Tuesday, June 19, 2012

From Jelaila Starr and the Nibiruans… “About President Obama and Presidential Soul Contracts”

There it is… perhaps the most controversial word in the current world vocabulary… “Obama”. A person born in Hawaii (or Kenya or Indonesia or Sirius or Mars or maybe even Chicago), who became President of the United States because of the the unfair endorsement of the Harpo Corporation (reverse “Harpo”, please), George Soros, and all of those African American Asian Indonesian Martian movie stars in Hollywood; who has been renamed, by many, as, “constitution violating dictator”, “Obummer”, “Obama The Dud!” (that’s from just the past 24 hours of titles at NesaraNews and RMN), and who clearly has no place in a Washington D.C. arena that’s really a government community of white Caucasian, male, straight (not gay), only had one wife in their lifetime, Christian (no Buddhists, Muslims, or woo woo’s allowed), church going (every Sunday) people, who only want the best for the United States, as long as they get lower than the poor to middle class populations’ tax rates, corporate loopholes for their businesses, exemptions from criminal prosecution for insider trading from legislation they know will be passed next week, a lifetime pension, and the best healthcare in the world (because, of course, they love allAmericans (and they tell us so, almost every day)).

Clearly, Obama does not “belong”.

And now Jelaila Starr helps us understand why he is there.


  • The Guides (9D Nibiruans)… explained… they felt that Obama has a contract to mirror the nation’s consciousness. (This goes for all nations and all national leaders.)

  • In that role, our president’s actions will be a mirror of our own.

  • The Nibiruans tell us that based on what they see… Obama will be reelected… not to give up on him because we still have time to make the changes we need to make in order to have our current president return to our side, so to speak.

  • Nibiruans are not saying that Obama will most definitely be reelected; they are saying that it appears that he will based on the preponderance of energy for that event to occur.

  • Delivering last week’s message regarding Obama’s future role was one of those times. Readers created a new record for just how angry and vulgar they could be.

  • Some souls choose to carry out a presidential contract during one or more incarnations… they are fully trained ahead of time.

  • …there are those that will have a unique twist to them in that they are carried out during times of great social change… the soul must be able to carry forth in the face of a firestorm… of conflict far greater than normal.

  • This soul will be moved and swayed by the forces and people that have the most power at any given moment… will make them appear to be duplicitous and suspect at times.

  • …when we stand up, not letting fear stand in our way, our president will do the same, making decisions that serve our best interest as a nation.

  • Because we are at the end of an age and on the threshold of a monumtal consiousness shift, we must work together with a higher understanding (meaning that we understand that we control the outcome).

  • As we learn to reclaim our power by taking responsibility for our lives, our president will do the same, even when faced with threats on his life.

  • If you have used the Formula of Compassion, you know that when you release someone from playing a dark role in your life, that person/soul is able to go in peace and, in some cases, return in a more loving role.

  • …the Nibiruans are not supporting Obama over anyone else…they offer no personal preference…they are simply giving us an update on where we stand now, and what the future could hold based on the patterns in play at the present time.


Jelaila Starr 6-11-12 Message (the Obama piece)

…Now about President Obama.

The Guides (9D Nibiruans) have asked me to talk about our president in light of his soul contract and where that stands. As they explained back before Obama was elected, they felt that Obama has a contract to mirror the nation’s consciousness. (This goes for all nations and all national leaders.) In that role, our president’s actions will be a mirror of our own. How he handles challenges and deals will be no different than how we as a nation handle our own. Right now we see our president erring towards the PTB and serving their agenda more than ours.

Many of us feel that we have been betrayed and are angry, vowing to cast out votes with a different candidate come election time. The Nibiruans tell us that based on what they see as they project out along the timelines, that Obama will be reelected. Moreover they say not to give up on him because we still have time to make the changes we need to make in order to have our current president return to our side, so to speak. As they remind us, we are the ones who really decide what he does. As we continue to peacefully stand up and say no, as we continue to band together to support full disclosure, we show that we are willing to feel the fear but do the right thing anyway. That’s exactly what our president needs to dom [do] and he will follow suit.

Now, I know that many of you have been supporting Ron Paul. I asked the Nibiruans about that and they explained that Ron Paul was never intended to be elected, only to wake people up. He has done a really good job of that. Furthermore, Ron Paul did not have a presidential contract…Obama did.

Keep in mind that the Nibiruans are not saying that Obama will most definitely be reelected; they are saying that it appears that he will based on the preponderance of energy for that event to occur.

So there you have it. Do your research, check out those sites, do a bit of investing and get ready for an unprecedented global shift. It’s coming very soon.

Jelaila Starr 6-18-12 Message

Being a messenger for an off-world group such as the Nibiruans, is sometimes a thankless job. Delivering last week’s message regarding Obama’s future role was one of those times. Readers created a new record for just how angry and vulgar they could be. Made me almost decide that this was no longer worth it….almost.

I was just going to let the firestorm blow over and maybe not do a message this week, but then I received a request to do one anyway, clarifying what had been misinterpreted. So, I’m giving this another shot. First off, let me explain presidential soul contracts.

Presidential Soul Contract

Some souls choose to carry out a presidential contract during one or more incarnations. Regardless of which “side” they work on, they are fully trained ahead of time.

But unlike a normal presidential contract, there are those that will have a unique twist to them in that they are carried out during times of great social change. In such cases, the soul must be able to carry forth in the face of a firestorm (there’s that word again) of conflict far greater than normal.

This soul will be moved and swayed by the forces and people that have the most power at any given moment. That will make them appear to be duplicitous and suspect at times.

We the people, have the power to determine the choices our president makes. When we sit back and let others take our power we will find our president uses that power against us. But when we stand up, not letting fear stand in our way, our president will do the same, making decisions that serve our best interest as a nation.

Because we are at the end of an age and on the threshold of a monumtal consiousness shift, we must work together with a higher understanding (meaning that we understand that we control the outcome). We must move our president forward by utilizing the power of mass consciousness. What this means is as we clear our own fears, he will make choices regardless of how much fear is around or in him. As we learn to reclaim our power by taking responsibility for our lives, our president will do the same, even when faced with threats on his life.

What I’m saying here is that our president will be a perfect mirror to us of how well we are integrating our fears and taking back our power…not in anger or with violence, but by acknowledging what the “dark” has shown us about ourselves..thanking it for the lesson and then saying, “go in peace now…I get it.”

If you have used the Formula of Compassion, you know that when you release someone from playing a dark role in your life, that person/soul is able to go in peace and, in some cases, return in a more loving role.

So, as we clear not only will our president make better choices, he will find himself surrounded by many who will support those choices…some of whom will be former adversaries.

In closing, the Nibiruans are not supporting Obama over anyone else…they offer no personal preference…they are simply giving us an update on where we stand now, and what the future could hold based on the patterns in play at the present time. There intention is that by doing so we will be able move forward with a better understanding of the road ahead.

I hope this message clarifies their position.

In service, Jelaila Starr

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