Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Archangel Uriel: Your Love and Your Light!

I send you the light of unconditional love! How do you perceive love as it enters your awareness? In your dimensional awareness love and light can and is seen in different ways. In the 3rd dimension you see love through an awareness of how it makes you feel. This feeling is in regards to your ego and your spiritual awareness. We say you feel love and you say I am loved when the emotion feels good to your body and ego awareness. This is not a full understanding of love and does not define the light and unconditional love of the universe.

In order to understand the light of unconditional love one has to purify their energy and move into a state of being. Purification is the process of forgiving and letting go that which is not in alignment with your higher good. Letting go of lower energies brings a lightness to your being and creates a springboard to higher awareness.

How do we identify and understand which lower energies are holding us back? You must practice watching your feelings and thoughts. You must test these feelings and thoughts in your heart. How does your heart feel as you experience an emotion or see a thought. Is your heart heavy of feel free. These are all signs of how an energy is affecting you. When you recognize an energy or pattern that makes you feel bad you need to look at it and release the pattern. You can visualize holding the pattern in your hands and throwing it into the air and seeing the pattern scatter into the wind. At the same time say to yourself that you love this pattern however you no longer need it and you are moving into a higher state of love.

Sometimes these patterns of old energy take many times of review and release for you to accept that you truly have surrendered them from yourself. Seek to become pure in your thoughts, actions and heart. Ask the company of heaven to assist you and we will! Within the purity of your energy and spirit you will gravitate to a state of higher being! In your purity you will emit and attract the pure light of unconditional love and be able to transfer this love to others with great power and awareness.

I am Archangel Uriel and I send you the great light of unconditional love through my purity and divine perfection!

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