I am Saint-Germain, and I bring two friends to meet you – Buddha, the Awakened One, and Yeshua, or Jesus, your elder brother in Christ Consciousness. Together we celebrate with you an event that will bring great joy into your lives, the Wesak moon that culminates in a few, short hours.
Receive our companionship now and know that you are among friends. We are your elders in experience only, but not in Creation. We are simply those who have remembered ourselves in God before you, and are here tonight to remind you of this yourselves.
Wesak heralds the return of the Buddha and the renewal of his focus upon the Earth for the coming year. He is accompanied by Yeshua, and his great love for us all. This is a time to allow joy, compassion, tolerance, and freedom from pain and suffering to come into your world, and into your awareness.
My friends, this is an opportunity for each of you to anchor yourselves firmly in Self-awareness and Knowledge.
What is Knowledge?
What an extraordinary question, “What is Knowledge?”
Tell me this about knowledge, what is the only thing that can be revealed to you when you have forgotten all else, when you have forgotten Who You Really Are?
The only thing that can be revealed to you then, is that You Are God, also.
This is Knowledge. This is Truth. And this shall set you free.
Know yourselves as God, individually and collectively. And as you do, you will experience not only your sovereign Soul completely, but the joy of sharing and participating in an Even Greater Life that removes all doubts of separation from each other, for all time.
You are the One, and the Many.
Your resolution of this paradox marks a radical change in human consciousness. We are assisting you now in making this unparalleled shift in perception. We are helping you better understand your freedom and interdependence. We are helping you see what it means to be God.
Feel what it means to be God.
We invite you now to feel what it means to be God.
Feel what it means to be Whole in Being, individual in expression, yet inseparable from your creations in Love, or from each other. Feel what it means to be free in will, yet united with others. Feel what it means to be fully Self-determining, yet selflessly deferential in your treatment of others. Feel what it means to embody God with your body, mind, and Soul.
Dare to create a New World for yourselves, for indeed, this is where you are now.
Sovereignty, Unity, and New Societies
Fearlessly author, through your individual choices and unified actions, New Societies grounded in love, peace, and creative Self expression. Let these societies serve you as no others have before. Create a world in which you are free to love, free to express, and free to enjoy your life Just As It Is. This is the Real World. Embrace it now. Feel your desire for this, and allow it to penetrate the very core of your being.
We radiate Light, Love, Compassion, and Truth to you now, and to invite you to join us in recalling your Oneness. As we have said, we are your elder brothers in experience, but not in Creation. We stand next to you, supporting you. But we remind you that you are all equally loved and embraced by God.
Accept this. Be, Who You Are.
This material is offered to help free us from limitations by expanding human consciousness. It may be distributed without charge, provided this intention is honored. Commercialization by other parties requires the expressed written consent of the copyright holders, Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack. If you are reproducing this material, please credit the authors by name and include the following link: http://www.joyandclarity.com
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