Monday, June 25, 2012


mylightwarrior: Well, we do seem to have a drama developing here. One of the problems with this drama it it can have a low vibration affect on you and others. I urge you all to look at the information within all articles and tie together the connections. Look at all this as a piece of the puzzle that leads to the "Larger" truth about what this great transition is about. It helps when you just gather the the information and step back and look at the big picture from your highest perspective. Do not become emotionally attached to any of the information. Knowledge is power when discerned through the balance of the mind, the body and the spirit complexes.

* This coming week a vote will be held by the G20 to globalize all of our countries [NWO]. The military must act NOW to prevent this.

* We will know by Tuesday morning if the military is backing the people.

* A lot of the Cabal people to be arrested left and are in foreign countries now.

* Consider the possibility that force will be used on the people. Have your gun ready to take action.

* By Tuesday AM the last legality the military is waiting for will be in place.

* U.S. uniforms will have the American flag as the highest badge on the right shoulder of the uniform.

* It appears that the Cabal will try to bring the war to the U.S.

* The troops are just as nervous as we are.

* Restrain yourself from taking action. Do not engage unless you see people being pulled from their houses.

* He says the military has the authority to arrest the Cabal as of Monday.

* Our reaction must be thought out and planned.

* He believes the military will step up for the people.

* The 150 country Eastern Alliance has the purpose to set up new banking and monetary systems.

* is a website to help with foreclosures.

* Most areas of the U.S. have troop movements ongoing at this time. Don’t forget that the summer is the training time for the National Guard.

* Drake will have news of Neil Keenan’s progress posted on Drake’s Website mid-week.

* He hopes this will hit the Main street media in a couple of days.–drakes-vital-weekend-update–sunday

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