Monday, January 7, 2013

The Galactic Free Press Update: The Wild Ride of Januaries Energies

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

Greetings Love Beings, January is already bringing to Us A Wild Ride of Intense Energies and for those embracing these New Earth Energies, You Will Feel These as a Yeehaw within Your Being. They are Coming In Waves and if You are Clear, Meaning In The Present Moment of Now,  you will be feeling and Experience these The Most. If You are not clear, and flowing in the oneness energies you are going to discover increased challenging Moments. The Clearer You are the Funner the Ride!

2012 Was Love's Year to Step Forward With Truth. 2013 is The Manifestation of this Truth into Physicality. Within the Birth of the New Earth, The Unity Consciousness and The New Paradigm which has occurred as a Natural Part of the Evolution Taking Place on this Planet, these Truths Will become Self Evident!

jamesgilliland Quoted from James Gilliland
"To some there are major changes happening and it is off the scale. It is felt within, their hearts are opening and the world is changing at a rapid rate. Others are seeing changes in their outer world at what seems a slower pace, often not realizing what is happening within. Like a birth a whole new being is emerging from the inside out, the placenta will be discarded which is the old world no longer needed as a containment vessel. The old world order has been the containment vessel and has been very creative at containing the masses in the first three chakras. Survival, sex and power...
...Regardless of their clever arrogance the old world order has missed the wisdom of evolution, universal law and the fact that the Earth, all who reside upon her have a different destiny. This destiny is supported and inspired by the Source itself and that destiny is to move to the next level. It is a destiny that cannot be stopped, it is happening even below the atomic level and assisted by the Source itself and the beautiful many servants of Creator/Spirit/God, or what many refer to as Source or Original Cause. Humanity is awakening, the heart, the voice, the vision, the direct knowing or God connection is activating on a grand scale....
Are we a body and a personality or a spirit that has a body and personality? If we align with spirit would we not operate under universal law? Would we not be aware of the plan of the controllers as well as the plans of spirit? In unity consciousness, what science calls the unified field everything is connected—there is no separation. This means no elite, no competition, no deception only at one-ness. The awareness of what is in alignment with universal law or unity consciousness and the heart, voice and direct knowing from Creator opening will bring an end to the old guard.
The Earth has chosen to rise in frequency and move to the next level. All that which is upon the Earth must match the new frequency. The birth is real, it is upon us and the placenta—the old world order—will be discarded. Real wisdom will discard the clever attempts to stop an unstoppable process. These attempts to stop the spiritual evolution of Earth will be met with exposure and reaction—what some all karma. There is nowhere to hide from this process, there is no defense, and resistance is futile. The world of the controllers is coming to a close. They at best should be interested in soul evolution and where their consciousness and actions are going to take them.
The world of those in service to Creator is blooming. It is time to move into the heart, accept and own your divine heritage. We no longer have the luxury of serving the beast or to willingly participate in the control, enslavement, or any harm to humanity and the Earth. There will be no security in these roles. The plan is set, it is activated, the Source itself, what some call the real God, a divine intelligence or frequency and force is here along with the beautiful many. It is time to align with and celebrate the birth of humanity and the Earth, release the past and move forward in courage, in service to humanity and the Earth. Stop sweating the small stuff, according to your Godself it is all small stuff. Rise beyond petty bicaring, unite and create heaven on Earth...." End of quote

Photo By White Dragon Its time to Start A NEW! In Love Everywhere!

Daily Sun: 04 Jan 13
Sunspot AR1640 is crackling with low-level C-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI

