Saturday, June 2, 2012

We Can Create Our World Together

Caroline has a new blogsite up and running, the latest lightworker to begin the task of communicating Ascension and what’s occurring in 2012. BTW, Archangel Michael asked that the next topic of conversation be: what do we wish to create in our New World? Caroline is right on schedule!!!

May 31, 2012 by Starlight

I’ve learned, we create our realities through projection of thought and feeling, and our attitude makes up most of what we experience here in 3d reality.  Quite frankly, I’m tired of duality, fear, anger, resentment and control.  Why not create a world of love, compassion, forgiveness and freedom?

I believe if all of us work at changing our attitudes towards one another, and the world in general, like the domino effect, we will soon see the changes in the world we live in.  If you look closely, change is already occurring.

People everywhere are tired of being controlled, lied to, and manipulated.  They are asking questions, and demanding answers.   Although some of us may not be directly involved in these events such as the Occupy Movement, or otherwise, everyone, whether they know it or not, participates in these magnificent changing times.

When we change our attitudes, by embracing love, instead of fear or anger, we are able to forgive one another and accept each individual for who they are.  We are actively participating in co-creating a new reality for our world.

If you could create your world, what would you create?  I see a beautiful world where freedom and equality reign.  Freedom for each individual to be the person they were truly meant to be.  Freedom to make choices which derive from the inner knowing of their soul, rather than choices which derive out of pressure or guilt.  Freedom to do the things they truly love, where time is no longer of the essence.

I would create a world where there are no schedules or itineraries controlling our every move.  I would create a world where our souls are free to love, live, create, and to just be…. with our greatest wishes and heartfelt desires, just a thought away.

Most of all, in this beautiful world I would create; everyone would find their way back home, back to their heart center, and everyone would remember the incredible, loving beings of light, they truly are.

What kind of a world would you create?

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