Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kryon: The Power of Compassion

Article Contents

  • Unique Human Emotion

  • E.T.’s and Emotion

  • Compassion, the Spiritual Catalyst

  • More on the E.T.’s

  • Meditation and Prayer

  • A Review of the Guide Change Information

  • Helping the Planet

  • Another Potential Given

  • Taking Care of Yourself First

Greetings, dear ones, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

There's nothing sweeter than a reunion, and some of you have waited a long time for this. Finally, I see you in Human form, face-to-face, at a time like this when the entourage pours in here with the energy of love for the family. Greetings to the readers, for you are included, also, even though those “here” cannot comprehend the way we see time.

It is the first time for many [speaking of a live channelling], yet it is not really the first time. For we know who you are, and we enjoy your presence at a precious moment like this. Although you might not be aware of it, we sit before you oftenest loving you.

This may be the only time that you will sit before Spirit in a way such as this. It may be the only time that you might say to Spirit, “I wish to share the energy of compassion and sit for a few moments without an agenda.” Dear Human family, whatever is happening in your lives, we ask you to discard it now and use the interdimensional gift of suspension of time that we have told you about. You have that power, so use it now, if you wish, in order to focus on what we have to tell you.

Create and visualize right now that your lives are clear, free, and peaceful, and that there are no worries and no problems. For those who have come here with a cellular disease in your bodies, visualize right now a time before it was present. Feel the peacefulness of that sensation as you sit before Spirit. We are telling you that as you visualize this and claim it as your own, you bring yourself closer to the very reality that you're creating in your mind—such is the power of your interdimensional gifts.

Let the entourage this evening walk between the chairs and place their hands and their energy upon your shoulders and at your feet. Reader, you are included in this, since we have spoken often of how we also see the “now” of who is drawn to the messages contained here. The reunion is yours, too!

Let this be a time when Spirit loves you. Let this be a time when you are quiet—quiet before Spirit, until the appropriate time when there's something to say, something to do and feel. For now, let this be a precious time where the thickness of the love of God flows between you and us and wraps you in the clarity of wisdom, which is family. There is nothing grander or greater than this moment in the universe—nothing grander or greater than you. Feel the love and the honor that Kryon and the entourage have for you.

Regarding these messages, many have said: “Oh, Kryon, we are used to this, when you come in—that you would congratulate us and honor us and love us.” Then, some ask, “Is this just something that Kryon does?” To ask this, you do not understand the interdimensionality of Spirit. Do you not know what is here? It is the love of God! Do you not understand who sits before you? Do you not understand that you sit in the presence of the whole? Do you not understand that what is here is everywhere? At many levels, all creatures know of this moment! It is not a message from Kryon. It is a message from the whole—a message from the family, carried by a family member. It is difficult to explain how such a thing could be in your time frame. Know this: All that is God knows of this moment . . . of your sitting in the chair with your eyes on the page, or your ears hearing these words. That's how important you are to us.

Family, there is an energy that belongs to you that we wish to speak of, among other things, this night. It is an energy of a new language, one that we have identified as The Third Language in past messages. This language represents a type of communication where all pieces of God are aware of you as you use it. It might be hard to imagine how such a thing could be. Your own duality has created a lack of understanding in order to limit the scope of God while you're here.

Were telling you that ALL of God knows that you sit in the chair, reading or hearing this. All of God knows of your lives. Oh, Human Being, if you had any idea who you are! This is the only planet of free choice in the universe. It's the only one inhabited by angels with a test such as yours—and the only one that has changed its own reality! And you wonder why we love you the way we do?

There is much going on in this planet that you've never seen in 4D, don't know about, and don't understand yet. Perhaps you think that it's only when you return home that you will be able to look backwards and say, “Oh, now I understand how the earth was. What a test and challenge.” That's not so, for the whole picture and the power of it can be known as you sit in the chair. Things are changing, including your ability to understand that which is interdimensional. This jewel of the Universe you call your planetary home is unique! There is no place like it anywhere—not with the energy of Earth. What happens here will affect so much of the universe at the cellular level—and you know it.

At the cellular level, you know the love that is presented this day. We could just sit here and honor you, with no words spoken. My partner said we've been here for days [something Lee said in his lecture]. And we have. When you gave intent to come to your chair, we knew it. Even those who walked into this meeting at the last moment were known. We understood the potentials of your intent and even the potential of where you would sit. Oh, dear ones, we know your true names. You are family, and we are here congratulating and honoring you.