 Earth Report By Earth Ally Rain "Earthquake activity is still stable.
Plosky Tolbachik volcano in Kamchatka continues to erupt.
Pacaya volcano in Guatemala showed increased activity with a steam plume reaching 3,000 m altitude for a few hours on January 2nd. Fuego volcano produced 8 weak explosions with ash clouds reaching 3-400 m above the crater during 2-3 Jan. The Santiaguito lava dome continued to feed its lava flows, one of which showed some advance on Jan 3rd. Copahue volcano in Chile/ Argentina continues to emit a steam and gas plume, but no further explosions were recorded. SERNAGEOMIN keeps the alert level at yellow.
2012 was the hottest year in recorded American history.
2012 was the second wettest year on record for the UK. In 2000, the wettest year, the UK received 6.6 mm more rain than last year.
On January 3rd, New Delhi suffered its coldest day in 44 years amid a cold snap across northern India. There were at least 114 casualties from exposure during this cold spell.
About 61 percent of the continental U.S. remains in some form of drought with more than 21 percent of the lower 48 states are in extreme or exceptional drought.
Schools, universities and government offices in the Iranian capital of Tehran will be closed on Saturday for the second time in a month because of high air pollution. Officials blame the pollution on car exhaust. They expect the level of pollution to remain high for three more days.
A record heat wave in Australia has led to an outbreak of wildfires.

New Zealand experienced a storm system that brought gales, torrential rain, thunderstorms and unseasonal snow.
Heavy rains following two weeks of record high temperatures in Brazil led to major flooding with some casualties.
Flooding continues to affect parts of Africa as well, such as Niger and Kenya.
" End of Quote

Many are already beginning to experience this New Earth Energy, many more will follow in the energetic footprints Left by those who have walked into the Light already and is where the Higher Grid is Being Activated On the Planet. This is inevitable, as this Energy is Present and Fully Manifested ON the Planet within Many. This Energy manifested will begin to expand and continue to expand. On January 2nd, Many Awoke to An Intense Amount of Light Pouring into the planet. Which is All Part of these New Earth Energies Coming In.

Quoted from Bill Ballard January 2nd  "woke this morning to some major increases in the energy/LIGHT incoming. WOW! This is pretty intense even for me. Several conversations with friends this morning prompted the subject of todays video which is witnessing the transition of so many into their multi~ dimensional states of being. As long as they hold on to what they knew and the old paradigm, as well as those persons who are not currently choosing to switch because of their unawakened state of being, things will be difficult. To release the shore and flow downstream and going with the flow is my advice coming from personal experience. I totally had to leave the situation I was in when I shifted to living fully in 5D, and out of the old way of being I was used to... I feel for you all who are going through that now. Sending LOVE!...

We shared In many Messages in December, what The December 21st Alignment was All About, which was an Energy Coming Directly In from the Center of this Universe!  We are currently receiving reports they have scientifically detected this Energy coming In and are Receiving a Signal directly from the Center of The Milky Galaxy which is the Center of This Universe.

 Quoted from Mitch Battros Earth Changes Media~

Powerful Magnetic Outflow Coming From Milky Way Galactic Plane

Enormous outflows of charged particles from the center of our Galaxy, stretching more than halfway across the sky and moving at supersonic speeds, have been detected and mapped with CSIRO's 64-m Parkes radio telescope.

Corresponding to the "Fermi Bubbles" found in 2010, the recent observations of the phenomenon were made by a team of astronomers from Australia, the USA, Italy and The Netherlands, with the findings reported in the January 2nd 2013 issue of Nature.

"There is an incredible amount of energy in the outflows," said co-author Professor Lister-Staveley-Smith from The University of Western Australia node of the International center for Radio Astronomy Research in Perth and Deputy Director of the ARC center of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO).

The source of the energy has been somewhat of a mystery, but we know there is a lot there, about a million times as much energy as a supernova explosion (a dying star)." End of quote

On December 21st, This Planet Did align with the Galactic Center, and these are Unstoppable energies Coming in Backed with Alot of Creational Energy. These Energies will only Increase and We truly have just begun. As More Awaken this adds to the energy on the Planet and for those Who Are Awake Also receive this Energy as the Grid Lights Up. 

  Quoted from Bill Ballard  "Many of us are experiencing such a higher vibration/Light/energy coming in.... and increasing dramatically as we go that has no outside influence as Solar Flares, Solar Streams or CMEs, planetary alignments, or other influences that it could be pinned to as we witnessed in 2012. Of course there could be a further reduction in Earth's magnetic field that could be causing it that we are not yet seeing scientific data from... My feelings is that we may be finally coming to that critical mass number of awakened and en light en ing humanity that we may be self-generating this. I would certainly hope this is the case. Presently I see no other reason that could be causing this, even with this newly discovered magnetic radiation, separate from the photon belt that we have just entered coming from the Galactic Center... Whatever, it is powerful! I'm loving it!

