Sunday, June 10, 2012

Your Feelings are Yours


Your Feelings are Yours
Message from Ascended Master, Lady Nada
Channeled by: Julie Miller
June 09, 2012

Blessings to all on a beautiful day from where this message is being transmitted from. They delightful laughter of children, combined with the lively chatter of birds fills the air; the mood is light and love filled.

There are some dear souls that are pursuing along their journey to be selfless. Selflessness dear ones is a stage that each of you will at some point reach as it is required for you to fulfill the mission of your soul – your divine purpose. You will realize you have achieved selflessness when you are no longer aware of your choice to be selfless. Choices surround you every day, including the choice to love God and allow God into your heart and to accept your role of being in loving service to God and God’s word. You must be aware of the self, understand the desires, what you are sanctioned to have and do, what your preferences are then it is up to you to choose to relinquish of all that I gave example of that describes the self. It seems to be ambiguous yet it is not.

Discipline to center yourself with the polarities that flow through you, being aware of choosing between the Self, your Real Self and your Non-Self that is described and reflected through your ego. Love yourself with honour, learn to love all peoples including neighbours and those across the globe equally as you love yourself. Once you achieve the fullness of love for ALL, I ask you to discard this self and allow your True, Real Self to perform and work automatically as God; demonstrating the teachings of the masters, honoured deities, the angels and others that resonate within your precious hearts. Being as God, loving unconditionally with compassion is not a difficult concept, but this endeavour as splendid as it is, must start with the Self, with YOU. 

Every day your path leads you to lessons. Some of these lessons are from reading and discovering the wondrous A-ha sensation when an idea finally sinks in, other lessons come from personal experiences that include interactions with other people and some lessons can include the experience you feel when you work with nature, how it responds to you, the outcome of a project, handling a pet or seeing similarities in animal behaviour to your own – lessons come in great disguises and it is up to each of you to recognize them when they appear. No matter how lacking you may perceive yourself, you are always working at perfecting the Self. A great undertaking this is; such pursuit in self-mastery will require a significant amount of patience to reach the desired destination of self-improvement. All that you do today is creating your future. Your journey is filled with many opportunities and your path and its directions are not carved in stone; every day and moment is opportunity to embrace change and incorporate ideas that ring true to you, making all that resonates in your heart to work together wholly and complete.

I know there are many dear ones across this fine globe reaching for more; they feel the stirring within themselves. When you feel this inner need and quiet yet loud urge to explore what is available for you to learn and express through your Christ Self, I then suggest you to allow your heart to direct you. Where you are drawn to the most is where you are meant to be. Your journey and the learning that you undertake will possibly at times bring you to stressful and frustrating situations. Greet these as rationally as possible, understanding there are dear souls like yourself finding their own way of what resonates within their heart. Mocking them for what they believe in does not offer encouragement dear ones. Learn to control your emotions and express yourself through your Christ Self as often as you possibly can. This will greatly reduce further stress from collecting around your energy field, slowing you down with the weight that accompanies it. The more your practice self-control the easier it will be for you be in control of your reactions and responses as you are responsible for each action, reaction, response, thought, feeling and so forth.

Become consciously aware of your thoughts and behaviours and notice your reactions. To retrain yourself on responding through your Chris Self is an act of self-care and self-love and with pure effort from your precious heart you will achieve ALL that you set out to do. Learning to control your behaviour in any situation regardless of the environment is an indication to the Self, especially the Ego Self that you are in control and you are working through your heart at every instance.

It is normal for you to have feelings and you cannot ignore what you feel. Your feelings are yours; they do not belong to anyone else. All your feelings regardless what you feel has caused any feelings to surface is created within you. All your feelings of loneliness, frustrations, boredom, and doubt; even happiness and higher emotions such as love are all created by you during circumstances that you also created that would cause you to face specific emotional trials and tribulations. You must cease blaming others for any emotional upheaval and outwardly expressions. You are responsible for what you feel and what you do. Work at bringing calm into every situation and express your God-Like Self at every instance. It does require conscious effort and awareness of the situation for what it is. You have many opportunities to demonstrate your higher self many times through your day, take advantage of these moments when they come and revel in the lessons you are also learning from each one. You are building so much knowledge and wisdom dear ones. Learning to remain calm under high pressured conditions will create a more mindful and compassionate stance and once all is done, relief is much sweeter for all involved.

Part of your reasonability is to become educated in what is going around you. You do not have to go into an institution such as a school or college to learn, you need to learn from honest observation and take it upon yourself to understand others. No one can push those nerve buttons if you are in control and have knowledge of their way of thinking. Learn, ask questions and let information come to you from listening to your Inner Voice. Don’t just quickly respond without thinking, think before responding. People do appreciate the time and effort you take to learn and understand them instead of quickly jumping to ill conclusions without the effort to learn first. Some of the greatest educational learning tools do not come from heavy books or lessons from instructors, but from simple observation and listening. Open your heart and your mind. Not everyone will see as you do. The world is filled with a diverse population of people. Knowing this, understand respect of what you do not know well needs to be applied. Ignorance is not bliss when it causes another person to feel hurt from lack of being understood and accepted for being different. Each difference is a beautiful expression of their God-Like being-ness.

Each of you is filled with the potential and ability to be God-Like in all your actions. Your journey will lead you to many wonderful discoveries that speak of incredible opportunities to build your knowledge and widen your consciousness beyond any expectation or pre-imagined thought. I see and feel your struggles and I know learning your True Self can become problematic at times when you are tired and over drawn. Take time out for yourself. Give yourself mental and emotional breaks, appreciate loving yourself with healing and nurturing words of self-praise. Every person deserves to respected and loved, and this also includes YOU. Love and respect yourself dear ones. All efforts that stem from the purest intent from your precious hearts will bring fruitful rewards dear ones – patience and commitment will ensure your outcome.

Definitely I am enjoying our transmission today. I will return soon as I have much more to discuss through this child, your sister who is on her own light filled journey.

I am with you dear ones when you allow me to guide and support you once you invoke my presence. You will never be judged by me, by any other master, angel or God. I will aid you when you are ready to surrender to the word of God and accept God into your heart.

I AM Ascended Master, Lady Nada through Julie Miller

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