Some will say, “Kryon, I have not written any books or done anything spectacular. Why me?” Oh, really? It is peaceful outside, is it not, Human Being? Look at your community and your country. Are you at war? Tell me, Human Being, is it raining fire? Is Earth doomed? You say you've done nothing, yet you've changed the reality of your planet! You sit in an energy no one predicted and within a potential that was never foreseen. You changed the changeable! You changed the greatest predictions of thousands of years of history on the planet. And here you sit in a reality that none of you ever expected when you arrived here this time around. Are you feeling strange? Well, you should be!

How many of you are aware that the reality of time has shifted for you? How many of you are aware that the train of humanity that you sit upon is moving faster? Metaphorically, you are actually feeling the cars move! It is moving faster than it ever did before, yet your clocks pulse the same. There is an acceleration of time, and many of you are aware of this. Many of you feel anxious due to this acceleration, and you are aware of that, too. This is what happens when the 4D creature experiences 7D! We are here to say, Peace, be still. Understand the pieces of God that you are. Let yourselves be quiet, and let the arms of Spirit engulf you for a moment.


Unique Human Emotion
Our teaching this session will begin now and broach subjects that we've never discussed before. It is indeed the interdimensional Human Being we speak of—an extension of the last teaching [as given in Santa Fe, New Mexico]. We wish to tell you about something you all know about, but didn't expect to hear just yet. We wish to tell you something that is unique to the Human Being on this planet—something that does not exist on any other planet that has intelligent life forms. We are going to talk about divine “emotion.”

We have hinted about emotion in the past, and this is now a full revelation. Humans are the only ones with spiritual emotion on this planet and the only ones with interdimensional emotion in the Universe. This emotional attribute passes between our side and yours. It comes intact in the Human when he or she is born, and is an attribute of God. All emotions and your ability to feel them is an attribute of Spirit that is sacred. You might say, “Kryon, we've seen animals feel emotion. What about that?” Let me tell you that what you see in animals is instinctual, and not sacred. Although you may see them have many apparent emotions, animals do not feel abstracts. They cannot laugh and be joyful in the abstract. They cannot feel jealousy or worry about the future, as you can. Although you may read into their personalities many things, they do not have the same kind of sacred feelings you do. They can love you, but they cannot love the concept of God. They can feel sadness over loss, but not over potential loss. Therefore, sacred emotion is an attribute that encompasses the past, and the potentials of the future. It allows for joy in remembrance, as well as joy for the future. It also celebrates the unseen.

Emotions become part of the reality of your own mind and body. You can use emotion any way you choose, and we say to you that this is a sacred attribute of God. What this lesson is about is something that you feel is common, but is sacred and created from the use of Human emotion. Human emotion is actually a reality shifter!

E.T.’s and Emotion
We have hinted in the past that this is what is attractive to those who visit you [speaking of the E.T.’s]. We will say it again. They want to know about the sacredness of your ability to change reality. They want to know about the sacredness of something that they don't have, but which you do—and that is sacred emotion. “Kryon, are you talking about the full range of Human emotions?” Yes, I am. I'm talking about your choice to move between whatever emotion you choose. For all emotions put into place a change in the interdimensional attributes that create what you have called reality. But one of them is king!

The Most Powerful Spiritual Emotion
What do you believe is the most powerful emotion on the planet? Some will say, “It has to be anger, for there are more who have died due to anger than to disease. War after war has ravaged our planet due to the anger between countries, and inhumanity has been the result. Humans have killed one another in unspeakable ways as a result of anger.” Is that the most powerful emotion? No, it is not.

“Kryon, then it has to be fear. Fear is responsible for anxiety and for worry. Fear is responsible for what I might face tomorrow. It's the emotion that I brought with me to this building tonight as I listen to you or sit and read these words. Sometimes I can't help but feel it, and it grips me every time.” No. Fear is not the greatest emotion, but I wish to speak of its power anyway.

Listen, family member: I speak to you directly. If fear if surging through your body right now, be quiet for a moment and let the love of Spirit and the sacred things that are here flow through you, head to toe. Understand that you have the power to rise up from the chair differently from how you came in. If you want to know what healings are about, I'll tell you. The energy here is ripe with life change . . . Right where you sit.

We're going to stop the teaching for a moment. It's time for healing, and maybe that's why you came in, or perhaps it's why you're reading this. There are those of you who would like to drop the vows. and we can help you with this [speaking of past-life spiritual vows]. Perhaps you were going to do it later? You can do it right now. Why don't you do it in front of this entourage that loves you so much?

