I want you to ask a couple of questions. These are not questions directed to your Angels so we will not need any protection prayers. You will be asking them to yourself, to your mind.
To get balanced in your heart, take a couple of long, slow deep breaths.
For Yourself ~ Now, ask yourself honestly, “Do I trust myself?
If you answered yes, great! Skip down to the next part that says, “For your soul.”
If you answered no, ask yourself “Why?”
Then take a few moments to say something like this, “I forgive myself for all of the decisions in my past. All is in Divine order. All is well.” Breathe deep feeling the release.
Here are some more affirmations for restoring the trust in yourself:
“I trust that the past no longer has a hold on me.”
“I AM no longer holding myself back.”
“I trust myself with my life. I trust myself to make decisions. I trust myself.”
Put your hand over your heart, breathe deep and repeat, “I trust myself. I trust myself. I trust myself.”
For your soul ~ Have you checked in with your soul about the theme of what lessons you came to learn and who you came to learn them with? You may have trust issues with your soul. Not trusting your soul isn’t a good place to be because then you can drag your feet on your path, not listen to your soul (Angels) and ultimately make things harder than they have to be.
Let’s go back to the beginning of this life. No, let’s go back even further; when you were talking with your Angels about coming back to Earth to experience your final life. You were in all the power you had amassed up to that point in your soul. You felt strong. You knew you had more things to complete to be finished with this cycle of learning through forgetfulness. But in order to not have to come back into the Earth cycle of non-remembrance after this life, you had to learn very specific things before you crossed over once again. So in all your power, you said just dump it all in there, everything I need to do. Your Angels asked you if you were sure. And you said, “Yes!” You then set up the karma lessons, your family, the people you would meet and love, the friends, the work, the money, the assistance you would need as the lessons played out and so on.
And so your path was created. This self-created path had three sections to it, the easy part, the middle part and the hard part. You could walk on any of the three sections but the one thing you couldn’t do was to get off of the path. And things played out in your life according to what you had set up.
During this time, you may have blamed your soul for expecting too much for you. Or not helping you. But this wasn’t what happened. Your life plan was for you to experience what you needed to experience so that you never had to come back into this kind of life again. The impetus was that after this life you would be moving forward into a new kind of experience to learn your lessons because you had no interest in returning to a place called Earth where you had to spend years remembering who you really were and growing to be an adult so you could do the things you knew you could do or wanted to do. (It is very difficult when you remember who you are as a child!)
Things shifted a few years ago in 2003 that cut our ties to karma and our ties to our original paths. This was scary to some souls on Earth so they decided to keep going down that original path. And some of you got so excited to leave the “controlled ego” path behind that you decided to create a new path for yourself. But even so, you may still feel like your soul is crazy to present to you some of the people and situations that you have in your life. Your Angels are saying to you: “You created this plan. Allow us to work thru you to bring it into fruition.”
You already know if this is your situation. If so, it is time to get back in alignment with your soul. A person cannot fight against themselves without having consequences. And those consequences show up in ways like prayers not being answered, feeling disconnected and more. If this is your situation and you feel a distrust of your soul and like things have been too hard, you have been abandoned or that your soul is having fun at your expense, say these affirmations with an open heart.
“I trust the whisper of my highest Angel voices as I sit in silence.”
“I trust that I AM safe to hear and follow my soul’s guidance.”
“I AM no longer holding myself back.”
“I trust my soul with my decisions. I trust my soul with my life. I trust my soul.”
Place your hand over your heart and repeat, “I trust my soul. I trust my soul. I trust my soul.”
For God ~ Now this brings us to the biggest trust issue I have found in my experience with counseling Lightworkers in the Soul Sessions. Fear is a common theme. Let me explain. Do you know where fear comes from? All of your fears can be traced back to the moment that you separated from God. I am not talking about for this life. I am talking about way back at the beginning of this cycle of Earth.
Before God created the Earth, you were one with God. You were God. And then God created this Universe and you decided that you wanted to experience it. You were full of light and love and had everything you could ever think of or ask for. But still you wanted to come experience this new place of being because it was so special to God. You were jumping up and down, raising your hand and saying, “Pick me! Pick me! I want to go!” Then you stood in line for a long time to wait your turn to come to this new place called Earth. You were told what would happen after you consciously came to this place, but in your powerful state, you were okay with whatever was being said to you. Then it came to be your turn. It was just like you were in line at Disney World. You were all filled with excitement.
When it was time, you pulled away from God to come to your Earth experience. All of a sudden you were in darkness. This was for some of you the first time you had experienced anything but the light. Yes, you were still shining your own light and you had your two Angels beside you but as you got further away from God and closer to the place for you to get ready to be born into your first life, your light got dimmer and dimmer. That was when you started having the thoughts of, “How could God leave you?” Your Angels assured you this was not the case and because you still felt power and had light, you let those thoughts go while you and your Angels planned your first experience on Earth. Your Angels waited with you until your birth onto the new world. When you joined with the body of the baby as it took its first breath, you felt icky and cold. You panicked and started to cry. How could this be? You were so powerful and now you couldn’t see your light any more. You could still see your Angels there but you couldn’t hear them as well as before. You felt something strange; fear. Where was God? What did you do to have Him abandon you?
And so from this very first life, you felt God abandoned us to this place when it was your choice to come here. Every fear you have, if you trace it back, you will see it relates to feeling abandoned or being alone. My friend, God did not abandon you. He is still here. It is time to trust in Him again. It is time to reconnect fully to God and recognize that each time we ascend to a new dimension; we are closer to God than before.
Close your eyes for a moment and visualize God as the ocean and think of yourself as a drop of water. As we ascend into the 5th Dimension, what happens is God as the ocean flows in us, the drop of water. Breathe and see this happening right now to you. You are the drop of water and the Ocean that is God is flowing into you. Accept God fully back into your life. Let Him off the hook and remember that it was your choice to experience this place that He loves so much! If this is your story, here are some affirmations for you:
“I trust in my divine path. This easy and beautiful path is unfolding in front of me now. Every step I take is blessed.”
“I trust God in me. I trust God in me. I trust God in me.”
“I trust God. I trust God. I trust God.”
Place your hands over your heart or in prayer form touching every part of your fingers and hands together, breathing deep say, “I trust God. I trust God. I trust God.”
Below are some more affirmations that may be helpful. I was given these affirmations for the March 23, 2011 “Angelic Guidance Radio – Angel Blessings” program called “Trust.” You can listen or download the program here: www.BlogTalkRadio.com/christina-lunden
“I trust that the past no longer has a hold on me.
I trust my eyes are open to see the truth.
I trust that I AM safe to hear and follow my heart.
I trust that I AM safe to speak what needs to be spoken.
I trust that I AM guided when to listen instead of speaking.
I trust I am already all that I need. I no longer seek outside of myself for completeness.
I trust that I AM safe to remember who I am.
I trust that I AM the powerful spiritual human being I came to be now.
I trust that I AM safe to use my spiritual abilities.
I trust that I AM ready to use my power.
I trust that I will use my power wisely.
I AM no longer holding myself back.
I trust that I am always guided and protected.
I trust myself to be all that I came to be.
I trust myself. I trust myself. I trust myself.
I trust.”
Breathe deep.
I trust that you and I are deeply loved and never alone,
Copyright 2012 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator ~ All rights reserved. Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source: www.ChristinaLunden.com
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