Saturday, June 16, 2012

Shifting Paradigms

We find ourselves at present in the midst of a paradigm shift. Our external reality at this time can often feel unreal to us, somehow false, plastic or less coherent compared to years or even months past. We now find ourselves in this in between space, where the old ways of doing and being no longer make sense to us, no longer support us and frankly, no longer interest us. It is a time where all that we have built our lives upon thus far begins to crumble under the weight of the new reality that now presses in on us.

Our past foundations are no longer viable, for the old paradigm was built upon separation, limitation, greed and arrogance. The new energies that are flooding into our time and space continuum are those that encourage and support compassion, unity and grace. All that is not in alignment with these new frequencies can no longer be sustained and as such must fall away as the shift continues.

As the magnetics of our Earth Grid shift and change all that has been held together within our personal and collective electromagnetic fields will begin to loosen, dissolve and dissipate. As this happens there is a reemergence of those long held unconscious patterns within our systems that are breaking up and surfacing in order to be released. Just as a seed which has lain dormant begins to break through its outer shell in preparation for its emergence and growth into a new level of being, so too do we find our container of self being cracked open for the emergence of that which we are now becoming. The old casings can no longer house the light and expansion that is now emerging from within us. As this unfolds we may sense or witness at times our emotional debris dislodging and moving through us. As uncomfortable as this is, allow it to pass without resistance. As it dislodges from our systems it creates a vacuum where expanded levels of light can come to be housed.

We need not be caught in drama as the old passes away, but acknowledge all former experience as the gifts of a life fully lived which have held the foundations of our former self intact as we sought expansion. However, it is now time to release the old and embrace the new because all is shifting and changing. The old paradigm is no longer and any attempts to cling to that which was are futile at best. We are to release our grip on that which is dissolving and open our hearts and minds to that which beckons us forward. Know that it is an expanded aspect of our very being that is now calling us forward, for the time has come to step into the newness that lies before us. The new paradigm is upon us and indeed has been readying itself, with our assistance, to become fully foundational and supporting of the new world which we are now in the process of creating together.

It is understandable that the life that was once ours appears now to be a distant memory. In fact the identities that we held as personalities may feel too as if they are slipping away in light of our ever unfolding expansion. Do not fear this. It may feel surreal and uncomfortable in this moment, but know that it is but part of the transformational process that would free us from all former bounds as we step into the freedom of being who we truly are. For we are not our personalities. We are not the roles that we have taken on through the prompting of others. We are divine sparks of the Creator who are breaking through the limitations of this third dimensional reality and opening to the higher dimensions which are ours to inhabit at this time.

This is why we have asked to be here at this moment in history. We are here to break through the limitations of the reality which has held humanity in captivity for eons. We are here to show humanity that there is another way. We are here to show that there is another choice to be made. And we create this pathway for others by living and walking it first. For this is an experiential journey, not one built on conceptualizations and mental constructions. As we walk this path we become that which we are here to experience and pave the way for others to awaken and make a new choice as well. Yes, these are times of shift and change. Yes there will be instances that create doubt in us.

There will be times when we wonder why we have chosen this path and times when we want to give up and go home. But as the new paradigm; the new world, opens up before us we will come to know fully what we have known in our heart of hearts since before time began, that we have everything we need to accomplish that which we are here to accomplish. And we walk not alone but hand in hand with the Great Beings of Light which support the emergence of the new which is upon us.

Blessings to you!

Cathy Olsen

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