Monday, October 15, 2012

Benjamin Fulford 10-15-12…”The oligarchs of the West keep churning their wheels but only manage to get deeper into the mud”… “The consensus is…start OSC”

Now if you do not recall what Ben means with the letters “OSC”, which appears at the very end of this article, presumably he is speaking about “Operation Santa Claus”. which he mentioned in this post from 2 weeks ago. He said back then,

“The White Dragon Societies believe there will be less fighting over who gets what slice of the pie if the pie is big and constantly growing. That is why it is proposing the not-so-secret “inside job,” to be code named OSC, short for Operation Santa Claus… This would be a giant operation involving the Chinese, Russian, American and other militaries together with industrialists and charities. The goal would be to make sure that every child on earth receives a present and a healthy, delicious meal on December 25th, 2012, the start of the new solar year.”

So it is sounds somewhat like some have called “prosperity programs”.

In this report, Ben shares more of the background of the WDS (White Dragon Society) and how his involvement with it began. Very interesting story.

I feel this is another strong indication (as many of us have been “getting” recently) that the release of “Prosperity Funds” (in whatever form(s) it may be) is close. We shall see…

[There is a note at the end of this that explains how to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. Also I believe one can donate to his cause directly at (via Paypal), should you feel so guided.]


  • Last week 20,000 bureaucrats, journalists and government officials descended on Tokyo for a WB… and IMF… meeting and accomplished exactly nothing.

  • …the 180 or so countries that are kept out of the control room naturally refused to hand over any more money to these defunct, unlicensed institutions.

  • …attempts by cabalists to loot large Japanese institutions like the Postal Saving Bank and the Japan Agricultural Bank have run into a brick wall in recent years…

  • …at least $1.3 billion that went missing from the Japanese AIJ pension fund was traced to Lord James Sassoon…

  • …the Sassoon family, who have been in business in Asia since they made their family fortune trading in opium during and after the opium wars, is widely believed to have continued, major secret influence in Japan and Asia.

  • There has also been a recent increase in people making both public and private accusations that this writer is either CIA or MI5, which is false.

  • …murder attempts [on Ben] began for real shortly after this book was published. Later, the South Korean secret police heard of an imminent hit and alerted the Chinese who sent a delegate from the Red and Blue to offer me protection.

  • After joining the Red and Blue, this writer suggested they immediately decapitate the cabal by grabbing their top leaders and taking them to a stadium. The Red and Blue leaders instead decided on a slower approached based on a financial boycott.

  • …a very secret, very powerful Asian umbrella group known as the Bai Lun… was contacted… and they agreed that the English name White Dragon Society could be used as a name representing the consensus of benevolent Western and other world secret societies.

  • …whenever these various secret groups agree on a certain subject, the consensus is conveyed to the public via the White Dragon Society.

  • The consensus is to start OSC.


The oligarchs of the West keep churning their wheels but only manage to get deeper into the mud
by Benjamin Fulford 10-15-12

Last week 20,000 bureaucrats, journalists and government officials descended on Tokyo for a WB (World Bankrupt) and IMF (International Masturbation Fund) meeting and accomplished exactly nothing.

The meeting was a total waste of time because neither of these two Western controlled institutions are willing to hand over control to the people and countries of the world. As a result, the 180 or so countries that are kept out of the control room naturally refused to hand over any more money to these defunct, unlicensed institutions.

Although this writer was in Tokyo and even walked within a few hundred yards of the festivities, he did not bother to go because having attended many such meetings over the years, he knew this one was doomed to be a dud. The Chinese made their feelings clear by not sending anybody senior.

As usual, the real news was happening under the surface where a titanic battle against the old world order continues to rage. In one development in that battle, at least $1.3 billion that went missing from the Japanese AIJ pension fund was traced to…

…Lord James Sassoon via Societe Generale and HSBC, according to Japanese security police sources. At the time of this writing Sassoon has not responded to a call made to get his comment on these allegations.

However, it is clear that attempts by cabalists to loot large Japanese institutions like the Postal Saving Bank and the Japan Agricultural Bank have run into a brick wall in recent years, forcing the robbers to look further down the food chain towards the pension funds of medium and small enterprises.

