We of the Galactic Federation are working in concert with our human allies. We are assisting you and Gaia your mother earth into the next level of vibration awareness. Your life situation and the reality you live in are changing. Within this change the old systems of finance and governance are crumbling. Have no fear of this change as a new and wonderful world will spring forth once the old systems are removed.
These are great days of opportunity and learning for the human race. There will be times that it seems like chaos will rule. Let us assure you that your reality is firmly anchored in the light. There will be enlightened human beings who step forward and assist you into unity and peace.
We your brothers and sisters of the cosmos are here in response of a call put out by Gaia the consciousness of mother earth. Approximately 50 years ago in your linear time Gaia called out for assistance for the trajectory of her divine plan had been altered by the miscreations of humanity. We and millions of other light beings have and are responding to her request. We are proud and elated to say that Gaia is back on trajectory to move up in vibration into the next great cycle of experience. We rejoice in this victory and prepare to assist humanity through the process into full consciousness. Keep yourself focused on the images and dreams of a new life based in unity, connection and love. You are a co-creator in your reality and share with all of humanity in creating the reality you will live in within the next great cycle of experience.
We of the Galactic Federation are here to assist you in love and unity of the Creator. I am Salusa of Sirus and so it is!
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