We've told you this before: You don't have to say anything out loud—just say it quietly to yourself: “Yes, this is for me. I drop the vows I came in with—the vow of celibacy, the vow of being alone, the vow of being the shaman and medicine man—relegated to the outskirts of the community, misunderstood and feared. I don't want to have this anymore. I wish to have abundance in my life. I want sustenance. I want the love of God as my constant companion. I don't want to worry anymore. I drop the vows here and now from those past lives.”

We hear you, shaman. We hear you, priest. It's time for a change. Why don't you go ahead and make a new vow: “I vow in the name of Spirit to vibrate as high as possible—to draw closer to God and be in that place that has been identified as Heaven—the energy that takes place as I draw closer to my Higher Self and discover my divinity. That's my vow. In the process, I'll be loved. In the process, I will not be alone. In the process, I'll have sustenance.” We hear you, dear family!
Compassion, the Spiritual Catalyst
No, the most powerful emotion is not fear. It's not anger either. I'm going to tell you what it is, and I'm going to tell you that it's an attribute of love. You might say, “Oh, that's very, very nice, and we knew you were going to say that.” Yes, but it's not actually love! We're going to identify the attribute of an emotion that is the center of The Third Language. The Third Language is defined as that language between the Human Being and the Higher Self. It also contains something that is a catalyst to power. It's called “compassion.” It is difficult to define, this Third Language, for it is interdimensional. When the Human Being feels true compassion for family, for self, and for the planet, an energy of communication is created that was never there before, and you can feel it.

Some of you have felt these things in your meditations. Some of you are looking for certain kinds of feelings when you pray. Turn to compassion. How many of you are aware of a “feedback” feeling when you meditate—one that floods you or tingles you or touches you on the head? How many of you are aware of what that is? You brought yourselves to a level where you could feel and experience the energy of compassion. That triggered communication, and you felt the feedback of the guide energy and the Higher Self.

We are saying to you that compassion is a trigger during your communication to Spirit, not the language or energy of simply asking or being loved. We are talking about generating the “thickness of love.” It is compassion that is the key, and when you feel compassion, it is returned to you within a two-way path of interaction. You start to feel us when we feel the compassion of the energy within you. It creates communication. It translates the untranslatable. We're here to tell you that this is yours alone. The animals do not feel sacred compassion, and you do. No other living thing on your planet can create this kind of energy, nor can any of those who visit your world at the moment.

More on the E.T.’s
There are those in the universe who are on a path that is far different from yours. They cannot evolve spiritually as a planet, nor is it their purpose to do so. All things are appropriate in creation, and although this may never be explained to your satisfaction, we have told you over and over that Earth is unique and separate within the life forms of your Universe.

Yet some of those others still visit you, since their skills are advanced within the scope of the understanding of the physical universe and the way it all works. You call some of them E.T.’s. Some of them are so interested in you that they take you away to study you. Through the process of paralyzing fear, they abduct Human after Human. Let me tell you what they are really interested in: your emotions, especially that of compassion. They want to know about the energy of compassion, for it is profound. It is healing. It is The Third Language that they want to know about. Your emotions are so powerful that some are actually nourished by your fear! This is proof that you are unique! Why else would a seemingly advanced race study you with such vigor?

Meditation and Prayer
Let me ask you this, dear ones. How do you meditate? How do you pray? Compassion is the language of co-creation. How may of you co-create for yourselves? Now we're getting down to the practical. Do you sit in front of Spirit and say: “Oh Spirit, I need this and that”? Do you say, “Oh Spirit, I have to explain something to you before you can help me; you need to know how this or that is working” ?

Dear ones, we know you, we know exactly what you're in need of, and we love you. Human Being, we know all about you, so you don't have to explain anything! There was a time in the old energy where you might have had to inform us of Human needs, but that was a time far before The Third Language. It was a time when the veil was thick—before the grid had moved. Even those of you who agonize about being alone . . . you don't have to explain that to us either. You are never alone!

What about co-creation, synchronicity, and healing? How do you do this, you might ask? Why doesn't it work every time? The answer is that you often use too many words! Come, be quiet, and sit in front of Spirit. We know everything that is going on in your lives. Acknowledge this, and be still before the grandness of God. Become compassionate, and marry to your Higher Self!

For profound power in your lives, and a fast connection to the Higher Self, learn how to develop compassion—to feel it in your soul and heart. Feel compassion for those around you—compassion for the situation they are in—compassion for humanity and the earth. Visualize the things you wish, and thereby begin to co-create them. Visualize yourselves without disease, without worry, and without anxiety. Then actually revel in the feeling! Celebrate the purity of your existence.