In any case, the Sassoon family, who have been in business in Asia since they made their family fortune trading in opium during and after the opium wars, is widely believed to have continued, major secret influence in Japan and Asia. It also likely that some of the recently stolen money was given to certain Yakuza gangs (who will remain nameless for now) to finance certain political maneuvers.

Also, given the Societe Generale/HSBC link one wonders if this is the funding for the Japan side of the attempt to get the Japanese and Chinese people to declare war on each other. Both Lord Sassoon and Mr. Cohen of the Hoche Group (who has been paying Chinese anti-Japanese protestors) need to cease and desist immediately or else face eventual jail time.

There has also been a new development in the investigation of the attempted murder of this writer that took place in June of this year. According to the Swiss authorities, the murderers have been traced to the following Los Angeles phone number: 3236535194. The number might have been changed by now but you can be sure these people are being traced and hunted down.

There has also been a recent increase in people making both public and private accusations that this writer is either CIA or MI5, which is false.

The Japanese tax authorities have just been through 7 years of this writer’s tax returns with a magnifying glass and have determined that my income derives purely from journalism and no organized violent organization; police, criminal or otherwise, has been funding my operations.

For the sake of clarity and to blow away the clouds of disinformation being put out, let me repeat the reasons for my involvement in secret groups like the Red and Blue and the White Dragon.

This writer, after 20-years as a mainstream corporate journalist based in Tokyo, was put on a hit list after he started writing about 911 and the bio-weapon SARS. There was even a novel (Rain Fall, by Barry Eisler [published 2002]) written in which a character ["Franklin Bulfinch"] based on this writer was assassinated
in what was probably a crude warning.

The fact is, the murder attempts began for real shortly after this book was published. Later, the South Korean secret police heard of an imminent hit and alerted the Chinese who sent a delegate from the Red and Blue to offer me protection. At the same time I was invited to join the cabal and offered billions of dollars and great power as long as he went along with their depopulation plans.

After joining the Red and Blue, this writer suggested they immediately decapitate the cabal by grabbing their top leaders and taking them to a stadium. The Red and Blue leaders instead decided on a slower approached based on a financial boycott. This is why the “Ninja’s” never showed up as threatened be [by] me. Instead, this slow cutting off of the financial circulation they engineered was the ultimate trigger of the ongoing US and European “financial crises.”

The Red and Blue leaders also asked this writer to make contact with any Western secret societies that like them could only be used for the greater good. This writer then started using the Black Dragon Society name in order to contact old allies in Japan of the Red and Blue. After some convincing, the Black Dragon also supported the plan to end Western cabal rule.

At around this time all sorts of people and organizations popped out of the woodwork and contacted this writer including: the CIA, the gnostic illuminati, MI6, Japanese military intelligence, various yakuza gangs, FSB, Scottish Rite Freemasons, French Freemasons, P2 lodge Italian Freemasons, etc. etc. Being in contact with these groups is not the same and being a member or of being in agreement with them.

In the end, it turned out there was a very secret, very powerful Asian umbrella group known as the Bai Lun or Hakuryu (白龍) that had both Deng Xiaoping and Chiang Kai-Sheck as members. This group was contacted via a Chinese noodle shop and they agreed that the English name White Dragon Society could be used as a name representing the consensus of benevolent Western and other world secret societies.

Thus, whenever these various secret groups agree on a certain subject, the consensus is conveyed to the public via the White Dragon Society. The consensus is to start OSC. [presumably meaning, "Operation Santa Claus"; read more at this post from 2 weeks ago]


[A subscription to Ben's full articles is only $8 per month ("Payments can... be made with a ‘PayPal’ [account]“), but Ben will allow anyone who can not pay this to subscribe for less (or free). On one page of his site he says, “All subscribers will agree to pay whatever monthly subscription price they can afford. Those who are really poor can get it for free.” In my mind, if you like the articles, and want to support Ben and his work, consider subscribing to his blog.

Ben may be contacted at any of the emails below which he provides on his websites:,,,]

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