Saturday, January 22, 2011

Watching and Witnessing – A personal power to Spiritual Mastery

As we journey though our lives we sometimes lose site of the fact that we are Spiritual Beings. Let me assure you, we are eternal Spirit Beings expressing ourselves within a physical dimension.  Sometimes we become absorbed in the material world developing a belief that we are only what we materially have. An obsession is engaged by many to collect as many material world possessions as possible. During this mad dash to have objects and ego power we lose site of our true BEING.

You are a multi-dimension expression of the creator. There is an energy essence that is within and beyond the mind/body mechanism of your current existence. That higher essence is the real BEING of your eternal existence.  

How did I discover this essence and understand I AM something other than what I seem to be? I became the watcher.  I watched, listened to the voices in my head and monitored my emotional feelings.

When you watch “listen/feel”, you become aware not only of your thought/emotion but also of yourself as the witness of a thought or emotion.  The Witness is the real you and eternal BEING of creation!

Being the witness is a personal power of spiritual awareness! You begin to realize that you have the power to control your mind and end involuntary and compulsive thinking.  

You can now become the captain of your ship! It takes determination and practice to become the Spiritual Master of your existence. Practice being the watcher and make your choices based in Spirit!  

Yours in the Light,

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