Monday, April 30, 2012

Don’t Say that Saul Didn’t Warn Us! Because He Did, Repeatedly

John Smallman: The face of Saul - for now

As I said earlier today, John Smallman’s Saul has been predicting the event Archangel Michael calls the Transition for quite a few months now. My suspicion that he was not in fact referring to Ascension but to some intermediate event has grown and grown. On April 30, Archangel Michael confirmed in An Hour with an Angel that Saul was in fact referring to the Transition. So let me now reproduce some passages from Saul in reverse chronology in which he refers to the Transition. I just posted a few. I could have gone on and on.

Saul: Great Joy and Happiness Await Humanity

As channeled by John Smallman – April 25, 2012

Humanity’s progress along the path to awakening is now constantly accelerating because ever more Light-holders are releasing old attitudes that are “way past their sell-by dates.” Instead, they are embracing the Love that surrounds them, with the intent to maintain themselves centered within the divine energy field at all times, and to share the Love that it offers indiscriminately with all on the planet.

The result is that the Light emanating from them is becoming increasingly brilliant, and the power it provides is continuously intensifying and flowing out into the world to bring about the changes that will allow and enthusiastically encourage all to move forwards towards the grand moment of awakening.

As you move ever closer to this magnificent event, your energy will continue to intensify, and the required changes that you are making happen all over the world will come about with increasing rapidity. Already many on Earth are aware that something of enormous significance is shortly to happen, and while they may feel somewhat anxious or worried, they are also experiencing the sensation that all is for the best.

Saul: You Still Have Doubts and Anxieties About the Inevitability of This Great Event

Channeled by John Smallman – April 22, 2012

As the moment of your awakening approaches, many of you are feeling that continuing to hold the Light is draining your energy, because despite your faith you still have doubts and anxieties about the inevitability of this great event.

This is very understandable because you have become accustomed to the disappointment of missed opportunities, missed meetings, and unrealized events or occurrences to which you had been looking forward with eager expectation. And you fear that you will once again be disappointed.

Saul: An Enormous Change in Perception

Channeled by John Smallman

April 18, 2012

When humanity awakens it will be to a fantastic welcome from all who have been watching and encouraging you on your homeward journey since it began, eons ago. …

This enormous change in perception is the driving power that is propelling you forcefully forwards towards the grand awakening that is both your desire and your destiny.  And because it is also the divine Will for you, your success is assured.

Saul: When Something Disturbing Sweeps into Your Awareness, Just Let it Flow

As channeled by John Smallman – April 29, 2012

The forthcoming event to which you – humanity – have been progressing steadily for so long, with not infrequent, apparent back-steps, gets ever closer. Yes, all is on schedule, and your awakening is to occur precisely as divinely planned with your enthusiastic help and agreement. …

And it is these remaining unloving aspects you still hold in your hearts that you are in the process of addressing and releasing as the moment for your glorious awakening approaches. Consequently, many are feeling disturbed and distracted as aspects of themselves that they had buried deep within surge up to the surface of their awareness for release.

Remember, you are constantly being offered enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms so that you can deal swiftly and effectively with these issues, and there is no way that you can fail to do so. However, it can be very uncomfortable for you. When something shocking or very disturbing sweeps into your awareness just let it flow. Do not attempt to stop it or block it – you do not need to act on it, either – just let it flow.

It will not last, and when it has passed you will feel more alive, more secure, more sure and more confident in yourselves. What will have happened is that the intense energy you needed to block it, deny it, or hide from it is now available for you to use and enjoy, resulting in a marked decrease in the fatigue and stress that its misuse had caused, and you will be brighter for it.

Saul. Nov. 13, 2011.

The time of waiting is almost over.  You have struggled long and hard to reach the moment when you will awaken, and I assure you that you will not be disappointed.  Continue to focus on maintaining loving attitudes at all times as this enables you to behave appropriately in every situation, which in turn strengthens your intent and your ability to do so.

Saul, Nov. 6, 2010.

The end of the illusion, and the suffering it engenders, is approaching.  Your happiness and exhilaration in the joy of being alive when you finally awaken from this deranged and stifling nightmare will overwhelm you.

Saul, Oct. 5, 2011.

The density of physicality is diminishing as your frequencies rise in preparation for your move into full consciousness. This is demonstrated by the sense of impermanence that many are feeling as they move through relationships, jobs, places that they call home, and as contact with old friends and family is lost or much reduced. Everyone and everything seems to be on the move, and in a way that is the case, as you move into position to take on and fulfill the new roles awaiting you when you awaken. …

It is to be a mass event bringing intense happiness, which, in your present state, is quite inconceivable to you while the illusion still seems so real. So holding your Light high and sharing your love unconditionally and indiscriminately also helps you in the final stages of this arduous journey. As you continue to move ahead toward your heavenly destination, the divine energy field enveloping you is intensifying, and you will begin to get glimpses, intuitive sensations, and premonitions of the wonders that await you. You know that you are almost Home. Focus on that knowing and allow time to speed up and whisk you Home to a tumultuous welcome.

Saul, Sept. 21, 2011.

In the spiritual realms, delight and excitement are rampant as we observe ever more of humanity twitching and stirring as you move towards wakefulness.  This truly is a time of great expectations which will be mightily surpassed when awakening occurs, and you, as it were, open your eyes, stretch, yawn, rub the sleepiness from your eyes, and stare with wonder and amazement at the sight that greets you, and the awareness dawns – you are Home!  The ecstasy of that most fantastic moment is waiting to welcome you.

Saul, May 12, 2010.

Humanity’s move into full consciousness … is programmed to occur quite soon. …

It is the state toward which you have been working for a very long period of Earth time, and through many Earth lifetimes. The moment of fulfillment of God’s promise to humanity of a new Golden Age is shortly to dawn. When it does your joy will be stunning for you, as understanding of its meaning floods into your awareness — like the depths of winter changing instantly into the lushness of full summer.

Your thoughts, your imaginings, even your dreams have given you not the smallest inkling of what is about to occur. Rest assured that the wonder of this approaching event leaves absolutely no room for even the slightest sense of doubt or disenchantment.

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