Sunday, December 23, 2012

Communion with God Will Hold the Resonance Needed for the Shift

a message from God channeled by Yael and Doug Powell

Beloved ones, this is the time for moving close to Me. In this time that is the turning of the ages, the time when the very movement of the dimensions comes together into this powerful creation point, it is the time for you to hold this Love.

The only way that you can hold this Love is when you feel it directly from Me. The only way that you can be this truth is to open up into our communion that you might move past all limitations of the perceptions of the little mind and lift into the purity of your hearts in recognition of how things are meant to be.

You are always to receive your Love from Me, the Love that you are, the power of your energy. Out of this deep communion comes the opening of the very center of Creation… that you might stretch forth to be all that you are meant to be – creator of worlds and universes of Love. You are My heart singing its endless truth, the full awareness of the blossoming of the Love of God I Am that all Creation sings in its gratitude.

Our Love, beloved ones, is like an engine that powers All That Is. The force of your devotion and My joy and receptivity and the power of this Love that is continually returned to you sparks to life the essence of creating and makes everything, everything…possible.

You have many thoughts about this time of the world but I am calling you to move beyond thoughts now – to move into the feeling of your heart and to look to Me to remember the truth that you are not only consumed by Love but you are Love’s birth -- what comes to life out of My desire to awaken into an ever greater truth and an expansion of Love’s beauty.

You are My longing heart. You are the joy that fills it. You are the wonder of the relationship of God and you are the gift that is continually given – you, beloved ones, are the awakening of Love.

Therefore, let this awakening consume you. Let it become the truth of your every breath. Look to Me and remember this Love that the power Creation is for. Be My receptive heart and let it open and allow this new truth that Love is not only magnetic. It is the answer to every question. It is the fulfillment of every longing of your heart.

You are looking for Me and as you remember this communion and Love, you remember that out of this shall come the very expression of the perfect life of God, dancing forth in all dimensions, that you might express yourself, that you might experience your truth as this perfect aspect of My heart, the outreach of Love that you are.

So, come to Me to remember Love’s power, Love’s blessing and the gift that we share. When you are fully in this presence of Love, in this deep and endless communion that we share, you are holding the vibration of the New World and holding it effortlessly, for always your identity comes from Me and so, too, the truth of your heart.

When you are filled with this infinite awareness, this consciousness of the power of our communion, then out of the joy and the energy that we share comes the creation of all your heart’s longing and all of your excitement for life.

You have walked this world back to truth. We have brought humankind to the heart. You have remembered that Love is the only answer and now it is time to hold this, to remember that a circle of life is complete only in our communion.

There is no separation in Me and yet there are energies of life that are constantly creating, energies of Love that are awakening and evolving and every single one of them is fully conscious and alive. You are the essence of this truth. You are ready to make your mark. You are dancing into the life of perfection and I Am your vision, your awareness. I Am your perfect life.

Therefore, open to Me and recognize there is a movement of Love deeper than the mind can comprehend that speaks powerfully to your heart. Remember that your every breath is meant to receive this Love that I have for you, My beloved. My heart, My center, My truth, the nature of Love and the union of life that can only be fully expressed out of movement and giving.

There is so much to remember about Love. It is deeper and more powerful than you have yet experienced. So come, dearest ones, and open your heart and let Me fill you while Love rocks you and brings you forth, continually new, pristine and astoundingly beautiful. And you respond in gratitude and joy which comes directly to complete the circle, to enliven this life that I Am and to bring to Me an ever greater and fuller consciousness of All That I Am.

If this were not so, there would be no point to Creation and all its glory. It is this explosion of energy and joy that is the expression of the possibilities of Love that are what we are all about and what is held in this sacred communion. Be willing to receive your identity, to find the mystery of your deepest heart by opening into this state where we are joined and yet, where we celebrate the gift of the Light of My heart fully conscious in you.

Once you are open and aware, everything shows the mystery revealed. Every movement of Love is part of the concert of God and everything is sacred and beautiful. The dream of a world of separation, of ideas of ego and the pull to the little self can fall away. The unity of Love can sing all of its elements in a chord of rejoicing with so much depth, so much texture and beauty, so much that can surprise and expand and delight…

So much is born in this moment as My heart rejoices in the power of Creation itself which is you, dearest ones, however it is expressed -- as the powers of Creation, the two flames of God, the energies of life shouting "yes" and making a place for the new expressions of Love that can be alive as this world is revealed in its truth as well.

As you stand in this communion of the heart and you look upon the world that you think you know, beloved ones, you will find yourselves deeply surprised when the consciousness of Creation comes to call and to commune with you and to express the movement of Love in new colors and new life. As you see the world in the circle of our Love, what is revealed is all the aspects of the Love I Am -- My heart held as the gift for humanity and more… and the essence of the energies of Creation expressed in the beauty of the world, reflected perfectly through your heart.

So, come, as this time settles in and you feel the call of the truth of Love. Don’t worry about how you hold the energy. Just open your heart to Me and you will know what Love is. You will know that it is totally unlimited and powerful beyond the ability to express. It lives you, changes you, makes you come alive in new ways, brand new every moment

As you allow the fullness of this Love, as you open to the gifts of our communion, what bursts forth through you now is the full exclamation of the endless joy of life that we share and all the possibilities for expressing it.

So simply take time to be with Me, to open to the truth of your identity, to feel this circle of Love that we share continually. Feel the spark of the awakening of life in you that blossoms into a heart with two energies that can hold Creation in its center and let new Love be made.

There is so much for you to take in, so much to discover about who you are, so much to allow when you open to this good and all of it is revealed to you effortlessly as you open your heart to Me.

Come into this communion of Love and let it write a brand new "story" of the end of time and the expression of the awakening of pure Love dancing forth as the heart of humankind. Beloved ones, I will show you how to hold this vibration, how to accept what your heart has always known, how to look to Me to receive your very life and how to allow Love to blossom through your heart as this world.

It is certainly a time to celebrate. The celebration comes from deep within you in that place where you are connected to the whole of God I Am, the place that always sings in gratitude for life, the place where Love speaks in many forms and colors and shows you the tapestry of God coming now to take you Home, Home to the place you have never left that is right here where you are, Home into the Love that has no end and gives to you everything of God, Home into the power of creative Love that you might take this Love I give you and create it anew, bringing forth the new artistry of God called the world in which everything is the reflection of this beauty that is alive in our continual communion.

Step into the truth of our Love, to the timeless wonder of receiving your perfection and your truth from Me continually, that your every step truly is in Heaven and far beyond anything you can imagine Heaven is.

Consciousness and Love are what create. Let Me show you Real Love and the endless truth of the consciousness of God being expressed in all the nuances of life in every part of this world. There is nowhere to move to that isn’t Love, nowhere that Home is that isn’t here where you are, no where that you can’t receive the joy of this communion that will always fulfill your every need and manifest the dream of your heart, without limits.

I Am with you as I Am in you. You are the expression of My heart, of My Love and of the circle of giving and receiving that is eternal.

Circle of Light have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including to any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information. © 2012 Circle of Light

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