Monday, November 5, 2012

Archangel Michael: This Election Clears the Way for Obama

Posted by Steve Beckow

Geoff West has just completed the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel and the tape is off to Ellen to be transcribed. But since the events are so timely, perhaps I can summarize some of the points that Archangel Michael made with Geoff.

In all cases, Ellen’s transcription is to be preferred to my own rough typing. I’ve tried to be accurate but may have made a few slips.

He reiterated that “the storm was not a human creation.”

“It was a natural phenomenon that was very clearly guided and targeted for the removal of negativity, for the clean-up of the people of the planet. … It was very clearly directed, but it was not directed by what you would think of as negative human forces. And please understand that Gaia and her ability to direct enegries is much stronger than any of the humans and that is particularly the case here.”

He said that Gaia would never wish to create massive human devastation if it was not part of the process of cleansing of negativity. He predicts that human love of drama will go way down as a result of the storm and balance will go way up.

He agreed with the reports that the storm stopped Mitt Romney’s momentum and “gave the people an opportunity to actually see the President of the United States acting in a way that was very caring and compassionate and in leadership capability rather than in partisan politics so it gave the people a chance to witness who he truly is.”

He said that the outpouring of compassion to those who were affected “is opening people’s hearts.”

He asserted that “the storm was not a cover for a direct takeover of the Federal Reserve. That is incorrect information.” He added that “there is no need to do anything with the Federal Reserve. That is not the source of abundance that anyone is looking to.”

He also advised that there was no rejigging of the stock exchange. But there was nevertheless a reason for the shutdown of Wall Street.

“There have been a great number of thefts and of manipulations that were to the advantage of what we would call powerholders and to the disadvantage of those who were trying to protect or earn money. … During this time of shutdown, the first criteria … is that many people came to realize that first of all the world does not end if the stock market is closed for a couple of days. So that is an important realization and in many ways that alone was a reset.

“And in the second place during this downtime or reset as you would phrase there was a massive infusion of light and love into that entire sector or environment, including every single person all over the globe that is involve din this type of activity.

“This was an infusion directly from the heart of my legions and from the heart of the Mother/Father One. And from the galactics.

“So did we fiddle with the stock market? No. But it re-opened on a very vibrant note.

“And when it reopened it was realized that what was important was those trapped in the streets, and in their homes. So it brought the attention back to what was really important.”

It is true, however, that there was some adjustment of records in the New York Police Department. He said:

“About the records of the New York Police Department, now you know that I am an archangel of justice or balance. Now let me tell you that there are many beings in that database that are completely innocent so there was some readjustment done, nothing major, but there was some readjustment. “

On the re-election of the President, he said:

“This will be an election that clears the way for Obama to step into his role to co-create the New Earth. So, yes, he will and he does have the support that he will need in order to play his role.

“But if everything went awry, we need to emphasize that this does not change the roles and missions of each of you but more importantly of Barack Obama and his team. This will go forward.”

And he confirmed that the President’s re-election is the signal for events to begin: “And yes, this will inaugurate the whirlwind so get ready.”

He confirmed that Christine Lagard has been in containment and because of that she is serving the Light. Geoff asked him about the Committee of 300 now supporting Obama. He replied:

“What is significant is the amount and quality of support from every corner of the planet and also from very diverse interests that are there to support Obama.

“This is a very significant indicator of change that those who have been in very full containment and in very light containment are shifting. We have been very clear that everyone is welcome to assist with Gaia. So you are seeing the shift in heart of those whom you have been very skeptical of shifting their agenda.”

So a lot of the shifts that are taking place now are occurring because of containment. He added for Canadians that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is in middle containment, not severe containment. So there will be a change of heart in him as well and in the rigorous nature of his policies.

Geoff asked him about 11/11 and 12/12 and he replied that the 11/11 portal, which had been opened on 11/11 1992 has been available to the human race since that time but that is now being intensified. So we might think of it as gates that have been opened but now they are being flung back.

Both 11/11 and 12/12 are very important dates, he said. These are human reference points that are important. He advised us to mark the occasions with ceremony, with meditation and prayer. Think of 11/11 as a declaration of human peace. “Plan unifying events for this day, to declare this on behalf of yourselves and your brothers and sisters of Earth.”

He said we would soon see the end of gang wars, the end of civil violence, and the end of torture.

He said as well that “12/12 is highly significant and again it is an opening, a further opening and anchoring of energies that began on 12/12 1993, and this is a gate that will grow and expand for years into the future.”

Peace with the Third Dimension on 11/11, he summarized, and balance and readiness for liftoff on 12/12.

He agreed with my article “We Won,” saying that lightworkers and lightholders had indeed won the war and, because we have, the celestials and galactics have also won. In his words:

“The war is over and you have won. Which also means that we have won. Which also means that we go hand in hand, and heart in heart, that we go forward in this completion. The boulder is at the bottom of the hill, my friends.”

In the discussion of Ascension that followed, most of which I’ll leave to Ellen to transcribe, he stated that “our plan is that everybody goes, everybody. But if there are a few who by free choice choose to relocate elsewhere, they will think that nothing much has changed.”

He reiterated that “there is a window there so we are not talking about 20,000 years. So there is a window for [the slow ones] to come aboard.”

Let me stop there, though there was much else that was discussed. We now need to assist those affected by Hurricane Sandy, welcome in a “new” President, and then begin a period of concentrated transformation.

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