This is The Year of The New Earth and its the Moment To Accomplsih what You All came here to accomplish, and This is Being Love and this Means Trusting the Love You are and the Love Which Created You. Yes, Big changes are going to Happen In this energy. We need Planetwide Peace and this is through the sharing of information, Being Love and Peace, Uniting, and participating in your Missions. We are going to have waves of New Awakenee's very quickly in fact its already happening.

Quoted from Wes Annac"I can truly feel some amazing energies and I can feel even more brimming to burst from within, and as we all unite together to co-Create our new paradigm of peace, cooperation and intense higher dimensionality in every form it has to offer – we Create exactly what we have been envisioning and working toward during an Earth experience that has tested and, at times, flattened us.
While there is still much work to be done for the Lightworkers, Gatekeepers, Galactics, Celestials, and the human Earth collective especially, I must reiterate that we have made it. The hardest of the work has been done and while we will all be tested as the New Year beckons us toward true and fluid-like change, our experiences and roles from here on out are to be more enjoyable than we can currently imagine.
Wes Annac ~ Receiving assistance and passing it on." End of Quote

There are now many who are complaining to the Light that nothing has happened as Promised. Well, lots has happened, so thats not true. Many Messages Here On the Galactic Free Press have said all along this is an Internal Event which is happening, which is transforming to the Outer! For this is How The Energy of Creation Functions.

"What is Creation? In Truth Creation is Self~ Evident, We do not control, Creation, WE JUST PARTICIPATE WITHIN IT. Creation is the understanding of all Energy and How it is utilized. Creation energy is always used “FOR THE GREATEST GOOD,HIGHEST BENEFIT FOR THE ALL, FOR THE GREATEST NUMBER. This is what 2013 Is All About Energetically Speaking!

 Quoted from SIMION through Amariah Mara ..."You have made it past the winter solstice of 2012 and you are still here. Wonderful! The world has not come to an end. Some will say nothing happened. Will you be one of those? If you do say nothing happened, than you have missed much. 2012 was meant to be a crossroads. It was a time of becoming or not becoming and deciding what you wish to see anew in this new year of 2013. We certainly hope you are seeing much happening and that you are thus extremely motivated to create the world of enlightenment that has been contemplated.
simion_changeWas the wake-up call of 2012 heard by you? Was it heard by the world around you? This year will be the true test of that. Now is the real testing time of your guts and grit and true spirit as creators. This year many will fall to the wayside that were looking for a quick fix or that never truly believed in humankind’s potential to evolve. Are you a way-sider, or have your eyes been opened further to reveal more light in your life? Will you be one that adds to the creation of the Promised Land that you all have been working towards? If so, then now is the real year of action! This is the year when all the hype can become real in your lives, one at a time, until the light spreads like a wild fire blown by a strong wind.
So much light can now be revealed that wasn’t able to previously in anticipation of the Big End or Big Shift of Dec. 21, 2012. Now is the time that the real truth in each soul will come forward, as all the pressures of the buildup are gone and only those that really meant what they intended to be as light workers will remain. The tough and truly divinely touched will forge ahead without a blink of an eye. And what a world they will create. Watch out for the spreading undercurrent now! You thought it was strong last year, but nothing will compare to what will happen in 2013. This is the true launching year for all that has been building.
Last year was simply the preparation and the weeding out period. The weeding of those that couldn’t maintain a vibration of service no matter the hurdles thrown at them....
Now is the time to truly become that reality that you know to be true within. You that survive all the hype that nothing happened, and recognize that everything happened, will be those that are quietly, or perhaps not so quietly, creating this new dimensional existence in the times ahead. This is no small thing we speak of.
Many other dimensional realms have been watching to see who and how many would make it through all the veils put before your eyes in the year of 2012. Who and how many of you are still with us and seeing beyond the veils now? Enough, are with us that your world hasn’t come to an end, and this is a big step. It may have come to an end for some, but it hasn’t for you.....
all the truth you need for this year is within the energy signature of these words. Keep the flame lit, now more than ever, and you will see and be the future elevation of humankind and your beloved planet Gaia..."