Feel compassion for the moment, for the piece of God that is you. Feel compassion for the children of Earth, and even though you may say that this is unrelated to what you need at the moment, do it anyway. In this new energy of incredible creative power, you don't understand what this does, for the compassion that you create tells the whole story to the Higher Self and opens the channel of communication.

Compassion is the code of The Third Language, and when you are able to use it within your prayers and meditations and visualizations, the answers and solutions come in. Compassion creates synchronicity. It creates your reality. It creates healing in your body. All through history, all of the masters who have spoken to you have had compassion. Did you look into their eyes? Did you see it? “Kryon,” you might say, “how could I do that? They are historic figures.” Oh, creature of linearity, do you not understand your lineage? Indeed, you looked into their eyes, as you can do even at this moment. All the past and present avatars of the planet are always available to be visited in your real 4D time. Now, you knew that, didn't you? Look into their eyes, and the first thing you will see is constant and continual compassion. It is their language!

One of the avatars who walks the planet now—the man you call the Baba, is a compassion anchor for humanity. Compassion floods through him. All the avatars, from Elijah forward, had compassionate souls. Take a look at their recorded words and what they did. Just like them, this gift is yours to develop and create. It is The Third Language. It is inexplicable. It is divine.

The Energy of Your Angelic Guides and Teachers
Dear interdimensional Human Being, we wish to tell you something we have never discussed before. It's about your perception of interdimensional guides, angels, and teachers—whatever you call what you perceive as the divine energy around you. We have never broached this subject in this fashion before because this is interdimensional information, and something you may not have believed before now.

Human, I speak to you while on the other side of the veil, yet I see you as a divine part of the whole. I know who you are. We know who you are. You are an important piece of the entire plan. Do you want to know your spiritual name? I can't give it to you. How can I give it to you? It's interdimensional, unseen and unheard, and so is the entourage around you.

It is a testament to your linearity that you want to imagine skin on your guides! You want to place your guides in your own linear time frames, and you want to put faces and wings on them. It's very appropriate for you to do it, for it helps you to personalize them to your own reality. But that's not what they're like.

Years ago in the old energy, we told you there were at least three guides for every Human Being. How many of you knew that we were speaking to you in metaphors? Much of what we have given you in the scriptures and in channelling over the past years has been in this fashion. It's the only way we could personalize interdimensional information so you could work with it.

We wished to give you good information about the sacredness of your guides/angel energy. We gave you the number 3 as a metaphor of the catalyst . . . the action number. We told you about the mother/father energy at the same time as we told you about the son/child energy. We also gave you information about the Spirit energy. This is the interdimensional triad, or trinity, that you have accepted. Father, Son, and Spirit is the metaphor for God that is within you. We will give you more information about this in the future, but it is based on the number 3.

Are there three guides, or more? I can't tell you that, because they are innumerable. How can you number energy? Go to the ocean and take a look at the water. Ask yourself: “How many water are there?” [laughter] It's energy. It's God energy that surrounds you up to 27 feet!

Let me tell you something very special about the thickness of guide energy and this compassion, this energy soup, which you call your helpers and teachers. There are three distinct personal energy sources around you: (1) the energy of Human family members who have departed from this earth, but who are still with you; (2) the energy of those who have been assigned to be with you from birth (this changes with your enlightenment as you age); and (3) an attribute of yourself that is your own guide! How else do you think the planet has accomplished planning for your synchronicity and your co-creation? We have told you before: Pieces and parts of the divine, you are in many places at the same time. Therefore, as you sit here, you might think you are not complete; however, these parts are still with you, and also in another place. Interdimensionality is that way. It suspends the 4D that requires a place and a time that is measured by absolutes in your reality.

I can't explain the guide energy to you either, dear single-digit dimensional being. I can only say that there is a soup, a thickness of energy, that you have called guides/angels/teachers, which is profound around you, and that it has three parts. And if you would like to know what its main attribute is, it's “compassion.” Interdimensionality is with you always. Some of you say you have never felt it. Really? How about the times that you've “felt” those in your family who have departed? Did you think that was just your imagination? How about right now? Are they gone or not? You have never truly understood this! If you had, you would have rejoiced and celebrated.

You also must understand that this is a support energy that must be activated through your intent. Millions of you come and go without ever realizing your power—without realizing that you can activate the power of the 3. This has always been the teaching of Kryon, but now you have the ability to begin to fully grasp what this means. What a reunion you can have!

