In that moment I remembered reading something in 1995 that talked about 2012 and thinking how very far away 2012 was and how badly I wanted it to be 2012 back in 1995. Evidently some aspect of me knew that the energetic inner work required between 1995 and 2012 wasn’t going to be easy, safe, fun or pleasant so I wanted to jump forward in time to THIS current point within the Ascension Process. Remembering this last week helped me look at now in a slightly different way, which I needed evidently.
For me it’s been grueling, unrelenting Ascension-related work and pain for the past thirteen years, plus, during that time I also HAD to write (one of my Soul Missions) as much and as fast as I could which I’ve done. Since 2011 however this unrelenting Soul Mission to write has been easing up and giving me some time to shift some needed focus on to myself and my body. With the start of June 2012, this issue suddenly became an absolute NEED for me to be much more in the “Now” and “do” less physically, “do” less thinking, and “be” in the quantum Now more often, so that’s exactly what I’ve been doing because I have to at this point. Things like my spine and head feel as it they might shatter if I don’t so this now!
A few days ago I read Inelia Benz’s article “Call to Action – IT’S TIME!” I thought it funny when she said she’s been sensing, hearing the words “IT’S TIME” in June 2012. (This next bit will show you the degree of warped humor that many of the higher messages I receive often have.) For the past two years I’ve been sensing, hearing certain lyrics from an old Elton John song ♫ “…the bitch is back…!” ♫. Now to me this is hysterically funny and appropriate because that message is referring to the return of the Goddess/Goddess Consciousness in humanity and earth at the physical level. So, the bitch is back and you’d better believe that “it’s time”, plus let’s not forget the fact that we’re in the halfway point (June) of 2012! Many of us have to stop acting, thinking and believing that we’re not as knowledgeable and powerful as we actually are…because “it’s time!”
Many of us have been so deeply and intensely involved for so long with the difficult and painful prep work of the Ascension Process that some of us have recently needed to make some more inner and outer changes because the results of our efforts are finally arriving in this physical dimension. For me the past thirteen years have been intensely and hurriedly pushing, working, and plowing (masculine “Doing”) my way through the internal/external lower frequencies to transmute and shift them etc. But at this potent halfway transition point in 2012, many of us who are embodying the new energies, blueprints and consciousness first are NEEDING to shift into much more “Being” in the “Now Moment” (which is very right-brain or more accurately now whole brained, Goddess, Empowered Feminine etc.) and stop pushing so hard in the ways we’ve been doing for years or decades past. This phase is very receptive and creative but in another way; a way of embodying and BEING in the Now from another level of ourselves to Consciously Create, which I find is primarily coming from my entire chest or High Heart area. This area feels to me, so far, like a portal where more of Source is and it’s very quiet and very vast in there. The blissful but powerful calm after the great, difficult and lengthy storm.
Some Current Symptoms
Some of the symptoms I’ve been having for the past three years have increased dramatically the past two months to where I’m now HAVING to rest, recuperate, nap/sleep/pass-out for much of the afternoon for days on end. If I go out to do grocery shopping or other must-do errands out in the world, when I return home I’m utterly wiped-out exhausted and in tremendous physical pain and literally HAVE to take a nap and get out-of-body for however long I need. Falling asleep and getting out-of-body during the day like this is the equivalent of rebooting my body/bodies which adjusts the energies within me. After I’ve gotten out-of-body and slept for a while like this I feel muchbetter physically when I wake up. Taking naps isn’t something I necessarily want to do but it’s something I’m HAVING to do now to cope with and adjust to these massive and potent 2012 energies and changes so I’m in less physical pain.
On top of this increased physical pain from going out in the world to run errands and passing out when I get home, those Ascension headaches or head pains and pressures have returned again. They cause the tops of my eyes to feel sore and bruised and I sense some major positive changes are happening inside our heads (pineal, pituitary glands) and the chakras (Crown and Brow) in our heads. These headaches or head pains typically are at the top of my head and Crown chakra and radiate downward and affect, pressure my forehead and Brow chakra, eyes, jaw and sinuses. It will also jump around to one side of my head and then the other and feel like some invisible energy ball just slammed into my head…which is probably closer to the truth than we’d like to admit! I usually get diarrhea when I’m transmuting and purging energies so that lovely symptom has returned this month as well. And the body aches and pains, sudden muscle weakness, joint pains, stiff spine, hot feet and hands, Hot Flashes with their sudden sweating and feeling like you’re having a Near Death Experience, digestion difficulties, upper belly bloat, and the old exhaustion have all returned…again. Happy June 2012 huh?!
Having shared all those unpleasant Ascension-related symptoms, I want to include some new and very pleasant symptoms I’ve been experiencing recently. Many of us have worked long and hard to finally begin experiencing some positive symptoms of the changes we’re going through and obviously “it’s time” because some of them are starting in June 2012. In the past I’ve written about how I’d often feel and hear that inner body vibration and literal roaring of Light Energies inside me when I was asleep during my afternoon pass-out naps. It felt and sounded like I was standing beside Niagara Falls because the flowing, moving energies were that powerful inside my body from that perspective. Now in June 2012 however, this seems to have changed or I’ve adapted to the great increase of Light Energies constantly flowing through my body because I’m not feeling and hearing anything. What I now feel and perceive inside my body is a deep peace, quiet, calm, vastness and connection and it is really wonderful. The great inner body vibrating, shaking and roaring of spinning Light Energies has become the new “normal” and it’s finally a quiet haven with a direct line to Home. Said another way, the times I’ve recently felt this new “symptom” its felt like a bliss state of inner unity and it feels perfect and perfectly normal. I also sense that this is just one of many truly wonderful new Ascension-related “symptoms” that more of us are going to be having in 2012 and beyond. Bliss moments sprinkled about sound like exactly what’s needed after years or decades of brutal battles and negative attacks while endless transmuting and transforming!
I just checked Spaceweather.com and there’s another supposedly minor M-1 class solar flare/CME that’s spewing and spewing towards Earth. The reason I checked Spaceweather.com was because I feel those old familiar “ascension flu” symptoms today—body aches, chills, super exhaustion etc. I suspect multiple energies will be increasing throughout the rest of June 2012, building towards the summer Solstice on June 20th. Rest and/or sleep or nap as much and as often as you need to now and do NOT feel guilty over doing no-thing. Turn your mind off for a couple of hours each day and enter the Now moment so you can sit quietly in your Rising High Heart center and start getting used to feeling and hearing the perfect silence of bliss and any messages coming from Home.
June 13, 2012
Copyright © 2012–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/
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