- The…hot summer of discontent in the US has started with extremely suspicious “forest fires” disintegrating houses and chimneys into white ash but leaving trees and grass intact… near known Nazi underground bases in Colorado and with a “week-long” power outage around Washington D.C. following a “freak super-storm.”
- …White Dragon Society has now obtained original documents… allocating the gold to be used to back the accord signed at the “Green Hilton …, Geneva.”
- The needle stabbing took place after a talk in which I described… testimony… given by recently arrested… Aum Shinrikyo…was responsible for … Sarin gas within the Tokyo Subway system… saying the entire incident was ordered by Kim Jong Il…
- …this writer sucked at the needle wound in an attempt to remove any toxins and feels fine as of this writing on July 3rd.
- Murder by heart attack has been a standard Nazi tactic in the post-war years.
- The members of the cabal are advised to look out their windows and behind their backs to confirm that they are being followed and watched 24/7.
- …the senior members of this sect who were recently arrested have also added to the growing body of evidence that it was this same [Aum Shinrikyo] group that was responsible for the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks against Japan in 2011.
- This cabal also engineered the Hurricane Katrina weather modification warfare attack on New Orleans to see if Americans could be forced into concentration camps in the event of a “natural disaster.”
- …the BIS is under lockdown and no new funny money based on forged Asian (dragon family etc.) gold certificates is being put into the system.
- The situation in the US is actually harder to read. It seems that Drake has called for drastic military action to make the US free by July 4th.
- The White Dragon Society… is negotiating with cabalists for a peaceful transition and expects…[this] to drag on through the summer… may be that less forgiving and more impatient forces will make changes… before these negotiations conclude.
- Europeans and Americans need to take note and learn from Iceland, debts owed by bankers are not the people’s debts.
Has revolt started in America? Also, why the Moonies and Nazis tried to kill this writer last week
Benjamin Fulford, July 3, 2012
The long expected hot summer of discontent in the US has started with extremely suspicious “forest fires” disintegrating houses and chimneys into white ash but leaving trees and grass intact
near known Nazi underground bases in Colorado and with a “week-long” power outage around Washington D.C. following a “freak super-storm.”
Also, the White Dragon Society has now obtained original documents signed personally by US President John F. Kennedy and President Sukarno of Indonesia allocating the gold to be used to back the accord signed at the “Green Hilton Memorial Building, Geneva.”
Plus, this writer was approached after a speaking engagement on June 30th in Tokyo by an English speaking Asian man (probably Korean judging by accent) who asked to shake my hand and then stabbed my wrist with a needle.
The needle stabbing took place after a talk in which I described some of the testimony being given by recently arrested fugitives from the Aum Shinrikyo sect that was responsible for spreading Sarin gas within the Tokyo Subway system. The suspects are saying the entire incident was ordered by Kim Jong Il, who has long worked hand in hand with the Nazi Odessa underworld aiming to establish a “New World Order.”
This writer remembers news reports in the official Jiji and Kyodo News agencies from the day of the attack describing balloons arriving from North Korea on the same day bearing unknown liquids and propaganda leaflets. The articles were quickly scrubbed and attempts by this writer to follow up at the time were met with veiled threats.
In any case, this writer sucked at the needle wound in an attempt to remove any toxins and feels fine as of this writing on July 3rd.
It is also worth pointing out that this writer is physically fit (I go on 50 mile bike rides) and has no heart or cholesterol problems despite being slightly overweight.
Stieg Larsson, the author of the “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” died of a heart attack at age 50 shortly after writing his fictional trilogy clearly based on real Nazi types he ran into as a journalist. Murder by heart attack has been a standard Nazi tactic in the post-war years. This writer also received warnings about a possible heart attack attack before the needle stabbing incident.
Here is a message to Reverend Moon, Kim Jong-un, Lee Myung-bak, Yasuhiro Nakasone, George Bush Senior, Baron Fritz Thysen, Peter Hans Kolvenbach, Pope Ratzinger and other senior Nazis: “if this writer dies of any cause whatsoever without leaving a handwritten will you and your entire extended families will be hunted down and killed.”
This is a matter of legitimate self-defense. The members of the cabal are advised to look out their windows and behind their backs to confirm that they are being followed and watched 24/7. We want a peaceful resolution and a win-win solution to the ongoing financial war but are prepared for worse.
In any case, the Aum subway gas attack was an experiment by the Nazi faction to see if a manufactured terrorist incident could be used to establish a fascist dictatorship in Japan. The answer turned out to be no.
Now, the senior members of this sect who were recently arrested have also added to the growing body of evidence that it was this same group that was responsible for the 311 tsunami and nuclear terror attacks against Japan in 2011.
This cabal also engineered the Hurricane Katrina weather modification warfare attack on New Orleans to see if Americans could be forced into concentration camps in the event of a “natural disaster.” For those of you who still do not think weather modification warfare is real please search news archives for June 18th to 20th 1975 editions of papers like the Washington Post and New York times and read about the treaty signed then between the Soviet Union and the United States not to attack each other with weather modification and earthquake weapons.
Returning to the documents signed by Presidents Kennedy and Sukarno, these are clearly smoking gun type evidence providing criminally indictable details about the theft of thousands upon thousands of tons of gold (not the millions of tons talked about) by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank.
The reason the Europeans announced for the 19th or 20th time that they had “solved” the European financial crisis and only got a “dead cat bounce” from the market is because they have cried wolf more than once too often.
The fact of the matter is that the BIS is under lockdown and no new funny money based on forged Asian (dragon family etc.) gold certificates is being put into the system. The Europeans (except for the Germans) then realized their “real” economies were mostly non-existent and that their massive “financial services” sectors were largely based on fraud.
All this means is that Europeans will once again go back to the legendary work ethic that made them world dominating powers in the first place. It is like a junkie going cold-turkey, it hurts at first but it is actually benefiting them.
The situation in the US is actually harder to read. It seems that Drake has called for drastic military action to make the US free by July 4th. When the smoke clears we may or may not find out if he succeeded.
The White Dragon Society, for its part, is negotiating with cabalists for a peaceful transition and expects these negotiations to drag on through the summer. However, it may be that less forgiving and more impatient forces will make changes on the ground before these negotiations conclude.
If that is the case, the Asian creditors to the Federal Reserve Board and the European Central Bank will have to negotiate with the new powers on the ground.
Europeans and Americans need to take note and learn from Iceland, debts owed by bankers are not the people’s debts. If the big banks go under, they will not be able to force average citizens to pay their fraudulent debts. In other words, Europeans, Americans and Japanese can be freed from debt slavery.
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