Sunday, October 7, 2012

Serving as the Higher Self for Our ‘Selves’ in this Lifetime

by DL Zeta | October 2012

As we align ourselves with our higher self we’re able to embrace all that comes before us by shining the light of our love and understanding on it. Our higher self sees everything through the lens of love and compassion.

Through this lens, we see that even those who show up in our lives to assist us with our harshest lessons are doing so out of love at the soul level.

When we are able to see life through the eyes of our higher self, resentments and feelings of victimhood fade. We feel ourselves as one within ourselves and with all others. This is the path of self-realization where we are the living embodiment of the gifts we came here to share. Choosing to align with our higher self shifts us to fifth-dimensional timelines where we join with others to anchor love and peace to the earth plane.

Our Present Moment is the Bridge between Past and Future Selves

One way we align with our higher self is to become the higher self for our other aspects or “selves” in this lifetime. Our present moment is the vehicle for serving as the bridge or guide to all our selves in this lifetime. The present is always the bridge between the past and future.

When our present-moment self chooses to serve as bridge between past and future aspects, we automatically set ourselves on our chosen path for this lifetime. When we set the intention to serve as the higher self for this lifetime we begin to see all our “selves” through the lens of unconditional love. There is no judgment of past selves or fear for our selves in the future.

Serving as the bridge between past and future also opens the door to blessings and guidance from a much expanded future self.

Creating the Causes of an Empowered Future Self

When we choose to serve as the bridge for our past and future, we create the causes of an empowered future self that is able to bring us needed insights and guidance with impeccable timing. At the same time, we bring about healing and release to younger aspects of our selves that are trapped in emotional traumas of the past. As our present-moment self acts on behalf of past and future aspects, the present takes care of itself.

The focus shifts from the ego’s desires to one of love and service.

Our ego desires love at the root but is easily distracted by a myraid of objects, people and situations for reasons that are illusory, conditional and fleeting. From a place of limited understanding, illusory distractions look like the eternal love we are seeking.

By choosing the path of service to our “selves,” we choose true unconditional love and are able to see through illusory distractions that appear before us.

The Path of Love and Service Naturally Extends to All Others

Serving our past and future helps us grow spiritually and experience inner oneness and unity. The choice to become higher self to our past and future selves allows us to move through life as a unified being. This path of service and love naturally extends to all others.

As we incubate the state of love and oneness within ourselves, we’re able to share this with the world. It is from this place of world service and oneness that we are truly able to walk through this lifetime holding hands with our higher self on the path of unity and compassion.

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