Do you wish to activate the group around you? Try compassion. The entourage is the same with every Human Being. Although it consists of individual energies, it still has the main attribute of oneness that belongs to all. This is the part that is hard to describe. How can you be in many places at the same time? How can guides and angels be singular, yet together? It requires that you fully understand at least the 11 dimensions at the center of your physics. The unseen is normal. Get used to it!
A Review of the Guide Change Information
Shamans, we gave you information 11 years ago, saying that there could be a guide change if you gave conscious acceptance of the implantation of pure intent to start the ascension process. This is a metaphor that means a “shift of energy” within the entourage around you. The energy first goes to neutral, while there is a change—literally, the creation of a new energy vessel that can contain your new power. We told you of a 90-day period that might ensue when you gave this intent—to be implanted with the love of God. Many who did this were overwhelmed with the gift of compassion, remember? They had a sudden influx of empathy for other Humans, animals, and the earth. This was their awakening to this new part of themselves. With the awakening, also came a greater gift to create their own reality. The 90 days? It was actual, and also a metaphor for completion.

“Kryon, do you mean to tell me that I can't count my guides anymore? I can feel them! I absolutely know who the angels are around me. I count on Gabriel and Michael and Raphael! What are you saying?” Dear ones, energy is infinite, yet you want to make it finite. Do you count energy on your fingers? You can do it if you choose, but perhaps it's time to acknowledge that those you “feel” are each infinite. It's grander and bigger than you think. The higher your vibration, and the more pure your intent, the higher the energy. How are you going to count this? How can you possibly give it names? Just the name Michael reveals the energy of throngs . . . the Kryon being one group part. Again, you may perceive a singularity, but it hides an ocean of activity.

Why do we tell you about this? Because we want you to understand that the compassion you have as a Human Being translates to a staple of The Third Language, which is communication to what you call the guides. It provides for co-creation, synchronicity, and something else we are going to discuss right now. It creates energy that is far beyond what you need for you. Now we wish to discuss what this new information means to you on a global scale—a global visualization for the change of reality on Earth.

Helping the Planet
Listen to me: There are things that are going on right now on Earth that require compassion. They are calling to you to give energy and compassion, the tools of reality change. Every time you sit down with your own problems, we want you to project your compassion to these spots on the earth at the same time. For the compassion that you feel for the children, for the dying, and the confused is translated into the wisdom of God. It is a catalyst that also creates synchronicity and an actual reality shift wherever you focus it. It creates light for those to choose a new path. It create light for those who need to have new processes and inventions. You have profound energy when used with other Humans. Now I'm asking you to awaken to the compassion of another part of your family.

Remember, we know what's going on. Spirit is not in a vacuum regarding you, your life, or the earth. Right now, and for the next few years, solutions must be created through compassion in what you call the Middle East. In October 2000, Kryon, through the channeller you are hearing and reading about now, will be there. We want you to look over there with compassion. The next time you meditate, we wish you to have compassion for solutions there. See the unsolvable, solved. Visualize it as done. Don't try to figure it out. And as you visualize these miracles, we are telling you that your own life will shift and change as well. It's all connected to the whole. You will feel a peacefulness you have asked for in your heart. That's the way it really works.

In a room full of Human angels this size [speaking of about 250 people who sit in front of Lee], with all that pure compassion focused on one thing, you'd be astonished at what you can do. That's how tremendous the energy is and how it works. How do you think you created a new reality for 2000 for the planet? What stopped the doomsday prophecies from occurring? There were enough compassionate Human Beings on the earth that between 1963 and 1987, Humanity turned things around. I sit in front of many of those who did this! There is tremendous love here! Around the chairs where you sit, we are celebrating the Human Being! We are celebrating the family!

Here is something else. There is a country on Earth that needs your compassion and your focus. We will speak of this at another time, and yet again and again. We told you about a planetary energy—something called “The New Jerusalem.” It refers to a planetary attribute and a planetary potential, not to a place in Israel. It is a metaphor, and a name filled with promise and peace for the planet. But, dear ones, it requires that the entire earth be involved, not just those on the continent where you might sit [speaking of the Americas].

There is one entire continent that hasn't had a chance to have the full awakening you have as you read this page. They are too involved in ancient war and old tribal affairs. They are too involved in fear and hatred. They are too involved in daily survival to even consider a spiritual path. The irony here is that they represent the very birthplace of the kind of Human you have on Earth at the moment, and they are in trouble.

