Thursday, March 22, 2012

Archangel Michael: Compassion, Tolerance and Forgiveness is the Gateway to Peace

It is hard for you to have peace when you judge others and yourself. In order to have peace you must forgive yourself and others for all things you think are troubling you? How many times a day do you judge your actions and the actions of others. How many times a day do you label and belittle yourself and others?

Within your BEING you have unconditional love. This love has no polarity and does not come from your ego. This love is directly from your God Self. Your God Self, the truth of who you are does not seek any recognition for the love freely given. It is your ego self that wants to have recognition of its existence. Your ego strives to see itself and have a view of how something or someone should be or act. My brothers and sisters you need to understand that you are not your ego. Your ego seeks recognition and energy for existence of being. The true light being entity that is “You” the “I AM” presence needs no recognition and gives love unconditionally without need of an emotion or attachment to the act.

The the human ego lacks compassion, tolerance and forgiveness. The ego thrives on creating an identity for itself through drama. It identifies itself through fear, pain and anger. The natural state of the human consciousness does not need any mode of identification. The true nature of human consciousness is compassion, tolerance and forgiveness. You have lost touch with your inner divinity and created a false belief that you are your ego. Therefore you should know that you are not the ego and you have a choice that can be made beyond the ego. A choice that is divine and based in your heart which is the direct connection to your God Essence. Therefore dear ones test your choices in your heart! Make them divine in compassion, tolerance and forgiveness and you will set yourself free.

Through your God Centered choices you will find a gateway to peace. These choices start with yourself and focus on understanding that you are worthy of all things that are good. You are worthy to be loved and to love all others. See yourself in others as they are your teachers and have compassion for them as your bothers and sisters. Are you not all in the earth school learning the same lessons? Be tolerant of yourself and other as you know that you all make mistakes. Forgive the mistakes and blunders in yourself and others as blame, anger and revenge have only pain within them.

Always ask yourself, “Am I seeking to serve myself or am I seeking to serve others?” The ego serves that self and your God Essence serves others.

I AM Archangel Michael, warrior of peace and unconditional love call me and I will assist you!

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