Masters, deep within your heart is a point of stillness from which all knowledge and creation springs. Quieting you mind and your body focus your awareness deep within your heart. From this stillness bring forth a quite thought which moves from the stillness of your heart out into creation. Feel joy that you have just created the start of the universal process to manifest your request. Hold your vision of this as being already done and say, “And so it is”. The key to your creative process is in the creation vision and following your heart discernment as steps are brought into place to fulfill your request. What kills you creation is fear and thoughts of how the request should be given to you by the creator source. You need to bring forth creation from the stillness of the heart and follow you heart to completion. Let the universe bring that which you need into your life. Sit back and wait patiently in love and peace. In some cases it requires some time to align things for your needs.
Have faith in yourself and ask your angels and guides to help you. They will always guide you in the direction of your higher good. It is when you believe that you know better and try to force things that you creation falls apart. When you start a creation sequence and things go astray, stop and start the process anew. Have patients and get rid of the ideal that you need things to happen immediately. Move yourself into a place of peace, tolerance and love for yourself and others. The manifestation, creation process need you to be in a state of peace, balance and harmony.
You can call on me for assistance and I will answer and assist you. Call on my energy to blaze your energy in this dimension and all other dimensions in space and time to assist you in the creation of your ascension into the higher planes. See yourself already as ascended and free.
I send you my rays of love and light! Archangel Jophiel
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