimensions.
Again, remember your history. Those labelled “cave men” thought eclipses were a sign of an angry god or the end of the world. Such thoughts seem silly now.
Your new knowledge will allow you to accept the continuity of life, of life beyond the dimensional veils. As well as allow you to travel more easily between dimensions. You will have the understanding deep within your being that traveling between dimensions is not a death, but learning.
As you allow your knowledge to increase, your life will expand exponentially.
Let us return to the emotional upheaval you experienced the past few days. As was true in puberty, your physical body is shifting. You have no basis for understanding that shift. You accepted that your social interactions were shifting as long as you were able to maintain a grasp on your physical being. In the past few days, you have not understood your physical being.
You will return to yourself – as was true after puberty. It will just be a more mature and intelligent/creative self. Allow that to be.
Laugh at the silliness of your antics as you have laughed at your puberty self. You are indeed growing and shifting. Allow that to be in all of your joy and glory. Know that you requested this shift.
Future generations will applaud your courage.
Courage that does not seem so wonderful now – but will in the very near future as you awake with one creative and joyous thought after another. So be it. Amen.
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