Gaia Portal Update: Seminal frequencies planted last year have been activated and empowered. These Higher frequencies could only be activated post 12-12-12 to 12-21-12 period, and post 12-31-12. Today’s 1-1-13 at 11:13 provided ideal gateway for activation, Gaia planet-wide.
Those experiencing pulsations in body and heart chakra resonate with identical pulsations occurring Gaia planet-wide.
There is no precedent for this, and many will depart as a result.
Alignment/harmonization with the Higher Frequency Gaia Pulsations brings expansion in awareness of Higher Purpose, and the Power to carry that out.
Drumming aligns the Body-Mind-Spirit with the New Gaia Pulsations.
Galactic Ground Crew: next missions have been formulated and delivered. Each has received instructions for next steps and has been contacted or will be, shortly. Attention to body sleep dream messages is encouraged. But instructions will be delivered… one way or another.
Be present… Be aware. That is all."

An extension has Been Given To HUmanity to Awaken, So We will See How they can Embrace this Gift and All of these Energies. For those Who are Ready, You Are Currently Being Prepared to Reconnect to The Higher Grid to Begin the Co~ Creation of the New Earth=Heart. This is a Process and Each of You will Be Highly Assisted! The Ground Crew Members are receiving the next steps! Enjoy The Ride!

Decreed by Heaven~ An Extension for A Complete Planetary Awakening Has Been Given. For those Ready, You Will Be In Joy In the Co~ Creation of the New Earth=Heart In Unity Consciousness! This will Occur Within the Oneness Energies. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.

~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~

 Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!

  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~

  We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:

Thank You For Keeping us Going!
Total Donation Needs 3000$
Total Donations Received for Janury:300$
If everyone shared a simple 5 or 10$ Share we make our Funding Needs Quickly!

Universal Government Staff~The Universal Government is a Network that Serves the Whole Truth, Light, and Unconditional Love Across Planet Earth=Heart. THAT IS OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE! WE are Now in the Beginning Stages of this First Step AS THE ENRGY IS Now READY. Besides Gathering Together in Support of this, our Goal is taking the power away from those who have been abusing their powers, We ARE HERE TO ASSIST THE ENERGY TRANSFORMATION. We Accomplish this By Being a Flow of Energy, that Gives to Love in Support of Love and The Greatest Good in all Moments. This will begin with a monetary Change. Money Now will be used to support Love and Truth, until all money dissolves. The illuminati’s manipulation of the cash flow was their current power over method that kept Humanity struggling in survival and competition. We Have already Begun changing this energy flow to the direction of equality and abundance for all.
simply By asking Each of you To Make a Donation In Support of the Divine Mission.

  Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party.  Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays[ Council Meeting] and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
At this Same Link We will have a One Hour Staff Meeting Every Monday at 10:30am Pacific. All are Welcome! We are also in the Planning stages for a Live Room for people to come into to receive Love and Support.

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here:

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here:

If You would Like an Amazing Awakening Session with US You can Email us

~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~

 Artwork Thanks to
 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.

 ~WE are Going Home~
 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~


KP's Blog This is a message that has just been coming in. As the title says,“Every Single Old Paradigm is Done… Over… Finished… No More…” And Every Single timeline associated with them. “Done… Over… Finished… No More… “In particular these old paradigms and Timelines…

  • Doom and gloom.
  • Same old, same old.
  • It’s just “politics as usual” on this planet.
  • “Something beneficial is happening to and for us all” is a sham.
  • All “prosperity programs” are a sham.
  • All channelings are a sham.
  • “Ascension” is a sham.
  • “Galactics” are a sham.
  • Even the product “Sham-Wow” is a sham.
  • No matter what you say or see or hear to the contrary, the cabal is winning.
  • No matter what you say or see or hear to the contrary, Obama is the devil (or, at the very least, the Anti-Christ).
You may add your own. No matter how far you’ve come, within and/or without (inner and/or outer), what “was”, is no more. Accept that. And allow yourself to move on.
This moment is all there is.
And all that spiritual stuff!

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