June 20, 2012
Dreamtime. Somewhere in the USA.
❁ I walked through the hospital parking lot and noticed lots of people coming and going. A small group of senior citizens were unloading two therapy dogs from the back of a white van-a Sheltie and a Bichon Frise (how cute!) and I went over and asked if I could pet them. They said yes, and I marveled at how soft they were and that I could physically feel the texture of their fur. I noticed my fingers as they brushed against the dogs, still wearing the fresh coat of Red Revolution nail polish I’d applied the day before; but the poreless, milky-white skin of my hand told me that something unusual was going on. Why am I in myreal body, yet I’m experiencing this in my human consciousness, I wondered? This felt too intense to be happening in dreamtime. It was like both the human and galactic parts of me were all mixed up together into one complete package.
❁ I left the dogs and walked through a set of automatic doors and into the main lobby. I passed by a large mirror with frosted flamingos etched into the glass and caught sight of my reflection. What should have amazed me was beginning to feel quite normal. There I was. Same old me (okay, same old Pleiadian me) with the Siberian-husky-colored-eyes and wearing my new pink wedges, jeans and a Victoria’s Secret Pink t-shirt. Innately knowing why I was there, I went up to the receptionist and asked her to please “go get him”, and to explain to me why “he” was in the hospital at all. Nobody had given me the details. It was an injury, she told me. He was shaken and had been with them for two days. He looked fine on the outside, but the internal injuries were too severe. It was just one of those things, she went on to explain, they change their minds, it happens. So, I waited and waited for what seemed like forever. I walked around and talked to some of the other people in the waiting area, flipped through a magazine, mentally made over the hospital decor. I took in the cheery potted palms in the corners and admired the plaques and trophies that were lined up in a curio against the wall. By the looks of things, the hospital softball team appeared to be doing pretty well!
❁ After awhile a nurse came up to me, and in her arms was one of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. He was chubby and bald. He smiled and started to wave his arms and kick his feet when he saw me. I felt a sense of immediate recognition, although the details were not completely clear; and when she handed him to me a felt a type of overwhelming love that I was sure I hadn’t known in a very long time. It was something not of this world, but obviously of the world we left behind when we chose to incarnate. It was an emotion I was able to pick up only with the unobstructed senses of my higher being. Although, what seemed to be differentiating this experience from the many other times I’d done this work at night, was that this time I was not only being allowed to physically feel it and be it, but I was going to be allowed to remember every single detail! I cradled the sweet baby against my chest, taking in the smoothness of his skin and his unique, powdery scent. I lost myself in the feeling of his purity and innocence. I pressed him against my chest and he rested his head on my shoulder. He gurgled happily, and tangled himself up in fistfuls of my long hair. Ouch! I actually felt it. Telepathically I asked him his name and he answered, “Travis.”
❁ Travis and I strolled happily through the halls of the hospital, and I knew that I was doing everything in my power to prolong this perfect moment. It had been so long since I had experienced such peace, such a remarkable connectedness with anyone. The vibration which was emanating from this baby simply defies description. I remember thinking the words, “I like this baby. I think I’ll take him home and keep him forever.”
❁ And it was then that the floodgates opened. I was overtaken by a very human sense of urgency and panic. It was as if at the exact moment I formed that thought, an alarm bell went off. I became frantic and nervous. I spun around in all directions, looking for someone to hand the baby off to. I had procrastinated and cut the timing much too close. Would somebody please hurry up and get here? I recall putting the baby into the arms of somebody else, another fair-skinned female, but by this time my sense of reality was growing fuzzy. The very instant she took him from me, the 3rd dimensional world crashed in and the alarm on my phone went off.
I spent most of the next day in a sort of detached haze. I went about my routine as usual, only this time I carried with me a total recollection of everything I had done during the night. I was also extremely confused. Why was it that I could still physically feel the velvety softness of the baby’s skin, and the pressure of his head resting against my neck. There were sore spots on my own head which still stung, right where he had been yanking on my hair. The heavy hospital smells were still so fresh, as well as the baby’s unusual flowery-powder fragrance. Every nuance, every detail of that reception area and each little detail of the baby’s appearance were etched permanently into my mind. Was this simply one of the pros of being a human being with a photographic memory?
My friend Susan and I decided to meet that day for a “Happy Solstice” lunch at the Olive Garden (city girls, what can I say…), and to discuss my experience in greater detail. She’s an Arcturian and a wonderful healer, so I felt that she could shed a different light on the subject. However, while sitting in the parking lot as I got ready to go inside, Rastran-my Sirian guide-beat her to the punch. I heard her explain:
“This was a test.”
A test, I asked? A test for what?
“A test to indicate whether you are ready for a more complete integration of your human physicality with your remaining energetic and physical awareness, which is housed at Home. This was not a dream, but an authentic experience in which you merged yourself fully to perform your nighttime tasks. It was real. As real as all the others, except this time you were fully present. What you are experiencing is the cellular memory you have retained from the event. In addition, you are being evaluated for your subsequent reactions to the retention you have been allowed.”
Rastran was speaking of one of the jobs I perform during sleep. Many nights, I’ll enter my real form and escort departing souls to the Light. I’ve been told that they are primarily Starseed from my own ship or group. I remember many of these experiences in detail, but this is the first time it’s been a fully physical memory. Obviously, this baby was a part of my Team and he had chosen to leave, dying from shaken-baby-syndrome.
So, did I pass, I asked Rastran? Based on that procrastination fiasco, I think I’d give myself a ‘C’.
“You did well, far better than we had anticipated. Do not judge yourself harshly and assume you did not succeed. It was not weakness which prevented you from returning the child to us. For the first time in the limited scope of your human knowingness, you were permitted to experience the bliss of Unity Consciousness. We allowed you to feel and to retain a sense of wholeness. Your reaction was to be expected. This is not only happening to you, but to many others across the planet. This is the next essential step of the integration. It is vital that those who we are working with us in this way acknowledge the importance of these travels, and to not confuse them with other experiences of light or symbolic nature. These are literal and they are fact.”
I haven’t had another experience like this since the Solstice-or at least, one I’ve been allowed to remember. I suppose it makes sense that our Teams don’t want to overwhelm us with more beauty and perfection than we can handle right now! But I do find it encouraging that we’re being trusted with more and more of the knowing of who we truly are, and of the essential roles we each play in the greater workings of the Universe. I would love to hear from any of you who have had similar things happen to them. I really feel that it’s through the sharing and exchanging of our ideas and stories that we can learn even more about ourselves and our unique purposes here on Earth.
Peace & blessings!
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
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