Oh, this one is going to generate some emails! LOL!!! Food for thought anyway.... One world government is a problem, there's no need for it. One world currency would eliminate currency trading and speculation that destroys the economies of small countries. So in that regard, I think this move is inevitable. We'll see how this pans out. I know the concern out there, especially if it was a fiat money currency, which I share. This from the sound of it, will not be that. The Pleiadian channels have been very busy recently. -AK
From Freerspirit.com
Greetings, dear ones.
Thank you for you assistance thus far, raising your vibrations and going within for your own answers. Some of you have begun to telepathically converse with your own star families, and that is smashing success on your part! Trusting our messages and walking away from the computer in complete faith that all will be well and fall into order without a constant watch for it has been a tremendous detachment effort on your part. Thank you. This brings you closer to oneness, whether you believe it or not. Your mind/logic made you THINK you were connected only by your Internet connection, but many of you are quickly discovering that you are closer to oneness when you connect through your heart chakra and feelings rather than mind/logic/seeing. Kudos to those of you who have taken this courageous step. For those of you who have not yet moved out of the shallow end without your flotation devices, it is time to learn to swim in deeper waters. Give it a try! We guarantee you will float just fine, if nothing else.
Moving on to our message for today. We hesitate to say that it is “urgent,” but we do ask for your swift attention and action in helping us help ALL of you. And, yes, by ALL, we do mean those still hitting the snooze button on the 2012 awakening alarm.
Our main subject of focus at this time, throughout this next week, is your new financial system. If you’re doing energetic work or meditative work, lend some positive energy/manifestation to global abundance. More importantly, however, we ask you to begin the conversation that will activate more positive thought toward one global currency. As you know, this is currently a sore subject with many people on your planet. It raises not just fear, but anger and hotly contested opinions. At this time, we wish to give you a list of advantages and the benefits a global financial system can bring to your planet.
These are the general concepts of one global financial system with one equal value currency. We have no further details at the moment. When we do, we will share them with you. What we ask you to do at this time is to gently plant seeds with your friends and family, asking them to contemplate this concept. If you find yourself meeting resistance, share the four points above and see if that helps matters. It is best to approach this as a “what if,” scenario with them, simply to get their gears turning. What we are doing from our vantage point is measuring the vibrational response to this concept.
That doesn’t mean your new financial system isn’t in the works. It is very much so, and nearly completely ready to go. What we need to do now is test the readiness of the people for this system. And we ask you, our ground crew of light workers, light warriors, star seeds and the like, to please assist us in this endeavor, as we would like to get this project underway as soon as humanly possible. And, yes, as much as we know it pains you…WHEN this can take place IS, once again, up to all of you. And yes, this IS still about raising vibrations. And yes…you still have to believe it in order to see it.
We know this is a tough, daunting task, as money is still a very highly sensitive subject among you, and many of you still have trouble believing that a fair distribution of wealth and abundance CAN be yours. It is the negative and pessimistic attitudes about money that is keeping global abundance at bay. Once the majority of you (51%) believes that financial abundance can and will flow generously for every man, woman and child on your planet, you can bring it all home.
We have faith in you. We have seen what you can do. We have felt your power. We have felt your love. It is immense. Remember that as you gently and lovingly spread this message and encourage your friends and loved ones to envision with you a world rich in abundance for all, where there is NO lack of anything at all. And there is no greed, because everyone has everything they need, want and more.
We know you can do this for us over the course of this week and into the weekend. We are looking forward to measuring the vibrations across your planet as you share this information and engage in conversation with your people.
Thank you for all of your dedicated work and amazing efforts over the past few weeks! We adore you! Continue to be awesome!
Your loving Pleiadian brother, Peter
From Freerspirit.com
Greetings, dear ones.
