Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Day the Plants Learned to Walk

Kian is writing stories with an Ascension-based motif.  He says: “I think it could be a subtle way of talking to loved ones and even children about what is about to happen as we move to a new reality. I don’t channel any thing that I know of but I want to contribute to the new earth in any way I can. So I thought maybe I can inspire with my stories.” Here then comes a new form of literature and lightwork.

In the land of Kinannya on the western most mountain of Mali Buru there lived a woman who loved the plants. She took such good care of them watering them and giving them the nutrients they needed. She placed them in places where they would be the most happy and always made sure they had the perfect amount of sun.

Oh and the plants themselves were so happy. From the plants’ perspective although they could feel the presence of their caretaker they could not see her. They just felt her love. They felt joy learning to trust that they would always get what they needed and would want for nothing. Kinannya was a magical place for the plants to live and they knew it.

The woman loved caring for her plants but she had always known there was a way to give them more freedom. She wanted to give her plants the ability to uproot themselves move about and plant themselves exactly where they wanted to be. Perhaps they wanted to be closer to water. Or for the succulents perhaps they wanted to be farther from the water. Maybe the blueberry plant wanted to be closer to the shades of the oak or the dandelion in the heat of the sun. Either way she wanted to give them the freedom to move and the freedom to choose.

In her alchemy lab she labored night and day to come up with a solution to give her precious plants the freedom that they were ready for. And one night under a full moon she made her discovery. It was called Mira, a simple mixture of elements and magic that when added to the plants’ water would start to awaken and strengthen their roots. It would also awaken new senses in the plants so they could see and feel their surroundings in the world outside their soil.

The next day the woman began adding Mira to the plants’ water supply and around the soil. At first she added just a bit to see how they would adjust to it. Some became stronger but many became noticeably weaker. You see as Mira was strengthening their roots and heightening and adding to their senses many of the plants got scared. Everything seemed the same but they could feel in their plant bodies that something was changing. Some of the plants were excited by the change as they felt the strengthening and began tapping into their new senses. Others, however, thought the changes were a sickness and feared they would soon die.

As the days and weeks went on the plants continued to awaken to their new bodies. The entire plant kingdom of Kinannya began to change and amazing things began to happen. Some of the weeds that previously had been able to completely dominate were no longer dominating as the root systems of all the other plants were stronger and easily able to hold their space with grace and ease. Some of the smallest and seemingly insignificant plants began to stretch out their limbs and bud the most beautiful fruits and flowers ever seen in Kinannya. But despite all the changes the plants still did not walk.

The woman realized that she was going to have to take more steps before the plants would walk on their own. She began loosening the hard soil throughout the garden so that it was soft. This allowed the plants even more freedom and they sent out their roots farther then they ever had before. But none the less they still did not walk.

Then the day finally came when it was time for the momentous occasion. The woman gathered around her all of her helpers throughout Kinannya to assist in lifting the plants from the earth. It was a special day when all the planets were aligned to give them all the energy they needed to do what they were now able to do… Walk.

At 6:33 in the evening it happened. Each plant was pulled from its place and laid out on the soil where it previously was planted. There was a great upheaval in the plant kingdom of Kinannya. Even the plants who had adjusted so well to the Mira had a moment or two of panic as their roots touched the outside world for the first time. Sadly, a few plants who had only responded to the Mira with fear thinking it was the end immediately gave up and died on top of the soil.  While others, started noticing that although they were no longer in the soil, they felt magnificent, better then they had ever felt before.

It started with one Yerba Buena plant. As he lie there roots exposed on top of the soil he noticed he could see for the first time. The outside world that though always there before he now visualize. He saw a spot near the stream where he wanted to be planted. He moved his roots about and was able to turn himself upright. Then one inch at a time he began to move throughout the garden until he found that spot. It took some time but once he arrived at the spot he immersed his roots into the soil and fully took in his new space. As his roots deepened a glimmer of hope echoed throughout Kinannya as one by one the plant kingdom realized this wasn’t the end but a new beginning.

After this the magic began to take on a life of its own as each plant began to awaken and move about. It was truly beautiful to experience. Some plants moved to places where the woman expected them to move too. However what was truly exciting were the little surprises and the the unexpected thing the plants of Kinannya did that day.

For example there was a cactus that planted itself right in the middle of the stream and in doing so produced the most stunning flower ever seen on a cacti. A group of sunflowers gathered together and as they congregated produced an immense light that caused all the plants in the land to start to sing a note of their own. Although their song was faint if quiet the entire plant kingdom produced a ever-changing symphony of sound. Fruit trees merged and birds of paradise took flight. Magic was everywhere.

Perhaps the most amazing event was what happened with one of the smallest oak trees in the garden. As she began to sense the world around her she saw a spot on top of the highest mountain in Kinannya. The oak pulled herself up with all her might and climbed with all her strength to the top. Once there she plunged her roots into the rocky soil and stretched her trunk high into the sky. In a very short time that small oak became the largest and most beautiful trees in all of Kinannya. She since has become a beacon and the symbol of the land.

After the day was done the woman sat back and shed tears of joy for the beauty of the new world that lay before her. A new era had begun and the magick was just beginning.

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