Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Grounding and Sending Light to Mother Earth

a message from Christina Lunden

The Angels have been sharing for the last few years that it is not for the highest of our paths to continue to ground or send light to Mother Earth. Many are questioning how this could be since she seems to be in distress and needs our help. The Angels have your answers.

What is grounding? It can be physically going outside and sticking your hands and or feet in the soil. It can be visualizing that your energy is going into Mother Earth or vice versa. It can be spiritually asking or stating prayers that say you “are grounded.”

Why would we not want to do that anymore? When we were born in this life, we were 3rd dimensional on a physical 3rd dimensional Earth. Connecting with Mother Earth brought us healing and balance as she was stronger than us. She had a healthy cleansing process which renewed her quickly so taking on our lower energy and giving us back higher energy, was no big deal for her.

With the 4th Dimension spiritual overlay on Earth, as we grounded, we sometimes didn’t feel the same effects as in the 3rd Dimension. That was because Mother Earth was starting to have a more difficult time clearing the energy that she was taking in, a lot of which was toxic.

Then with the arrival of 5th Dimension Ascension energy, the Lightworkers are not spiritually supported by Mother Earth as she is still 3rd dimensional. So she is a couple of flights down from where we are spiritually dwelling. Think of it as walking on an invisible road above the Earth. The 3rd Dimension and 5th Dimension are physical places so the two cannot be in the same place at the same time. Until the 5th Dimension becomes a physical place, we won’t have anywhere to ground that can spiritually support us and that will not cause some sort of reaction for our bodies and our lives.

The issue with grounding to Mother Earth is that she is going through many things on many levels. We are not clued into all that is going on with her. Some call her process birthing. Some call her process dying. Some call her process renewing. Whatever you want to call it, she is going through something; something we can’t fully understand. When you ground to Mother Earth now, you are connecting to all of that energy; the birthing, the dying, the renewing. If you are not a mother who has given birth, ask one if it was pain free without taking drugs. The waves of the contractions are eventually worth it because of the birth of the child however it is not a fun thing for someone to go through. When people are grounding now, they are feeling these effects as the undercurrent of their lives. It’s like we are riding wave after wave of unsteady energy.

You won’t notice a difference in how your body feels or in your life experiences though, until you stop grounding to her. When you do, you will see a change in your life. Almost like an immediate calming. Some of you are going through things in your lives not because they are lessons you are to go through but because you are connecting to Mother Earth who has a tremendous amount of toxic energy. Therefore, what you are experiencing in your life is from a toxic energy foundation.

I have spoken with many people in Soul Session readings who their Angels told them this was the main reason for the chaos in their lives. The Angels guided them to stop grounding to Mother Earth. Many were hesitant at first but prayed about it and then tested it. The difference was amazing. If you have the ups and downs and chaotic energy in your life, consider trying this for one week to see the difference in your life. It won’t make your soul lessons go away, however there will be a foundation of peace and less of the chaotic wave of energy because you will actually only be dealing with what you are supposed to be going through.

The issue with sending light to Mother Earth as a 5th dimensional person is that you can harm Mother Earth and fellow human beings. One of the benefits of being 5th dimensional before we ascend to our new world is that we can be more powerful and use that power while we are here. Unfortunately, like children we don’t always know how best to use that power.

If we continue to follow our 3rd dimensional teachings and send Mother Earth light from this 5th dimensional level, we could be giving her too much energy in a specific place on Earth and cause something to happen that wasn’t supposed to happen. The Angels give this example: If there is a volcano eruption and a 5th dimensional person sends energy to that area, the volcano can explode with even more energy. We can cause more damage and distress by increasing that energy. Mother Earth is releasing energy as she needs to in a very controlled way. Have you ever heard of controlled burns that firemen do? They actually start fires in areas in a controlled way so that a fire doesn’t happen that could get out of control. It’s risky but there is great success in having the controlled burns to prevent something worse from happening. The Angels say that is similar to what Mother Earth is doing.

Following the 5th dimensional teachings, we have been taught not to judge someone’s life decisions or soul path. We are not to interfere with them or fix them and their situations unless they come to us and ask us for help. This is an appropriate next step for us as we are growing up spiritually and becoming more God-like. Being so, we are allowing the process of free-will. You can tell if you are already walking in the 5th dimensional ascension energy if this is something that you are already doing or you are currently working on it in your life. We are being guided to do the same thing with Mother Earth; not to judge her process. We are to allow her to go through these changes without sending light.

Are you not comfortable with leaving Mother Earth to deal with this process on her own? You are not leaving her on her own if you are acting in the 5th dimensional way. In this higher energy, you are already constantly the light and Mother Earth can see exactly where you are at any given moment. As she needs some help, she just takes the light that is flowing through the people who already have this higher energy. You never notice a difference in your energy because you are in the 5th dimensional energy where the light energy is constantly flowing; therefore, there will be no ups and downs in your personal energy. Mother Earth then places it exactly where she needs it to go, in the amount that she needs to do what she needs to accomplish. You are serving in this manner 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. So you do not have to figure out when to pray, when to send light, how much to send, be in a specific place on Earth, etc. We have a perfect symbiotic relationship with Mother Earth. We are helping her more than we ever could before because we are stronger and coming from a much higher, loving place.

Being the light right beside you,


Copyright 2012 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator ~ All rights reserved. Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source: www.ChristinaLunden.com


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