Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Laura Bushnell – Call Forth The Divine Mother

Let us call forth the Divine Mother that lives within us all, the Divine Mother that calls for us to nurture, to love and to protect. This world needs mothering, and within all of us is the plan for a peaceful world. Imagine a world that is safe for our children, a world that is free of violence, hunger, and pain. May your part be revealed to you. It is time to embody your heart to transcend, to use your love to heal our earth. YOU are the heart of the earth.

This is a call to arms – loving arms. In the arms of love, the earth will celebrate. The Divine Mother is not a soft mushy energy. She is infinitely powerful and knows her boundaries. I really feel she is teaching us to have ours! Are you listening? Are you watching the signs? She wants us to act from our heart at all times. How does the Divine Mother speak to you? Do you see her? Do you feel her? Do you hear her? Do you sense her presence in your life?

I am sitting in front the ocean right now. As I write this, I see and feel the power of the waves, so I know the great Mother’s heart is beating with mine as the waves unfold. The ocean connects all of us. Every continent in the world is connected with the water. I hear her asking us to feel her in every aspect of our lives. It is time now.

Living Celebration:

Stand tall. Pull your shoulders up and back and feel your feet on the ground. If you can go to the actual earth, do so. If not, imagine it, our imagination is very powerful right now. Say these words and listen:

Mother I feel you under my feet.

Mother I hear your heart beat.

Repeat 8 times. Listen to what you hear and pay close attention to how your body feels. She is communicating with you, because she loves you.

God Bless You,


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