She asks us to realize that we are connected to our guides and to work with them. She said it was important for us to develop our connection with Source so that we don’t react to events with fear and anxiety in the times ahead.
“Do not let your human, reptilian-based brain run the show during this time,” she said. If we’re here on the planet right now, we’re here for this expansion. If we focus on the scarey and negative things, we can get sucked into the timeline connected to them.
What can we do to help our own self grow and assist with events on the planet? Through meditating, we develop our personal channel to Source. Focusing on positive thoughts and staying centered are also important. Our thoughts and intentions create the world we live in, she says.
We’re to aim at erasing any separation between each other. We’re dreaming our new reality. We need to reach out to others in love and compassion and draw them into what’s happening. We need to create a world that’s in balance and harmony.
We need to avoid getting into retribution when the mass arrests start but focus instead on bringing back balance. We need to create a clean slate for a new world. Engage with your vision for these times of change and the coming new era.
Oh, and by the way, Sierra observed 10-15 motherships over Sedona Sunday. She says the galactics are excited that we are on the cusp of wholesale change.
For more on Sierra’s remarkable life, see “Sierra Neblina, Starseed Extraordinaire,” athttp://the2012scenario.com/lightworkers/sierra-neblina-starseed-extraordinaire/
Sierra is co-host with Dave Schmidt of Let’s Talk 2012 and Beyond at BlogTalk Radio, Tuesday evenings at 6:00 pm PDT.
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