This is not a political issue, for Spirit does not involve itself with that. No, this is a family issue. The next time you sit down, compassionate one, create an energy of compassion, and send it to all the countries and Human family tribes in the continent you call Africa. Eleven years ago, we told you that a certain percentage of the earth would be leaving in order to facilitate the change of the end times [Kryon Book One]. You are seeing it now. However, you are also in a new energy that you have created where you are beginning to realize that you can change this! Do you want to change it?

Oh, dear family member, born in spiritual affluence compared to those in other lands, turn your compassion upon Africa, for this energy must change for the whole earth to shift. See the family in Africa as plentiful. See the family with bountiful food and good health. Don't guess how! Instead, visualize it being done. See solutions for every one of them. See them becoming wise and harmonious. See peace!

Another Potential Given
Eleven years ago, we gave you a potential that indeed took place in 1999. You'll see it in the white book, The End Times. We indicated that a dictator would create chaos for the earth in 1999, and he did. [Speaking of the potential on page 23 of Kryon Book One, The End Times, which turned out to be Kosovo]. The chaos created was about genocide. It's the first time the earth, in an unlikely coalition, banded loosely together and said to the head of a country; “It doesn't matter about the sovereignty of your borders; no person or country can commit genocide of its people.”

We told you back then about the potential of this. The potential was there in such a strong way that it happened right on schedule, and here's another one. In the year 2002, there is a new potential for another consensus of this kind. It will be a consensus potentially of compassion, with the earth joining together to make a change without force or war, and without killing a Human Being. This is a grand potential, and it represents Human evolution. It's spiritual consciousness at work. But you have choice on the time-line. We'll see what you do with it, dear ones.

Taking Care of Yourself First
Do you want to help those in Africa to live instead of die? Do you wish to help create solutions in the Middle East? If you do, you must start with yourself. We call it “sitting in the golden chair.” We have taught you this over and over. Only now, interdimensional Human, with the thickness of love and compassion surrounding you, perhaps you understand? By creating your own lighthouse, you will indeed help steer other family members into safe harbors of the globe. How bright is your light? You won't be able to do anything about the rest of the family who is approaching the rocks until you brighten your own light!

How about feeling compassion for self? How about dropping all of the anger toward those who will not speak to you? How about projecting forgiveness toward those who have performed the unforgivable within your life, and affected you greatly? How about compassion for self? It is time to see the child in there, the one who is the angel. We will give you more on this later, but we tell you metaphorically that if you stripped away all the things that were Human and were able to “see” the angel inside, it would have the face of a child! It would have the innocence and unconditional love at the core of you. You so often associate children with sacredness. Now, you know why.

It's time to be compassionate with yourself. Sit in the golden chair. Feel the miracles here for you today. Reader and listener, let it be said now that there is an energy in the space around you that is precious and that begs to be accepted. If you are willing to feel compassion now, you will be overwhelmed with our compassion in response. For there is an entourage here and around your chair that wants to hold and hug you.

We have given you secrets tonight. We invite many of you to rise from the place where you are when it's time, and leave this space differently from how you came in. Oh, shaman, medicine man/woman—priest, we have seen you in your past lives and have heard the vows dropped this night! We have given you sacred information that is as old as you are—allowing for the changing of reality with compassion. It will allow you to pray and meditate differently. It will help you to sort things out.

You cannot number God. We are singular, yet infinite. We are the sands of time that happen in “the instant forever.” We are the center of physics. We are God. We are family. We also are in love with you. That's the message. Do we have an agenda? Oh yes. It's to be with you with compassion. This is the God-partner energy we have spoken of since we began the teachings. In that soup that you call the divine energy around you, is the solution to your life's most precious callings.

Dear ones, as we pick up the bowls of our tears of joy from washing your feet, we feel deep compassion. There has been a homecoming today. Many have had the touch of Spirit, given as a profound validation that this is not just a talking man that you are hearing and reading, No, this is a real visit of Spirit.

The hardest thing we do is leave. We are hesitating even now, wishing to stay and simply hug you in quietness. But the time is right, and the appropriateness has arrived for us to withdraw. There has never been a time in Human history where we have had more communion with the angels pretending to be humans than now. Is it any wonder we wish to remain?

Leave this place with a sanctuary of your own creation within your life. Surround yourself with the love of God. Create a long-lasting spiritual light that can change the earth itself! Know that it is a universal light and belongs to all. And so it is that you have been given secrets this day. And so it is that science has been delivered to you. And so it is that all we have said this day is true and is known at the cellular level of all humanity.

And so it is, dear family, that we will see you again.

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