Friday, April 6, 2012

Articles about 2012 and beyond – Disclosure, Enlightenment and Ascension!

[caption id="attachment_9277" align="alignleft" width="132"] Jon Hodge - Editor[/caption]

At we are researching and following the information and effort to disclose the fact that intelligent life from other star systems are here. We are looking at the possibility that our star bothers and sisters will once again be reunited with us in our reality and beyond. About 2012 and beyond is looking into how disclosure will affect us and what the possibilities of the future entail. We want to know if our governments will change. We are following the changes in our financial system. We are covering the possibility of our star brothers and sisters rejoining us.

About 2012 and beyond is looking into understanding how the human race has been duped and controlled by Earth's former controllers. We want to follow the history and tie in the truth to our human past. With establishing the past we look to information from the Angels, Archangels and Ascended Master to see how we can ascend into a higher level of consciousness.

[caption id="attachment_1322" align="alignright" width="155"] About 2012 and Beyond[/caption]

This site follows channeled information, alternative new media and traditional media outside of main stream media. It is our belief that main stream media is still under the control of dark controllers and little if any relevant news is given through them. We do monitor the major mass media systems and scan for positive signs that they are beginning to report the truth.

I believe the company of light consisting of our Ascended Masters, Angles and enlightened earth souls “Lightworkers” and our star brothers and sisters are here to assist in our evolution into the next level of awareness. I believe we are about to enter the Golden Age leaving duality behind and then will enter into a higher state of consciousness.

Back before the present cycle of growth a call was sent out from the heart of father/mother one seeking those who would assist with the divine plan of Gaia and the human collective. Myself and several others of my soul family accepted this call along with others. Our mission was and is to anchor the Christ light from the heart of one into Gaia and the human collective during the last cycle of duality and through the transition/ascension back into the higher planes of awareness.

I am an aspect of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian Civilisation. An old Pleiadian star seed that incarnated approximately 28, 000 years ago in the 3rd dimensional earth plane. In saying this my original aspect of myself is from 1.2 million years linear time in the distant future. Within the spiral of time my original self is of unity consciousness and the aspect of my “Now” moment is ascending within the earth plane with Gaia and the human collective back into the original perfection of my multiplicity of perfection. My first physical incarnation was within a binary star system called Lyrica. Next my energy expressed itself in the Sirian star system, then the Arcturian system then the Pleiadian system where I spent most of my incarnated life times. Within the last cycle I have had major lifetimes incarnated in Atlantis, Egypt, China, Japan and the US.

Know that each aspect's journey through the cycle and ascension is a process fitted to each individual aspect transitioning back into their original perfection. My ascension is back into the original perfection of my being and knowledge plus all I have learned and expressed during this and other journeys. Said in another way, “All of my aspects of energy are recombining back together and will manifest themselves through my Crystalline Light Body within the 5th dimensional energies of the earth plane.” This process is well underway.

The joyous news it that this is happening for all who wish to return to the higher vibrations of unconditional love, compassion and peace. This will happen for all who wish to transcend the lower energies and return home to their divine perfection. I call to you my brothers and sisters of light to set your focus on love and compassion fro your self and others. Ask the Divine Mother and Father for assistance. Ask the Angels and Ascended Masters to guide and help you in this transition.

I send you the unconditional love and peace of the creator!

Jon Hodge - Mylightwarrior

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