Thank you for you assistance thus far, raising your vibrations and going within for your own answers. Some of you have begun to telepathically converse with your own star families, and that is smashing success on your part! Trusting our messages and walking away from the computer in complete faith that all will be well and fall into order without a constant watch for it has been a tremendous detachment effort on your part. Thank you. This brings you closer to oneness, whether you believe it or not. Your mind/logic made you THINK you were connected only by your Internet connection, but many of you are quickly discovering that you are closer to oneness when you connect through your heart chakra and feelings rather than mind/logic/seeing. Kudos to those of you who have taken this courageous step. For those of you who have not yet moved out of the shallow end without your flotation devices, it is time to learn to swim in deeper waters. Give it a try! We guarantee you will float just fine, if nothing else.
Moving on to our message for today. We hesitate to say that it is “urgent,” but we do ask for your swift attention and action in helping us help ALL of you. And, yes, by ALL, we do mean those still hitting the snooze button on the 2012 awakening alarm.
Our main subject of focus at this time, throughout this next week, is your new financial system. If you’re doing energetic work or meditative work, lend some positive energy/manifestation to global abundance. More importantly, however, we ask you to begin the conversation that will activate more positive thought toward one global currency. As you know, this is currently a sore subject with many people on your planet. It raises not just fear, but anger and hotly contested opinions. At this time, we wish to give you a list of advantages and the benefits a global financial system can bring to your planet.
- First and foremost, and most advantageous, one global currency creates a level playing field and ends competitive dominance of separate currencies.
- Secondly, one global currency will require a very high level of transparency, which will put a stop to deception and fraud, as it will require honorable individuals to work in this new financial institution. Rest assured, thorough background checks and strict psychological evaluations will be administered and individuals wishing to work in this new system must meet the highest spiritual standards before they will be allowed any responsibility in this new sector.
- Third, this entirely new system will cancel out all old systems. A global reset means a complete and total reset for everyone on the planet. That means all debts currently owed to any lender of other currencies are completely null and void. You will receive many questions about this. Yes, it means money owed for houses, automobiles, credit cards, student loans, etc. Basically, if you owe money to a bank or financial institution (credit card), those debts are completely canceled, as the money lent out to you never even existed in the first place.
- Fourth, once all of the cabalists have been rounded up and all their assets seized, their total actual wealth will be evenly redistributed to the people of the planet in the new, global currency. And having one global currency will make this process much smoother and faster when the time comes to redistribute the wealth.
These are the general concepts of one global financial system with one equal value currency. We have no further details at the moment. When we do, we will share them with you. What we ask you to do at this time is to gently plant seeds with your friends and family, asking them to contemplate this concept. If you find yourself meeting resistance, share the four points above and see if that helps matters. It is best to approach this as a “what if,” scenario with them, simply to get their gears turning. What we are doing from our vantage point is measuring the vibrational response to this concept.
That doesn’t mean your new financial system isn’t in the works. It is very much so, and nearly completely ready to go. What we need to do now is test the readiness of the people for this system. And we ask you, our ground crew of light workers, light warriors, star seeds and the like, to please assist us in this endeavor, as we would like to get this project underway as soon as humanly possible. And, yes, as much as we know it pains you…WHEN this can take place IS, once again, up to all of you. And yes, this IS still about raising vibrations. And yes…you still have to believe it in order to see it.
We know this is a tough, daunting task, as money is still a very highly sensitive subject among you, and many of you still have trouble believing that a fair distribution of wealth and abundance CAN be yours. It is the negative and pessimistic attitudes about money that is keeping global abundance at bay. Once the majority of you (51%) believes that financial abundance can and will flow generously for every man, woman and child on your planet, you can bring it all home.
We have faith in you. We have seen what you can do. We have felt your power. We have felt your love. It is immense. Remember that as you gently and lovingly spread this message and encourage your friends and loved ones to envision with you a world rich in abundance for all, where there is NO lack of anything at all. And there is no greed, because everyone has everything they need, want and more.
We know you can do this for us over the course of this week and into the weekend. We are looking forward to measuring the vibrations across your planet as you share this information and engage in conversation with your people.
Thank you for all of your dedicated work and amazing efforts over the past few weeks! We adore you! Continue to be awesome!
Your loving Pleiadian brother, Peter
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