Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It's Show Time, Really

Sophia Love
Those of you, who’ve read my blog in the past, know I mostly focus on love.  Today, I will focus on what happens when you love yourself enough to believe you are worth something.  Today I would like to talk about power.

We are stepping into a sort of “suspended belief” system – a way of living in a world that is not quite the world we have expected.  This feels strange and yet we know that it is temporary.  It will change decidedly when we do something to make that happen, and not before.  It is, and has always been, up to us.

This change is gradual, it cannot be sudden and dramatic; our ability to assimilate it demands that this be so.  We are unable to recognize and absorb radical, we are associative beings. The reason advertising and propaganda and the education system works so hard transmitting a message (conform, obey, work, defend, fear, etc.) to us over and over again is because they knew a long time ago the truth about us.  We will not need to be convinced that anything new is not true – we will disbelieve it all on our own.  We have learned to trust “authority” more than our own gut.

David Icke has said for a very long time than an army of enforcers has been created – each one of us is our own police force.  Fear will keep us quiet and distrusting of anyone who speaks out.  Fear will keep us obedient.

Obedience is not necessary for a being such as you – you are beholden to none.  The judge and jury have been artificially installed into your belief system so that you would comply without question.  They do not exist.

We are 7 Billion.  They are few and they do not represent us.  The truth is that only you can represent you.  In reality, what has been done is that you have been manipulated into believing you are powerless.  Margaret Mead(American cultural Anthropologist from the 1960’s and 70’s) said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” This is truth.  The only one who can change things is you.  It is time to do something physically different.

Think about the power you hold.  This video, about income tax in the U.S., illustrates things nicely:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=H6b70TUbdfs

This next video is about something you can do right now.  It has been viewed more than 15,000 times in less than a week and appeared on the front page of www.reddit.com:


We are here, now, with all the cards, holding them tightly, afraid to show anyone else.  We are all debt slaves, one way or the other.  It doesn’t matter how much money you make, the system has been intentionally designed so that you can’t win.

Here is another video, by Foster Gamble, the man behind the move Thrive.  His advice is to stay informed. This has been seen over 100,000 times since February:


This is not the time to wait for some “other” earth human or space brother or inner earth or celestial being or government action to save you.  This is the time to act.  This year is ½ way through.  We must do something beyond wishing and wondering and hoping. We are being shown this year what has been going on for a very long time and hidden from us purposely.

We are physical beings in a physical world and change requires physical action.  Some day our skill at meditation and visualization will be developed enough to invoke anything instantly – yet for most of us that is not true today.  And today, we need to declare what we want in no uncertain terms.  For freedom to ensue, we must take a side, use our voice, and make a stand.

It is time to speak with our actions.  By doing so, we will be practicing oneness.  This is how we take our very polarized world into unity. Do not mistake doing nothing for a statement of null.  Everything we do says something.  A vote of acceptance is spoken when we accept what is, when we quietly pay our bills to the criminal system as it stands.  If we want change, we must vote no.

There was a science “fiction” movie - “War Games” (1983) and at its conclusion the supercomputer decides something profound – "the only winning move is not to play."

It is up to us to say NO to those who are running our world for their own benefit.  Do something, do anything – join a protest, write a letter, stop paying them, tell someone, share what you have learned is really going on, talk, speak and don’t stop.

We are owned by them.  Every one of your credit cards is privately held by a very large bank, and our payments are only making them richer.  With our money they are buying what we can’t afford – land and precious metals.  We have to stop this insanity.  You must and I must, or it will never stop.

It is not up to anyone else.  It is up to us. Our eyes are open now; we are the ones who can make this change happen.  It is not happening now because we are not yet doing anything AS ONE, fear is holding us back.

What is at risk is everything.  If we don’t stop the cabal, they will stop at nothing.  This is not theory, research for yourself what is planned by the Illuminati.  My website has lots of links for other sites and blogs; there are many places to find information, and none of it will be MSM as they too, are owned by the cabal.

We are uniquely suited to save ourselves – powerful in every way our chance now is to step decidedly into our own future.  No one will take us there.  We have to close the door on this game and write the rules for the next one as we walk into it ourselves.

You will discover the great thrill of self-empowerment.  With it comes freedom and constant love.  Knowing who we are is what the Illuminati have been trying to stop from ever happening.  They are about to understand that they underestimated us and we will deliver that message ourselves. Today we have the chance to do this.

We are love.  There is nothing that love cannot do.  Say no to control, tyranny, slavery, population reduction.  There is no more waiting.  The time is now and we are the ones we were waiting for.  Let’s do this.

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