My ascending Lightworkers, I greet you again. We gather far and wide to usher in the New Earth. Preparations are being made and the stage is set for a glorious new future, which is becoming evident to you now.
By all observations from the Spiritual and Galactic Realms, you are proceeding splendidly and we offer our deepest appreciation for all your brave, hard work.
Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.
You know it was necessary to be fully immersed in the illusion in order to gather all you needed to transform yourselves into the Divine Beings you always were, but forgot for the sake of experiencing duality to the fullest. And so the time has come to step out of that role and welcome the true essence and reality of your multi-dimensional lives.
You know this, but what you may not fully grasp is that you are already experiencing the absence of illusion many times throughout your day, and during dreamtime, especially. You are finding that you can “bend” time with your mere focus and intent, to slow it down or speed it up, or make it stand still because you guessed it, time is just an illusion.
As the veils are thinning more and more around your perception of your identity and place among the many changing realities of your existence, you can begin to see that you are not separate and powerless at all and you are just beginning to see what you have created with your combined collective prayers and intentions for a more peaceful, balanced and loving planet.
And yes, I am referring to all the group meditations you have been holding, However, on a deeper level, I am referring to the change in perspective deep down inside your consciousness as you remember more and more of who you are, and moreover, accept it gracefully and peacefully within you, as you eradicate the fears that have held you back for so long.
This has been no easy task, we know, for as you expand and infiltrate more and more of the new energies from the Great Central Sun, it spurs many hidden fears and issues to come to the surface, and the more you allow the Light to overtake you, the more it spurs changes in yourselves and others that is not always comfortable.
For you are shedding the cocoon that has protected you until now from seeing the Truth and you are discovering all the magnificence of your new butterfly wings of transformation. They may still be a bit wet and sticky but so capable, nonetheless, of flight.
And so you embark on a new journey of destinations into the unknown, filled with possibilities that are becoming more clear as the illusions come tumbling down with each new revelation and insight you gain through your awareness of your true essence of Divinity and eternal connection with All That Is.
Please continue making meditation and frequent periods of stillness your priority as you continue to let go of your fears and clinging limiting beliefs that you are separate and unworthy and powerless. Step out of that illusion and greet your new Reality, that you are powerful, precious, whole, and One with All That Is.
I AM Sananda, and I am with you always, and am always at your service.
Channeled Through Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.
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Blessings, Love and Light,
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